Do you like Palin?

Do you like Sarah Palin as McCain's VP choice?

  • Yes, she's great.

    Votes: 135 79.9%
  • No, I think McCain should have picked someone else

    Votes: 30 17.8%
  • No, I am a Obama supporter and am afraid she'll win so I need to post for stupid info about her.

    Votes: 4 2.4%

  • Total voters


Highlander's MPD
Do you like McCain's choice for VP?

Poll question 3 should have the word "more" not "for." I don't know where that came from.
Last edited:


New Member
YES and counting down the hours until she speaks......I haven't been this pumped up over a campaign in YEARS!


Luvin Life !!!
Where is the option for " I have no clue who she is, and could care less , I will make my choice for a president and not their sidekick"

Does anyone really care who the VP is? What do they really do anyway?"


Highlander's MPD
Where is the option for " I have no clue who she is, and could care less , I will make my choice for a president and not their sidekick"

Does anyone really care who the VP is? What do they really do anyway?"

For the most part, I agree. It's just fun to watch the Dems freak out about her. Heck, we haven't seen much posted about Husssain Obamies pick. I can't even remember his name. Then again, when he was annouced he made an azz out of himself. He made himself look bad and didn't need to dig up stupid stuff againt him. The story about Palin fishing without a license takes the cake! ROFLMAO!


My 401K is now a 201K
Where is the option for " I have no clue who she is, and could care less , I will make my choice for a president and not their sidekick"

Does anyone really care who the VP is? What do they really do anyway?"

The VP is next in charge. It matters. But what really matters beyond all that 'chain of command' stuff, is the 'team' that surrounds them. Neither the President nor the VP can get anything done on their own. The 'team' makes #### happen, not one person, so it would behoove you to look at the 'team' if you really want to make a difference with your vote.

Folks like you scare me. The reason I say that, is that you obviously aren't taking the election seriously if you don't educate yourself on the candidates & where they stand on issues in America. Go McCain & Palin.
Country First.

In case you're curious:
Current line of succession:
Vice President
Speaker of the House of Representatives
President of the Senate "pro tempore"
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Homeland Security

Note: To fill the slot, they must be a natural-born citizen, among other requirements
Needs another option:
WAY too soon to make an intelligent decision.

On the surface and from the brief exposure we've seen, she is impressive. Would I like her after I got to understand her strategies? :shrug: Maybe not.


New Member
I like her.

Personally, I wish McCain and Biden were out of the picture and it were an Obama-Palin ticket.

Either way, change will happen and history will be made.


New Member
No. I don't like her. And McCain's VP choice does matter. Yes, it's a team. The president doesn't make all of the decisions himself--while I make my choice primarily on who's heading the ticket, the people that the president surrounds himself with do make a difference. So with the VP choice, even though it's not likely, I also have to think about the significance of the "what if." What if Sarah Palin became president because something happened to McCain? The thought is scary. She's vastly under-qualified. That's what scares me most. When you think about it from the perspective of Sarah Palin as president, she doesn't look so great. She has less than 2 years experience as a governor in a state who's government isn't exactly squeaky clean (not that any branch or office of the gov't. is without corruption, but you get what I mean) and just a few months ago she didn't have any clue exactly what the job of VP entailed. And honestly, as a woman, the whole thing smacks of tokenism to me and pretty much just pisses me off. Why else would McCain pick someone with so few credentials? Would he have picked such an under-qualified man? Or did he just add a good-looking woman to his ticket to try and score a few more votes?

Oh well. I guess there's always the third-party vote...


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Where is the option for " I have no clue who she is, and could care less , I will make my choice for a president and not their sidekick"

Does anyone really care who the VP is? What do they really do anyway?"

*ugh* I really really really really really really did not want the election to take place with the current canidates running. So much so, that I probably would not have been inclined to vote, that is until McCain announced his VP running mate.

In some sense, I guess people may down play the potential duties of the VP and really aren't aware of the actual ones. Most political figures become the butt of jokes, regardless.

In this election, we may now have some hope. And it can go either way regarding a push that may have been needed for Dems and Repulicans alike.

I am now hopeful and will now vote, assuming Palin will accept tonight :lol:, as I feel a greater strength may work towards getting this country's act together. I feel safer. It will make a stronger team. Until I hear more from her, I have hope that she would step in admirably should anything happen to candidate McCain should he win presidency.

Who knows, though? At one point in time, I thought Perot was on to something! :lmao:


Luvin Life !!!
The VP is next in charge. It matters. But what really matters beyond all that 'chain of command' stuff, is the 'team' that surrounds them. Neither the President nor the VP can get anything done on their own. The 'team' makes #### happen, not one person, so it would behoove you to look at the 'team' if you really want to make a difference with your vote.

Folks like you scare me. The reason I say that, is that you obviously aren't taking the election seriously if you don't educate yourself on the candidates & where they stand on issues in America. Go McCain & Palin.
Country First.

In case you're curious:
Current line of succession:
Vice President
Speaker of the House of Representatives
President of the Senate "pro tempore"
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Homeland Security

Note: To fill the slot, they must be a natural-born citizen, among other requirements

Thanks for your post, and forgive my outlook, but I cannot think of one thing that any president has done that has made my life better. I work, I pay, they lie, I vote and then I realize they are just as effed up as the rest of us.

We continue to spiral even further and further towards the Big Brother way of life. How can I be a free American when over one third of what I make each and every week pays towards a system that clearly does not work?

I am jaded and bitter, yes and I am honestly just hoping that someone, anyone has enough of a vision to not be an azzkisser the moment they are elected. We all want change but yet we all still travel down the same old broken road.


I am now hopeful and will now vote, assuming Palin will accept tonight :lol:, as I feel a greater strength may work towards getting this country's act together. I feel safer. It will make a stronger team. Until I hear more from her, I have hope that she would step in admirably should anything happen to candidate McCain should he win presidency.

Who knows, though? At one point in time, I thought Perot was on to something! :lmao:

The last time I gave a crap about voting or who won the election, it was Ross Perot, and he dropped out. I may have or may not have voted that year. It didn't matter. The following elections left me cold.

Sarah, on the other hand, will find me at the voting booth.


Luvin Life !!!
The last time I gave a crap about voting or who won the election, it was Ross Perot, and he dropped out. I may have or may not have voted that year. It didn't matter. The following elections left me cold.

Sarah, on the other hand, will find me at the voting booth.

And your post and the emotions of so many women in this world will be exactly the reason McCain gets elected and let me assure you he knows it.

Now we will just wait for him to drop from old age and we will finally be in charge,::yahoo:


And your post and the emotions of so many women in this world will be exactly the reason McCain gets elected and let me assure you he knows it.

Now we will just wait for him to drop from old age and we will finally be in charge,::yahoo:

Exactly. :yay:


b*tch rocket
And your post and the emotions of so many women in this world will be exactly the reason McCain gets elected and let me assure you he knows it.

Now we will just wait for him to drop from old age and we will finally be in charge,::yahoo:

I'm not voting for Palin because she's a woman. I'm voting for her because she is the only candidate in my lifetime that I feel is even close to your normal, average, American. I'm a supporter of everything she stands for and has done while in public office. :yay:


Dancing Up A Storm
Sarah Palin seems to me - an honest, ethical and well spoken person.

What's wrong with that? Plus, she's got more experience than Obama does. :yay:


I'm not voting for Palin because she's a woman. I'm voting for her because she is the only candidate in my lifetime that I feel is even close to your normal, average, American. I'm a supporter of everything she stands for and has done while in public office. :yay:

Exactly. :yay:

(you said it better than I could)


Luvin Life !!!
I'm not voting for Palin because she's a woman. I'm voting for her because she is the only candidate in my lifetime that I feel is even close to your normal, average, American. I'm a supporter of everything she stands for and has done while in public office. :yay:

Ahh, but you said voting for her. Do you also gather the same feelings from McCain? I honestly feel very excited that one way or the other we will all witness in our lifetimes for the very first time an event that will mark history forever.


Pitty Party
Do you like McCain's choice for VP?

Poll question 3 should have the word "more" not "for." I don't know where that came from.

You for sure are a :dork: for starting yet another Palin thread! :smack:

Read and add on to the existing ones. Wtf?