dog lease laws


No Longer the Kid
desertrat said:
They do have an incredible amount of jaw pressure and they don't let go easily.

I know, Rott's have the most out of all "civilized" dogs...

Hihena's(sp) are the only one in the "dog" family with more


My Sweetest Boy
RoMary said:

are you?

Oh for crap sake. If you're not her, you have no idea what she meant by what she posted.

I'd be interested in hearing what breeds have jaws that "lock tight" and from where you get your information.


New Member
True that the jaws doesn't actually lock but the pitt breed naturally has an instinct to hold on tightly making it virtually impossible to open the jaws. Bad enough for me.


My Sweetest Boy
robbie said:
True that the jaws doesn't actually lock but the pitt breed naturally has an instinct to hold on tightly making it virtually impossible to open the jaws. Bad enough for me.



Well-Known Member
i've seen a stafordshire terrier biting down on a stick too long, when he tried to drop it you could see his jaw spasm a few times before he could let go. I think its more like a cramp than locking though, It seemed like it cramped in the closed position and until the latic acid wore off it was stuck. Just my observation though.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
cattitude said:
Of course, there are times when that would come in handy. :whistle:
Tomorrow afternoon it would be handy. I hope I don't decide to confess all the family secrets to the dentist when I'm sedated. I have a fear of doing that since, apparently, I did it when I came out of surgery a few years ago. :lmao:


curiouser and curiouser
cattitude said:
You're probably one of those nuts who grabs up their kids when I'm walking my BOXERS. :jameo:
I was talking to my neighbor's boxers through the fence yesterday and they barked at me! :mad: Meamies. :drama:


aka Mrs. Giant
BS Gal said:
I would hate to get lockjaw.
I have TMJ and I get lock jaw on occasion - thankfully it hasn't happened at the "wrong" time. :lmao:

However, I believe animals can be off leash, but are supposed to be supervised. I let the dawgs run loose in the front yard which isn't fenced, but I stay with them. If I can't watch them, I place them out back, which is fenced.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
beamher said:
i'm new to the county and wanted to know the dog (leash) laws.
Darn it. :frown: I was hoping to lease a dog for a week or two. I don't want one for keeps, just to play with a bit until I get tired of him.