It's not a foolish argument. I was pointing out that your standard of good and evil is as subjective as anyone else's - you can't support it without personal opinion, founded on - nothing but personal opinion if you have no standard bearer. You inappropriately claim some higher moral ground, against things with which you disagree. That makes you like every religious problem you have found in this area. Exactly like that.
NO standard for 'good/evil' - objective, subjective, or otherwise - can be inferred by a simple colloquial statement in a prior post. And why is it that religious always feel it's an effective counter-argument to claim that the non-religious are just as irrational as they are
:You discuss the consistency of religious standards, and then talk about people's interpretations of them. The standards never changed. You bring up homosexuality - it IS a sin. There's no argument anyone can make that acting on homosexuality is not a sin. So is stealing. So is lying. If people want to change how they subjectively view consistent standards, that is a personal choice, not a change to the standard. If people start viewing red as a shade of yellow, that doesn't mean the standard that says it is red has changed, it means people decided to view a clear standard in a way for which there is no justification in accordance with the standard. They've merely decided to abandon the standard. In the case of homosexual acts, I have yet to see a change to the biblical standard, so social changes notwithstanding, it is still a sin.
Quite an assertion. Fits well with fundamentalist religious thinking, and it's a small step then to attempt to drive religious 'morality' into societal laws. In fundamentalist Christian Uganda, many were looking to impose the death penalty on homosexual act offenders. Little do they realize in that 3rd world country, that homosexuality and bisexuality is exhibited not only in humans, but in other primates, and has been documented in more than 600 animal species. Scientists have found genetic biomarkers for homosexuality in humans. Yet, Ugandans -and some Americans - still think homosexuality is a "choice". Obviously, Americans have no excuse for demonstrating the same ignorance as 3rd world illiterate societies.
What you may be seeing is a turn to follow Jesus' standard of loving one's neighbor as they love themselves. In all of mankind, on person has been without sin. He is the only one who may judge the rest of us. I bet you've sinned today, I know I have. But Jesus loves me, and I love you.
I'm glad to see you agree that your standards are no better nor worse than anyone else's, since there is no objective standard by which to judge each other. There's just personal opinion. Yours is no better or worse than anyone else's.
Jesus's 'love others as oneself' golden rule of ethical reciprocity is predated in the ancient philosophical writings of several civilizations.
So, as it turns out, his best moral precept is not original. While unfortunately, many of his original moral precepts are immoral. Support of slavery is one example.
The 'love' offered by jesus is conditional. You must accept him on bad evidence, or, by "rejecting" his love by simply not believing, he will condemn you to eternal torture. This is consistent with the conditional 'love' of a masochistic psychopath. And the pinnacle of absurdity to agnostics, atheists, freethinkers, and intellectuals. You and jesus will do just fine without me
My personal morality is influenced primarily by a Modern Western Societal viewpoint, that is in turn, influenced by universal human rights and precepts that support the well-being and flourishing of humanity.
It's apparent to most who live in Western Nations that primitive religious texts cannot be used as a 'standard' for morality. Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims who espouse this worldview, are viewed by advanced western societies, as throwbacks to the dark ages'
Western nations realize the continued progress and well-being of humanity depends on a morality (and secularly driven government) consistent with universal human rights, not retrograde religious dogma. But the US is unfortunately an outlier, being by far the most religious of the Western countries. Religious based ignorance and stupidity is in the view of many, not only a threat to world peace and prosperity, but negatively impacts America's influence and effectiveness as the leader of the free world.