Dockworkers strike


PREMO Member
Mafia Thug



Power with Control
He's not wrong....

Joe Biden won't get involved because he "doesn't believe in" the Taft-Hartley Act, a federal law btw, which restricts the power of labor unions. :lmao:

I can't wait until these ****ing Democrats are out of office. They suck so bad at governing.

"Nobody does"

That's because nobody understands kneecapping someone who cant fight back better than the Mafia.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mafia Thug

I rarely read your threads because they're always this string of Twitter posts and replies etc etc that is impossible to follow. Even in other threads when you start bombing them with dozens of Twitter strings I stop reading.

I'm not trying to be a bitch but it would be helpful if you'd stop doing that.


PREMO Member
string of Twitter posts and replies etc etc that is impossible to follow.

Yeah that is a problem with Twitter and quote tweets ...

either a thread of information or mostly

Person A say something informative or stupid and then B, C, D are follow up information or pointing out Person A's stupidity


Well-Known Member
Their leader certainly seems really sure of himself.
Listening to him one would think he is god like.

He never mentions a vote by rank and file, and he has the I's.
I will cripple you? He speaks as though he owns them.

Maybe he does.

black dog

Free America
Fox 5 in Baltimore is reporting that a trash collector drove up to one of the port facilities to empty the dumpsters, and the picketers beat the snot out of him.
The news out here stated the truck driver hit one of the picketers. With that he earned a black eye.
I see my mail today has a letter from St Marys co. Hummmm


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

See? If we, (by we I refer to our compromised government), hadn't shipped all of our manufacturing, (read decimated our manufacturing capabilities), to third world countries, we wouldn't have this problem. Then we could just tell this guy to pound sand.

Oh yeah. Since a vast amount of ammo is imported from other countries, now is the time to load up. (For those that aren't reloaders of course).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I will cripple you? He speaks as though he owns them.

He pretty much does.

Unions, like everything else humans get involved in, were necessary back in the day and then rapidly turned into a corrupt money/power trip that does more harm than good. That said, I'm probably on the side of the dock workers unless someone can convince me different. It pisses me off that entertainers and athletes and politicians and what have you make bazillions while the people who are working their asses off and are actually necessary to our lives can't even get health insurance.

This strike was unnecessary and just shows how inept and out to lunch the Biden admin is. Trump would have never let this happen.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm trying to find out more about the United States Maritime Alliance and coming up empty. Their website can't be found and there's no Wiki entry for them. Hmmmmm.....