dog lease laws


My Sweetest Boy
Nickel said:
I was talking to my neighbor's boxers through the fence yesterday and they barked at me! :mad: Meamies. :drama:

They were just talking to you. You need to learn to speak Boxer. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
You're probably one of those nuts who grabs up their kids when I'm walking my BOXERS.
Considering all those boxers at once outweigh you by at least double, I'd grab my kids up too. If they decided to go postal, there's no way you'd be able to stop them.



Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Darn it. :frown: I was hoping to lease a dog for a week or two. I don't want one for keeps, just to play with a bit until I get tired of him.
You just got you a big ol' jar of peanut butter, didn't you? :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
beamher said:
i'm assuming my neighbor thinks that because her pit/rot? is in the yard it doesn't need to be restrained. i hate driving up or coming outside to see this dog. i'm not into dogs and i would hate for my kids to be outside riding their bikes(as they have been with the nice weather) and the dog decides to wander or maybe come after them.
I don't blame you at all. People always say, "Oh, he's so gentle! Wouldn't hurt a fly!" right up to the time when the dog rips some kid's face off. "Ooooh! He's never done that before!"

And sure, the owners could be prosecuted but that doesn't really help the kid, now does it?


curiouser and curiouser
cattitude said:
They were just talking to you. You need to learn to speak Boxer. :yay:
I was doing yardwork and they were being very polite, following me from the front yard to the back yard all day. So, when I was done I stopped for a chat. We talked for a few minutes, and I asked one of them if she was mean or nice. She barked at me. :lmao: They're sweet dogs.


My Sweetest Boy
vraiblonde said:
Considering all those boxers at once outweigh you by at least double, I'd grab my kids up too. If they decided to go postal, there's no way you'd be able to stop them.



I usually only have one or two out on a walk and Otter is with me, we each take one. I don't mind people being cautious and I can certainly understand that. I just don't like people ignorant of what type of dog I have and basing their fear on the fact of what type of dog they think I have. The comments amaze me. And yes, many people think they're pitbulls.

I don't defend any one breed but I think it's sad for people to be afraid of dogs and to pass that on to their children. The love of an animal can be the greatest joy a child can have growing up and learning to care for and love an animal helps them develop into a much better adult I believe.

People are entitled to their opinions but this "I seen," "they said" crap bothers me. Educate yourself before make blanket statements.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
SoMDMama82 said:
The only kind of dog that has EVER bit me was a Chihuahua! I think Pitts have a bad wrap, it's all in how the dog is raised! That goes for ALL dogs! Many people get Pitts to MAKE them mean & fight them.

Exactly. Those types of dogs aren't aggressive because they were born that way, they're aggressive because of their owners. Everytime I hear someone say "I'm scared of X breed because their mean" it tells me that they don't have a clue about dogs themselves, how to raise them, or how to train them, etc.

Why does it tend to be more of a certain breed? Because the owners that make these dogs mean tend to choose certain breeds for their physical attributes.


New Member
Softballkid said:
#1 - your a cowboys fan, no one cares about your lease laws

YOU'RE obviously a Redskin fan because you used YOUR incorrectly.

Softballkid said:
#2 - Why are you so quick to assume it's a pit/rot?

He has seen the dog, I'm sure he can tell the difference between a pit/rot and a French poodle.

Softballkid said:
#3 - The dog will probably treat your kids better than you will.

Very hateful and uncalled for dig.

Softballkid said:
#4 - If the dog IS IN their yard, nothing you can do about it...

Wrong. If a dog is outside and not in a contained area (i.e. fenced yard, dog pen), said dog has to be on a leash.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
I think it's sad for people to be afraid of dogs
I'm not afraid of the dog - I'm afraid of the ignorant owner who doesn't have enough sense to keep their edgy dog away from innocent victims.

THAT is the problem. When I was a kid there were neighbor dogs all over the place. They'd come into your yard and hang out for a bit, steal the kickball, chase after us, no big deal. But back then people were smart enough to keep their vicious animals locked up. These days they don't seem to give a crap if their dog bites the #### out of someone.

Your dogs are obviously Boxers - anyone who would mistake them for a pitbull is a tard.


My Sweetest Boy
vraiblonde said:
THAT is the problem. When I was a kid there were neighbor dogs all over the place. They'd come into your yard and hang out for a bit, steal the kickball, chase after us, no big deal. But back then people were smart enough to keep their vicious animals locked up. These days they don't seem to give a crap if their dog bites the #### out of someone.

I agree. I am very careful with my dogs. Even though they are excellent with children, I watch them carefully when my grandchildren are visiting.


New Member
cattitude said:
Oh for crap sake. If you're not her, you have no idea what she meant by what she posted.

I'd be interested in hearing what breeds have jaws that "lock tight" and from where you get your information.

i've seen a police dog on television attack a man and his jaws were locked tight on the man's arm


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Chain729 said:
Why does it tend to be more of a certain breed? Because the owners that make these dogs mean tend to choose certain breeds for their physical attributes.
There you go. For every Pixie and Jameo, with their socialized babies, there's some punk who is teaching his pit to be a BAMF.

How do you tell the difference before it's too late?

A few weeks ago Larry and I sat at the bar next to a little gal who had recently gotten out of prison fighting. This wasn't some stereotypical ghetto black dude in a wife-beater. It was a young white gal who looked like a college co-ed.

So, again, how do you tell the difference between a pit that's being raised as a pet and one that's being raised to attack?


My Sweetest Boy
RoMary said:
i've seen a police dog on television attack a man and his jaws were locked tight on the man's arm


That's a HOLD, his jaws aren't locked. Again, educate yourself about what it is you think you see.

Police dog? What breed?


New Member

cattitude said:

That's a HOLD, his jaws aren't locked. Again, educate yourself about what it is you think you see.

Police dog? What breed?

his jaws were locked tight that is how he kept his hold


My Sweetest Boy
vraiblonde said:
There you go. For every Pixie and Jameo, with their socialized babies, there's some punk who is teaching his pit to be a BAMF.

How do you tell the difference before it's too late?

A few weeks ago Larry and I sat at the bar next to a little gal who had recently gotten out of prison fighting. This wasn't some stereotypical ghetto black dude in a wife-beater. It was a young white gal who looked like a college co-ed.

So, again, how do you tell the difference between a pit that's being raised as a pet and one that's being raised to attack?

And that's the problem, there is no way to tell. That's why the owners have to be responsible (and a great many are not) and realized that they do have a dog that "can" be a problem. And people that perpetuate myths need to educate themselves. Any dog can be a biter, whether from fear, pain, whatever. You never know. I respect that about all dogs.