Do you like Palin?

Do you like Sarah Palin as McCain's VP choice?

  • Yes, she's great.

    Votes: 135 79.9%
  • No, I think McCain should have picked someone else

    Votes: 30 17.8%
  • No, I am a Obama supporter and am afraid she'll win so I need to post for stupid info about her.

    Votes: 4 2.4%

  • Total voters


Dancing Up A Storm
....In my Voting Lifetime, She is the closest match to a candidate our founding fathers would have approved of! They intended a Government OF the PEOPLE by THE PEOPLE..... not professional, career polititians and fat cats! Shes a breath of fresh air!!!!!!

Can't argue with that. :yay:

However, nonno, forestool, and kerad aren't finished, just yet. :bigwhoop:


Ubi bene ibi patria
Stewie Griffin

Thank you.

However, please notice my avatar; is that a male or a female? :yay:

“ There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just I want her not to be alive anymore. Ah, I sometimes wonder if all women are this difficult, and then I think to myself: My God, wouldn't it be marvelous if I turned out to be a homosexual?" (Stewie Griffin)


Obama destroyed America
No. I don't like her. And McCain's VP choice does matter. Yes, it's a team. The president doesn't make all of the decisions himself--while I make my choice primarily on who's heading the ticket, the people that the president surrounds himself with do make a difference. So with the VP choice, even though it's not likely, I also have to think about the significance of the "what if." What if Sarah Palin became president because something happened to McCain? The thought is scary. She's vastly under-qualified. That's what scares me most. When you think about it from the perspective of Sarah Palin as president, she doesn't look so great. She has less than 2 years experience as a governor in a state who's government isn't exactly squeaky clean (not that any branch or office of the gov't. is without corruption, but you get what I mean) and just a few months ago she didn't have any clue exactly what the job of VP entailed. And honestly, as a woman, the whole thing smacks of tokenism to me and pretty much just pisses me off. Why else would McCain pick someone with so few credentials? Would he have picked such an under-qualified man? Or did he just add a good-looking woman to his ticket to try and score a few more votes?

Oh well. I guess there's always the third-party vote...
Why don't you like her?

She has more experience and qualifications than Barak Hussein Obama. You know, the democratic PRESIDENTIAL candidate.


New Member
Why don't you like her?

She has more experience and qualifications than Barak Hussein Obama. You know, the democratic PRESIDENTIAL candidate.

While she was pumping out kids and sinking her city into debt, he was teaching constitutional law. Why are republicans so afraid of that damn piece of paper?


Well-Known Member
While she was pumping out kids and sinking her city into debt, he was teaching constitutional law. Why are republicans so afraid of that damn piece of paper?
"Pumping out kids"? Sounds just a wee bit sexist, doesn't it?

Obama was teaching constitutional law AND working as an associate in a law firm on affirmative action items. While she was running a city as either a city councilman or mayor, he was getting churches to work together for their people (his few months as an organizer). He then broke a promise to a fellow Dem, legally but immorally pushed her out of her state senate seat, and failed to be able to make around 130 decisions (by voting "Present" instead of taking a position). After getting his ass handed to him in a Congressional run (where, suprisingly, one of the issues was his lack of accomplishing anything as a state senator), he walked into a non-race for Senate. There, he's accomplished getting a post office named, and missing the majority of his votes (again) - in a Congress with single digit approval ratings.

Meanwhile, Sarah was making decisions as a state governor - fighting corruption, both signing and vetoing laws, etc. See, an executive doesn't get to vote "present", they have to make decisions. And, she did this with around an 80% approval rating. Barry hasn't proven he can do that yet - quite the opposite, actually.

So, you were saying?


While she was pumping out kids and sinking her city into debt, he was teaching constitutional law. Why are republicans so afraid of that damn piece of paper?

Pumping out kids? :killingme I am rather fond of that damn piece of paper. It does not authorize social programs, interference with business and strictly limits the role of the federal government. I vote we go back to strict adherence to the constitution.


Well-Known Member
Pumping out kids? :killingme I am rather fond of that damn piece of paper. It does not authorize social programs, interference with business and strictly limits the role of the federal government. I vote we go back to strict adherence to the constitution.
Pete for Attorney General!!


New Member
"Pumping out kids"? Sounds just a wee bit sexist, doesn't it?

Obama was teaching constitutional law AND working as an associate in a law firm on affirmative action items. While she was running a city as either a city councilman or mayor, he was getting churches to work together for their people (his few months as an organizer). He then broke a promise to a fellow Dem, legally but immorally pushed her out of her state senate seat, and failed to be able to make around 130 decisions (by voting "Present" instead of taking a position). After getting his ass handed to him in a Congressional run (where, suprisingly, one of the issues was his lack of accomplishing anything as a state senator), he walked into a non-race for Senate. There, he's accomplished getting a post office named, and missing the majority of his votes (again) - in a Congress with single digit approval ratings.

Meanwhile, Sarah was making decisions as a state governor - fighting corruption, both signing and vetoing laws, etc. See, an executive doesn't get to vote "present", they have to make decisions. And, she did this with around an 80% approval rating. Barry hasn't proven he can do that yet - quite the opposite, actually.

So, you were saying?

Link to the info on the stolen senate seat, voting record and reference please.


Well-Known Member
Link to the info on the stolen senate seat,
Chicago Tribune, see also the CNN special "Obama Revealed", or read CNN's account of the situation (I'd link other sites, but I bet you'd find them "biased"
voting record
Here's one from the Internation Herald Tribune, or the NYT - both on the "present" votes. As far as his Senate voting record, I'll apologize and state that I was wrong. He hasn't missed "the majority", as I stated. It's only 45.5% of his current job's votes. Of course, when he did decide to vote, he voted with Bush 40% (2007) and 49% (2006) of the time. Maybe that's why he doesn't vote much


Obama destroyed America
While she was pumping out kids and sinking her city into debt, he was teaching constitutional law. Why are republicans so afraid of that damn piece of paper?
1. I am afraid of nothing that is Barak Hussein Obama.
2. Since you have proven your ignorance, I will use your beloved DU as a source to show that his teaching meant nothing. BTW, the Supreme Court is the final authority on the Constitution, not a POTUS or VPOTUS.
3. And I ascert my TRUE statement again.
She has more experience and qualifications than Barak Hussein Obama. You know, the democratic PRESIDENTIAL candidate.

His publications page lists his two autobiographical books, but no academic work of any sort, much less any academic writings on constitutional law. Now, given his relatively strong academic credentials and the extent of affirmative action in academic hiring, if Obama had written articles about, well, pretty much anything, he would undoubtedly have been able to get hired at an elite law school in a tenure-track position. But he didn't.

Barack Obama may well know a lot more about constitutional law than the average person, or even the average lawyer. But he is not a Professor of Constitutional Law. Nor is he an assistant professor or associate professor. At most, he's an "adjunct professor," which is not the same thing at all.
Barack Obama Is Not a Constitutional Law Professor - Democratic Underground


New Member
Where is the option for " I have no clue who she is, and could care less , I will make my choice for a president and not their sidekick"

Does anyone really care who the VP is? What do they really do anyway?"

Well one good reason to look at the VP nom is God forbid something happens to the prez, she would be next in line. Not to mention when their term is up she may decide to run for prez herself.


New Member
1. I am afraid of nothing that is Barak Hussein Obama.
2. Since you have proven your ignorance, I will use your beloved DU as a source to show that his teaching meant nothing. BTW, the Supreme Court is the final authority on the Constitution, not a POTUS or VPOTUS.
3. And I ascert my TRUE statement again.
She has more experience and qualifications than Barak Hussein Obama. You know, the democratic PRESIDENTIAL candidate.

<a href=""><img src="" width=177 height=119 border=0></a><br><a href="" target=_blank></a>


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
What troubles me the most about this issue is the double standard employed by the media and the talking heads. I think this video clip illustrates it best...
