itsbob said:I disagree that this is always the BEST situation.. Mom's need time away from their kids, and a job, even part time is a break. Babies don't need mom around 24 hours a day, and mom's definetly don't need babies around 24 hours, they both need a break, and I think being home alone with mom actually hurts the babies development, and definetly does nothing for their social development.
So maybe there is some positives to being a stay at home mom, but I think NOBODY ever talks about the positives of NOT being a stay at home mom, nor the benefites of daycare.
Just like the breastfeeding nazi's and breastfeeding, daycare is supposed to be BAD, no matter what, it's always BAD..![]()
Goobergrl6 said:I hate all the people that say they wish they could stay home but can not afford to have a parent stay home with their kids. Look no one MADE you buy the $375,000 house you can barely afford, the 2 new cars and all the things you bought with CC's. Their are choices you make in your life and you chose to have the material stuff matter more. Yeah I have a nice car and we have nice things but they are things we can afford on ONE salery because that is what is important to US! Granted, people have different priorities but don't whine to me that I am ohhhh so lucky to be able to stay home when you made choices that made you not be able to stay home and we made choices that allowed me to stay home!
i personally have no desire to get a job, ever. Even before we had kids I was a SAHW most of the time. I just enjoyed being home to take care of everything and my husband enjoyed having me at home. He travels and we like to be able to go with him when we want and meet him for lunch whenever. That is time we spend together that we would loose if I went to work. To me being with my family is MUCH more important then how big my house is!
No lie... I typed up a few responses, but thought better of posting them for the sake of her kids... I didn't want to be the one pushing her over the edge...Christy said:Ooh snap. You sound a little angry.![]()
Intertesting. When I read her post I immediately thought "now there's a lazy woman who won't get a job who's making lame excuses for her disinterest in earning her keep".Christy said:Ooh snap. You sound a little angry.![]()
BadGirl said:Intertesting. When I read her post I immediately thought "now there's a lazy woman who won't get a job who's making lame excuses for her disinterest in earning her keep".
Goobergrl6 said:I hate all the people that say they wish they could stay home but can not afford to have a parent stay home with their kids. Look no one MADE you buy the $375,000 house you can barely afford, the 2 new cars and all the things you bought with CC's. Their are choices you make in your life and you chose to have the material stuff matter more. Yeah I have a nice car and we have nice things but they are things we can afford on ONE salery because that is what is important to US! Granted, people have different priorities but don't whine to me that I am ohhhh so lucky to be able to stay home when you made choices that made you not be able to stay home and we made choices that allowed me to stay home!
i personally have no desire to get a job, ever. Even before we had kids I was a SAHW most of the time. I just enjoyed being home to take care of everything and my husband enjoyed having me at home. He travels and we like to be able to go with him when we want and meet him for lunch whenever. That is time we spend together that we would loose if I went to work. To me being with my family is MUCH more important then how big my house is!
Cowgirl said:Sorry, but I would feel useless if I was a stay at home wife....
Christy said:Not me. I would feel friggin fantastic! I wish I could, but we just can't afford it.![]()
Christy said:Dayum woman, you're all full of pee and vinegar today aren't you?![]()
Cowgirl said:Wouldn't you get bored? I love having a few days off work, but eventually I start feeling lazy and need something to do! Besides, what would you tell people when they ask what you do?
Wenchy said:Family and friends are always amazed. I was a workaholic before I retired, and I get questioned frequently. What it boils down to, is they are envious in a way that I have been able to cut back on "luxuries" yet still have all of my "needs" met. I don't need to get a paycheck to feel worthy. (Mom still wants to know when I will move to a larger home...I think she has Alzheimer's, because she makes me keep repeating myself to the same stupid question)
I am a voracious reader, and I love to cook. I am no longer stressed about anything.
I was lucky enough to retire while I still have children at home, and I brought them up to take care of themselves. The 10 year old is now in charge of folding the clothes, changing the litter box, emptying the dishwasher, and taking out the trash. He is also learning how to cook. I only see that as doing him and others a service in the future.
My daughter has NO CLUE how to cook, despite my efforts to teach her. She will probably be on a cafeteria meal plan for the rest of her life. Somehow that fits, since she wants to teach and further her education until she croaks, but she will always know how to keep a clean home. Straight A's in school, and she can only boil water (ramen forever!)
I haven't been bored for a single moment since I quit working. Life is rich and full with/without children.
One of my cats is walking across the keyboard now. Yes, life is rich.![]()
That really pisses me off. I was a stay at home mom forever until recently. I did pleanty!! Number one is that I was always accessible. No worries of "asking" someone if I could get my kid etc. I cleaned, cooked, ran errands, laundry, and had the freedom to plan my day accordingly. I also was able to plan doctors visits for Celie whenever. If you are a real SAHM, there are MANY things to keep you busy. To make the assumption that you do nothing is extremely offensive. Don't take this personally. I just hate it when people make that assumption. When people asked me what I did, I was exremely proud to say I was a SAHM. I was a MOTHER!!!! Fulltime.Cowgirl said:Wouldn't you get bored? I love having a few days off work, but eventually I start feeling lazy and need something to do! Besides, what would you tell people when they ask what you do?
camily said:That really pisses me off. I was a stay at home mom forever until recently. I did pleanty!! Number one is that I was always accessible. No worries of "asking" someone if I could get my kid etc. I cleaned, cooked, ran errands, laundry, and had the freedom to plan my day accordingly. I also was able to plan doctors visits for Celie whenever. If you are a real SAHM, there are MANY things to keep you busy. To make the assumption that you do nothing is extremely offensive. Don't take this personally. I just hate it when people make that assumption. When people asked me what I did, I was exremely proud to say I was a SAHM. I was a MOTHER!!!! Fulltime.
Christy said:Ooh snap. You sound a little angry.![]()
BadGirl said:Intertesting. When I read her post I immediately thought "now there's a lazy woman who won't get a job who's making lame excuses for her disinterest in earning her keep".
Thanks. It's true though. People assume you do nothing. WTH? Do they think theres a laundry/pick kids up when sick/24hr. nurse/chef/maid/caregiver/be there when I need you no mater what fairy? I am actually now embarrassed to say i work outside of the home. I feel as though I am neglecting in some way. I only work mon.-wed. 9-1 and Fri. 9-12 an still feel guilty. For me personally, I feel it is my JOB to be a mother. End of story. Not that you can't when you work, as I am figuring out, but I hate it. I DO however, enjoy the "acknowledgement" and personal satisfaction I get working, but dam, I miss my baby.Geek said: