No argument that they can be figured out, but I've seen tons of stories about how someone couldn't get their EV repaired for a reasonable price and the person had to resort to their own fix, why is that?
I'm coming from the military maintenance point a view, has to be an instruction for everything that has been approved etc. Aircraft maintenance won't even empty the urnial without an approved procedure in place.
Because traditional dealerships don't want to be bothered.
Tesla has made this as easy as possible.
Every single maint procedure is right there for free. Complete with color 3d images I wish I could put in my maint manuals. And the ability to rent access to the same software tools the factory and service center use. By the month of year. Not inexpensive at $500 for a month, but when you figure shop rates, not a bad cost at all.
At this point in my life, I have wrenched on nine different models of aircraft and gone from 1960s style books to IETMS and played a bit with augmented reality stuff. I've written procedures as well so I know what you mean. Spent last week on a hands on review for a new overhaul procedure for a thing. Lots of fun.
In fact, it was working on aircraft that convinced me I could work on my cars. Figured if I could test, diagnose and repair weapons systems, no car was going to be harder.
If you can work on anything newer than say the year 2000, theres no reason you cant work on a Tesla.