whitecat2 said:
you donot know what grooming training or how long they been grooming or where they came from but befor i went around running my mouth i would do some checking every one in neg. mode needs to go see that shop and meet the people and talk to them maybe then you would stop with your harsh words about them maybe you should sit in on cort if there is one and see what happens im sure you will be in for a treat i know more then any one of you fools can even begin to know about whats going on if this had happend in some other county other then the goog old boy couny of calvert this would not of even been an issue no one would know im laughing at all you neg.people out there who need to get a real life im sue you will all tell when they are cleared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clearly on the defensive end I see. Joined today to add input? Try to be more clear in your writing next time. ( 'goog old boy couny' really makes it sound like you belong much further south than Calvert)
You have to realize that when something like this happens, the entire community will talk. Online, in the grocery store, at Veras...The negative goes around MUCH faster than the positive. Then again if it was not for that same word of mouth, that grooming shop would not be in buisness. Just relax. EVERY community talks.
Onto the issue at hand:
It is very dangerous to groom a sedated animal. Espeically one that came in the with drugs already admin. The groomer has no idea how much was given, when, and what to expect, every dog reacts diff to sedatives.. What if it was that dogs first time on Ace and they had an adverse reaction to the drug? We do not take dogs that are sedated, or cats for that matter. It is too much of a risk. If an animal needs to be sedated to be groomed, it needs to be done at a vet. This is case and point as to why it is too dangerous to groom a sedated animal. Pet owners are not vets, the groomer should have taken the upperhand and either refused to groom the animal or tried to prevent the owner for overdosing the dog.
I believe the shop AND the pet owners are both lacking in knowledge and they are both to blame. Unfortunately I am sure it will hurt buisness and the one that truly suffered here was the dog. Chow or not, that is not a good way to go out.