Jam out with ur clam out
We def stay away from Iams a friend fed our dogs some once and all the dogs had bloody squirts. So what Are some good dog foods? We usually get our dog food from walmart and prob will not change that. I will cook rice and chicken for the dogs before i spend more on dog food in a week than I spend on my own food. lol
We used to use the applecider vinegar and dish soap on the dogs when we bathed them for 4-h shows and such. If the girls can find dead stuff or old dry horsey poo they like to have a good roll in it too. But that is not why they are stinky all the time.
Will try the yogurt. I have been using ear cleaner on them and it is helping with the insane amt of wax but does not seem to help the smell much..course the ear cleaner stuff has its own odor.
Good foods? sure I will list them... but as you stated Im guessing Im wasting my time. :shrug: Grains tend to be a big problem with allergies... go ahead and cook rice but if your dog is allergic to it .. its not going to help. Chicken is on the top of the list of proteins dogs are allergic to... so same thing.
Well ...like I said... Wal-Mart sells CRAP dog food!
Innova, Innova Evo (grain free), California Natural, Verus... there are lots of other food but these are some of the top ones I have used. (and none of these were on the recall list a few years ago!!)
Hey CATT... help me out ... I know you have a larger list!!!