Speaking of.... has he posted or do we need to send out a search party?

Speaking of.... has he posted or do we need to send out a search party?
Once a blue moon, I think to myself, "What a shame that I don't know any of the forumites IRL." And then I run across a thread like this and recover my sanity.
And I only made it two pages into this cluster-f.
she made the thread focus on her, that's what's wrong with her.
I heard this... a woman who beats on a man. Man Beater can apply to women who verbally, mentally or physically abuse men to make up for their own weaknesses and insecurities. They usually dont have much going in their lives and it makes them feel better to pick on men to make up for their failures. Vitale is such a man beater. ####ing Scumbag.
(p.s. why does my post appear in all lowercase letters when you quoted it?)
Initials. I was using the Lord's name in vain. (Jesus "effing" Christ.)
I probably should have toned it down & used the lesser known JMJ. (Jesus, Mary & Joseph.)
(p.s. why does my post appear in all lowercase letters when you quoted it?)
You know what, Mamatutu is 100% correct, and the hypocrisy in this thread is just dripping. The following members run around this site preaching tolerance but you are the most intolerant members;
Mamatutu made an innocent post and you jump all over her for no reason other than past transgressions. Here’s a novel idea, why don’t you actually practice what you preach, tolerance, give it a try before getting on your self-righteous high horse and flame some for posting an opinion. Newsflash morons, your opinion is not the only one that counts, nor is it the only one that’s right. It’s amazing that someone who runs around this site claiming to be so tolerant of others is telling others to STFU and to go away.
Socki, you are a true piece of work, I highly suggest you start taking some ginkgo biloba because you seem to forget how you run around this site spraying bullets at everyone but when someone returns fire you get all butt hurt and try to play the victim. You claim your comments were a joke but you did not use aand given the tone of the thread, again, any reasonable person would take your comments as a threat. I’ve called you out on your hypocrisy numerous times and every time you get all butt hurt and whined like a candy ass, if you don’t like, don’t be a hypocritical bitch okay. Now, my personal opinion (since a you like giving yours) is to seek professional help immediately; I’ve seen explosives sitting in 160 degree heat more stable then you. If you are church going people, I’m surprise the church doesn’t burst into flames when you enter for you have forgotten one of the golden rules, he who is without sin may cast the first stone.
Migtig, I’ve asked you at least a few times to produce proof to back up your accusations, you have yet to provide that proof yet you continue to assert that a fallacy, that bitch is slander. You claim to be standing up for someone but from what I’ve seen on this thread, Socki and WR are the last members on this site needing defending. No, you took this opportunity to take a shot at me because of past transgressions in the abortion thread. Now, you posted a poll to stir the pot, have committed several rule violations and are a pathological liar. If there is one person on this site that needs a frontal lobotomy it’s you.
Hank, you’re just a troll, you show up when there’s a chit storm happening and stir the pot some more.
Now, you self-righteous hypocrites can get all butt hurt over some words posted on the internet and are going to let me occupy a space in your mind rent free ask yourself this............. who is the true mental case?
♫Heyyyyyy Macarena.... Ay! ♪
It' been in my head for DAYS
Anyway, smart guy, I'd LOVE to hear what your supposed wife of 26 years would say if she read your posts where you threaten and belittle women, whether they threatened you first or not! Being an old codger that you supposedly are, I'd have thought you would know a thing or two by this point in your life where what you're saying is nasty and threatening, while they just said they'd slap you silly for being a dip####. If you're not a wife beater, your posts sure don't make it seem that way, since they make you seem like you hate women. So again, try looking at what you actually said and maybe you'll notice why people are asking if you're a woman beater. It's not hard if you have half a brain.
Says the person who’s byline states they are brain dead and avatar states “I can’t brain today….I have the dumb”. If you want someone to take you as an intelligent person, don’t let their first impression of you be of a brain dead moron.
Now, you say I should treat Socki and migtig as woman, I am, I am treating them just like they wanted to be treat, a woman who is treated as an equal. Socki threatened me, I merely replied stating the consequences of your actions. Migtig tried to intimidate and bully me with this stupid poll, I treated her in kind. Now, if both want to be treated like a Lady, that’s different, they both first have to act like a lady in order to be treated like one. There is a huge difference between being a woman and being a Lady, I treat woman as equals and Ladies like Ladies. I open door for ladies, say ma’am and am a perfect gentleman around ladies, woman, I treat as just like anyone else, an equal. If an equal threatened me, ran their mouth, was rude, belligerent, etc, they will receive the same treatment that they displayed. What has happened is that those woman acted like woman but what to be treated like Ladies, sorry, that is not going to happen. They want to do whatever they want then hide behind their gender, and when someone doesn’t treats them they think they should be treated they get all butt hurt and act like raving bitches. I merely treated them the same as they treated me and other members of this site, see how they acted, not very Lady like won’t you say.
So you all can go on saying that I threatened them, belittled them, was rude, I merely treated them the way they have treated me and others, I treated them as equals. If they wish to be treated like a Lady, I highly suggest they start acting like one, if not, stop complaining when someone treats equally the way you are treating them and others.
You want to be respected, earn it, for respect is something you earn, not something given just because of your gender. A Lady earns respect by being polite, kind and considerate, a woman does not earn respect just due to the fact that she is of opposite gender.
Socki did not threaten your candy ass. God, you need to grow a set...
A great example of unladylike behavior.![]()
Socki did not threaten your candy ass. God, you need to grow a set...
Originally Posted by GW8345
Now that's not very nice is it.
And please explain to me why I should "STFU".
Because it's so much easier than getting your ass kicked by angry women.
Now Socki, that’s not very Lady like is it?coffee:
Are you telling me that you can’t even discern a threat when you make one?
Wow, you can’t discern a real news story, a threat when you make one or even act like a Lady, do we need to put a little “L” and “R” on your shoes for you?
Because you're always a lady?