Do you believe the hype?

Do you believe the hype about the dire situation the earth is in?

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Bookseller Lady
Global Warming aside, I never thought spewing all this stuff into the air and water is healthy.

Never been a fan of wasting resources (aye my Scottish genes show themselves).

Plus our supply of oil is limited and much is in the hands of people I'd rather not deal with.


Lem Putt
As much as you break wind, you are probably responsible for the majority of the ozone depletion.

Methane is 15 times more effective as a global warming agent than CO2. Since we know that Geek farts at least as much as she breathes, that means she is 15 times as responsible for global warming.


New Member
As much as you break wind, you are probably responsible for the majority of the ozone depletion.

When the world ends
Collect your things
Youre coming with me
When the world ends
You tuckle up yourself with me
Watch it as the stars disappear to nothing
The day the world is over
Well be lying in bed

Im gonna rock you like a baby when the cities fall
We will rise as the buildings crumble
Float there and watch it all
Amidst the burning, well be churning
You know, love will be our wings
The passion rises up from the ashes
When the world ends



New Member
Methane is 15 times more effective as a global warming agent than CO2. Since we know that Geek farts at least as much as she breathes, that means she is 15 times as responsible for global warming.

I had a filter installed in my thong for just this reason.

Chainsaw Slayer

New Member
Who cares what condition the earth is in. I'm sure it will last for the duration of my life. If earth melts in 200 years I won't care.


Harley Rider
Yes, the earth is in a warming trend.
Will a fractional reduction in the amount of Co2 generated by humans slow this?
We currently add slightly more than 3% of the total added to the air in a year. If we cut human generated emissions in half (50%) it wouldn't make much difference. Most initiatives propose a 1-5% reduction in human emissions. A 5% reduction at great expense to you and I would net a 0.15% reduction in the world total.

Are polar bears dying due to global warming?
Seems doubtful since there are twice as many as there were in the 60's.

Does the earth cool and warm in cycles?
Since there have been several Ice Ages in the past, it would appear so.

Is "Global Warming" being used as a means to raise taxes and promote social engineering by the folks that are so much smarter and know what's better for us?
Gotta say yes.
That was a perfect statement APS! From a worldly standpoint, all one has to do is look at history and see that we go through this in cycles. The earth's temperatures are sometimes warmer year round then they are colder year round. Then we have normal seasons for many years after that. IT ISN'T GLOBAL WARMING! It is the earth compensating itself for changing conditions. We need to look at past weather conditions and learn from them. AL GORE DIDN'T and has sent the world into another Y2K panic! LOSER! It is, as APS said, "a means to raise taxes and promote social engineering by the folks that are so much smarter and know what's better for us". They should be fined for this but instead they will be rewarded. I agree that we should recycle and conserve whenever possible, but the earth wasn't created through evolution so we can rest assured that it is self sufficient.
From a godly viewpoint, God isn't going to let the earth "shut down". He already knew that there would be billions of people here someday and He knew that they would try to empty the waters of it's "cleaning agents" (crabs, oysters, etc.), and that the air would be less clean when cars & factories were invented. The earth has animals and ecological features that take care of it. It won't end because of pollution, or the sun burning out or anything that man could possibly do to it. It will end someday after evil men try to dominate the world (as Islam is trying to do). They will not hurt the earth. God Himself will destroy it when He is ready to and no one can change that SO HAVE FAITH IN GOD because the end will come after that. So, no, I don't believe the hype, ESPECIALLY when it comes from the cause of global warming; Al Gore's mouth!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm more concerned about the increasing number of shark attacks. Sharks are getting hungrier and hungrier, and if people stop going in the ocean to feed them, they'll come up on land and eat everything in their path.

I know this is true because I seen it on the TV.
I'm more concerned about the increasing number of shark attacks. Sharks are getting hungrier and hungrier, and if people stop going in the ocean to feed them, they'll come up on land and eat everything in their path.

I know this is true because I seen it on the TV.
Music: "Jaws Theme" ]

[ open on interior, apartment ]

[ doorbell sounds ]

Woman #1: [ moves to chain-locked door ] Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Ramilarghh??

Woman #1: Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Plumber..

Woman #1: Plumber? I didn't ask for a plumber. Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Telegram.

Woman #1: Oh. Telegram. Just a moment.

[ unlocks door, and opens it. The head of the shark appears, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the hallway as she screams. ]

[ SUPER: "Jaws II" ]

[ dissolve to Sheriff's Office, Sheriff and Matt Hooper looking over a three-foot long metal tub covered with a white cloth ]

Matt Hooper: [ looks under cloth and winces ] Oh, my God!

Sheriff: What was it?

Matt Hooper: Land shark. The cleverest species of them all.


[ dissolve to Woman #2 in her apartment ]

[ Music: "Jaws Theme ]

[ a knock at the door ]

Woman #2: [ appoaches the door ] Yes?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Arlsbergerhh??

Woman #2: Who?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Johnannesburrrr??

Woman #2: Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Flowers.

Woman #2: Flowers? From whom?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Plumber, ma'am..

Woman #2: I don't need a plumber. You're that clever shark, aren't you?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Candygram.

Woman #2: Candygram, my foot! Get out of here before I call the proper authorities. You're the shark, and you know it.

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] I'm only a dolphin, ma'am..

Woman #2: A dolphin? Well.. okay..

[ she opens the door, as the shark pulls her screaming into the hallway ]

[ dissolve to Sheriff's Office, Matt Hooper lifts up cloth napkin covering plate, then winces and looks away ]

Sheriff: What is it?

Matt Hooper: Egg salad again. [ removes sandwich from under napkin, and takes a bite ]

[ dissolve to Woman #3 in her apartment, Woman #2 putting on make-up to go out ]

[ door buzzes ]

Woman #3: Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Land Shark.

Woman #3: [ laughing ] Oh, Walter!

[ she opens door laughing, but is attacked and dragged into the hall by the Land Shark ]

[ dissolve to Sheriff's Office, Sheriff on phone looking horrified into another rtub covered with cloth ]

Sheriff: [ on phone ] Hello, Walter. I have some good news, and I have some bad news. First, the good news. There's a party tonight at my house. Now, the bad news: you'll be coming stag. Goodbye, Walter..

[ dissolve to Woman #4 in apartment, listening to the radio ]

Radio: ...considered the cleverest of all sharks. Unlike the great white, which tends to inhabit the waters of harbors and recreational beach areas, the Land Shark may strike at any place, any time. It is capable of disguising its voice, and generally preys on young, single women. Experts at the University of Miami's Oceanographic Institute suggest that the best way to scare off the shark in the event of an attack is to hit or punch the predator in the Nose. Now for the weather..

Woman #4: [ turns off radio, as the doorbell rings ] Who is it?

Muffled Voice: Sorry to disturb you, ma'am. I'm from the Jehovah's Witnesses, and thought you might be interested in a copy of our journal, "The Watchtower".

Woman #4: [ grabs a mallet and inches towards the door ] Why, I'd be very interested..

Muffled Voice: Would you mind opening the door, ma'am?

Woman #4: Certainly.

[ she unlocks the door a crack, and reaches out with the mallet to strike the Land Shark's head. Instead of the shark, a Jehovah's Witness stumbles into the apartment and drops onto the floor in front of her. ]

[ SUPER: "The End?" ]

[ fade ]


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Music: "Jaws Theme" ]

[ open on interior, apartment ]

[ doorbell sounds ]

Woman #1: [ moves to chain-locked door ] Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Ramilarghh??

Woman #1: Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Plumber..

Woman #1: Plumber? I didn't ask for a plumber. Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Telegram.

Woman #1: Oh. Telegram. Just a moment.

[ unlocks door, and opens it. The head of the shark appears, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the hallway as she screams. ]

[ SUPER: "Jaws II" ]

[ dissolve to Sheriff's Office, Sheriff and Matt Hooper looking over a three-foot long metal tub covered with a white cloth ]

Matt Hooper: [ looks under cloth and winces ] Oh, my God!

Sheriff: What was it?

Matt Hooper: Land shark. The cleverest species of them all.


[ dissolve to Woman #2 in her apartment ]

[ Music: "Jaws Theme ]

[ a knock at the door ]

Woman #2: [ appoaches the door ] Yes?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Arlsbergerhh??

Woman #2: Who?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Johnannesburrrr??

Woman #2: Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Flowers.

Woman #2: Flowers? From whom?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Plumber, ma'am..

Woman #2: I don't need a plumber. You're that clever shark, aren't you?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Candygram.

Woman #2: Candygram, my foot! Get out of here before I call the proper authorities. You're the shark, and you know it.

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] I'm only a dolphin, ma'am..

Woman #2: A dolphin? Well.. okay..

[ she opens the door, as the shark pulls her screaming into the hallway ]

[ dissolve to Sheriff's Office, Matt Hooper lifts up cloth napkin covering plate, then winces and looks away ]

Sheriff: What is it?

Matt Hooper: Egg salad again. [ removes sandwich from under napkin, and takes a bite ]

[ dissolve to Woman #3 in her apartment, Woman #2 putting on make-up to go out ]

[ door buzzes ]

Woman #3: Who is it?

Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Land Shark.

Woman #3: [ laughing ] Oh, Walter!

[ she opens door laughing, but is attacked and dragged into the hall by the Land Shark ]

[ dissolve to Sheriff's Office, Sheriff on phone looking horrified into another rtub covered with cloth ]

Sheriff: [ on phone ] Hello, Walter. I have some good news, and I have some bad news. First, the good news. There's a party tonight at my house. Now, the bad news: you'll be coming stag. Goodbye, Walter..

[ dissolve to Woman #4 in apartment, listening to the radio ]

Radio: ...considered the cleverest of all sharks. Unlike the great white, which tends to inhabit the waters of harbors and recreational beach areas, the Land Shark may strike at any place, any time. It is capable of disguising its voice, and generally preys on young, single women. Experts at the University of Miami's Oceanographic Institute suggest that the best way to scare off the shark in the event of an attack is to hit or punch the predator in the Nose. Now for the weather..

Woman #4: [ turns off radio, as the doorbell rings ] Who is it?

Muffled Voice: Sorry to disturb you, ma'am. I'm from the Jehovah's Witnesses, and thought you might be interested in a copy of our journal, "The Watchtower".

Woman #4: [ grabs a mallet and inches towards the door ] Why, I'd be very interested..

Muffled Voice: Would you mind opening the door, ma'am?

Woman #4: Certainly.

[ she unlocks the door a crack, and reaches out with the mallet to strike the Land Shark's head. Instead of the shark, a Jehovah's Witness stumbles into the apartment and drops onto the floor in front of her. ]

[ SUPER: "The End?" ]

[ fade ]



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Music: "Jaws Theme" ]

Scary, isn't it? :jameo:

But I understand that sharks love banana-bran muffins more than anything in the world, so I think I'll keep a supply on hand for them. Like, they'll come and try to eat me, and I'll toss a banana-bran muffin and they'll go after that instead while i run the other way. :yay:


New Member
If what i heard is true the entire solar system is heating up. We may have a small effect but i don't thinks its measurable


For me it would take something that will convince me how a planet that has been here for 5 billion years, has suffered countless meteor strikes, has seen billions of solar flares, has survived through ice ages, magnetic pole shifts, has changed its face continuously through plate techtonics, and has sat in relative proximity to a yellow-orange main sequence dwarf star for the past 5 billion years, and yet is so delicate that it will succumb to its own product within a single century's time.

The amount of RF and man made toxins were not on the planet that long. This is a different world now. The population is higher, waste is higher. Everything will not be the same the next 5 billion years.


The Hollow Men


We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Remember us — if at all — not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.


Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
In death’s dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind’s singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.

Let me be no nearer
In death’s dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat’s coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer –

Not that final meeting
In the twilight kingdom


This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man’s hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.

Is it like this
In death’s other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.


The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms

In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river

Sightless, unless
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death’s twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.


Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o’clock in the morning.

Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow

For Thine is the Kingdom

Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow

Life is very long

Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom

For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

—T.S. Eliot, "The Hollow Men" (1925)


New Member
I'm more concerned about the increasing number of shark attacks. Sharks are getting hungrier and hungrier, and if people stop going in the ocean to feed them, they'll come up on land and eat everything in their path.

I know this is true because I heard Al Gore said it.