Well-Known Member
I am rarely a lady, but I also don't reach for the smelling salts when I challenge some man and he challenges me back. My big girl panties are firmly in place.![]()
As are mine...
I am rarely a lady, but I also don't reach for the smelling salts when I challenge some man and he challenges me back. My big girl panties are firmly in place.![]()
I am rarely a lady, but I also don't reach for the smelling salts when I challenge some man and he challenges me back. My big girl panties are firmly in place.![]()
Says the person who’s byline states they are brain dead and avatar states “I can’t brain today….I have the dumb”. If you want someone to take you as an intelligent person, don’t let their first impression of you be of a brain dead moron.
Now, you say I should treat Socki and migtig as woman, I am, I am treating them just like they wanted to be treat, a woman who is treated as an equal. Socki threatened me, I merely replied stating the consequences of your actions. Migtig tried to intimidate and bully me with this stupid poll, I treated her in kind. Now, if both want to be treated like a Lady, that’s different, they both first have to act like a lady in order to be treated like one. There is a huge difference between being a woman and being a Lady, I treat woman as equals and Ladies like Ladies. I open door for ladies, say ma’am and am a perfect gentleman around ladies, woman, I treat as just like anyone else, an equal. If an equal threatened me, ran their mouth, was rude, belligerent, etc, they will receive the same treatment that they displayed. What has happened is that those woman acted like woman but what to be treated like Ladies, sorry, that is not going to happen. They want to do whatever they want then hide behind their gender, and when someone doesn’t treats them they think they should be treated they get all butt hurt and act like raving bitches. I merely treated them the same as they treated me and other members of this site, see how they acted, not very Lady like won’t you say.
So you all can go on saying that I threatened them, belittled them, was rude, I merely treated them the way they have treated me and others, I treated them as equals. If they wish to be treated like a Lady, I highly suggest they start acting like one, if not, stop complaining when someone treats equally the way you are treating them and others.
You want to be respected, earn it, for respect is something you earn, not something given just because of your gender. A Lady earns respect by being polite, kind and considerate, a woman does not earn respect just due to the fact that she is of opposite gender.
Bath salts!?The ones that make you want to chew off somebody's face?!
GrossI don't reach for those either.
Not bath salts silly...smelling salts. They taste different.![]()
I've been around the block once or twice. I have only hit one other human being once in my life, in anger. I was drunk at the time. It was a friend and a guy. This is not to say I have never been hit myself. If your a "man" as so many like to point out to people, you should be able to take a hit from a man or a woman. A "real man" WOULD NOT hit a female. If you are such a pussy @## you can't take a hit from anyone regardless of their sex and keep your head about you then I think less of you sir.
That being said, back in my drinking days I do admit to having slapped a woman, open handed, after first being slapped myself. I will not try and make excuses for my past transgression, but I will say I have matured quite a bit since those days. I abhor violence, and any weak @## P#$$#, who has to go around threatening to do violence against a female for any reason just shows his worth, or lack thereof.
I'm not saying I wont stand up. I will not sit idly by while someone perpetrates violence against someone. I hope however I am "MAN" enough to keep my response to what is necessary not what quells my inner anger or revenge. A "man" tempers his emotions and responds not with those, but with the appropriate response to defuse a situation, not to dominate it.
I have only read the first parts of this thread, and I am not directing M2C at anyone in particular. If you read this and think I am directing this at you, you are wrong. I am directing it at the idea of violence against females, and violence in general. If you read this and get all "butt hurt" you need to step back and figure out why my opinion bothers you so personally. You may find you have reason to dislike yourself. If so I would suggest you do some soul searching and either figure out how to forgive yourself, learn and grow, or go out and find someone of a like mind and go kick each others @###$.
Again JM2C
Okay, I'm trying to take you seriously but your gallant rants are less effective when you randomly capitalizing words?
Go commando. Problem solved.My big girl panties are firmly in place.![]()
Obviously………I was not trying to be a lady. .
So, you run around here preaching tolerance but can’t tolerate someone saying things you don’t like.I was trying to get you to shut up.
You replied to my post stating that if I did not STFU, a group of angry women was going to kick my arse, are you not an angry woman and did you not imply that you would be part of that group since you included yourself by replying to my post?I never said that I was going to kick your ass.
That is left to be seen………and I believe the occasions where you have acted like a Lady are as rare as JPC having an intelligent thought/post.I know how to act like a lady and I do.
I have never seen you act like a Lady on this site (I've been lurking this site for 8 years before I joined) and there must be a lot of whining dweebs because you respond to numerous members here the way you have responded to me. Didn't know you were an expert on whining dweeps, but then again, if you are one it's easy to spot others like yourself ain't it.But, I have absolutely no reason to act like a lady when posting to a whining dweeb like you.
While not typically a violent person I feel the desire to punch everyone who posted in this thread because they seemingly need to be punched for different reasons.
While not typically a violent person I feel the desire to punch everyone who posted in this thread because they seemingly need to be punched for different reasons.
Ok...Now you need to go commando!!![]()