camily said:Thanks. It's true though. People assume you do nothing. WTH? Do they think theres a laundry/pick kids up when sick/24hr. nurse/chef/maid/caregiver/be there when I need you no mater what fairy? I am actually now embarrassed to say i work outside of the home. I feel as though I am neglecting in some way. I only work mon.-wed. 9-1 and Fri. 9-12 an still feel guilty. For me personally, I feel it is my JOB to be a mother. End of story. Not that you can't when you work, as I am figuring out, but I hate it. I DO however, enjoy the "acknowledgement" and personal satisfaction I get working, but dam, I miss my baby.
Never feel guilty for working inside or outside of the home. Both ways can be worked out, with children or without.
If you raise good children with values, you can be proud. If you raise children who have none, then you can feel guilty, or blame it on society. I say don't spare the rod. We can't beat our children anymore ( I still will smack mine if the situation warrants it) but we can certainly take away all they hold sacred. (computers, games and toys...sad, isn't it?)
Enjoy today and all it has to bring instead of worrying about it. Those traits will be passed on to your children.