DOJ Corruption and Malfeasance


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A flurry of reports picked up on the arrest of Mateo Ventura, an 18-year-old resident of the sleepy town of Wakefield, echoing government claims that an international terrorist financier and ISIS supporter had just been busted in the United States. The Department of Justice’s own press release on the case likewise trumpeted Ventura’s arrest for “knowingly concealing the source of material support or resources that he intended to go to a foreign terrorist organization.”

The only problem with the case and how it has been described, however, is that according to the government’s own criminal complaint, Ventura had never actually funded any terrorist group. The only “terrorist” he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent who befriended him online as a 16-year-old, solicited small cash donations in the form of gift cards, and directed him not to tell anyone else about their intimate online relationship, including his family.

The arrest has shaken his family, who denied allegations that their son was a terrorist and said that he had been manipulated by the FBI. Ventura’s father, Paul Ventura, told The Intercept that Mateo suffered from childhood developmental issues and had been forced to leave his school due to bullying from other students.

“He was born prematurely, he had brain development issues. I had the school do a neurosurgery evaluation on him and they said his brain was underdeveloped,” Ventura said. “He was suffering endless bullying at school with other kids taking food off his plate, tripping him in the hallway, humiliating him, laughing at him.”

Contrary to the sensational narrative fed to the news media of terrorist financing in the U.S., the charging documents show that Ventura gave an undercover FBI agent gift cards for pitifully small amounts of cash, sometimes in $25 increments. In his initial bid to travel to the Islamic State, the teenager balked — making up an excuse, by the FBI’s own account, to explain why he did not want to go. When another opportunity to travel abroad arose, Ventura balked again, staying home on the evening of his supposed flight instead of traveling to the airport. By the time the investigation was winding down, he appeared ready to turn in his purported ISIS contact — an FBI agent — to the FBI.


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Last year, as the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade sparked major protests nationwide, the FBI opened nearly 10 times as many investigations into cases of abortion-related domestic terrorism as it had in 2021, a new internal report reveals. While the report doesn’t say how many of these incidents were motivated by support for reproductive rights and how many were anti-abortion, the uptick follows calls by top Republicans in Congress for the bureau to pursue “pro-abortion terrorism.”

“Pro-abortion terrorism is sweeping our nation,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., wrote in a column last June, lamenting that “only after the outcry from the pro-life community did the FBI announce an investigation” into Jane’s Revenge — a small group of activists that firebombed an anti-abortion pregnancy center on June 7, 2021 — and that the attorney general “has yet to launch a wider DOJ investigation.” While conceding “no one has been killed or seriously injured,” Rubio said, “Things will only get worse before they get better.” (Facebook later quietly designated Jane’s Revenge a terrorist organization, as The Intercept reported.)

Rubio’s column cited roughly 50 attacks on anti-abortion activists and institutions, linking to a list posted by the anti-abortion Family Research Council. Apart from the actions of Jane’s Revenge, most of the cases enumerated describe simple vandalism.

I do not believe for a minuet the FBI will make a concerted effort to find these Pro-Abortion Terrorists


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Merrick Garland washes his hands of Hunter Biden plea deal while 4,000 MILES away in Sweden - and dodges question on whether Trump's criminal charges show a 'different standard of justice'

  • Attorney General Merrick Garland was asked about the Hunter Biden plea deal while at a conference in Stockholm, Sweden, Wednesday
  • Garland said he left the matter in the hands of Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who has said he has 'ultimate authority' over the case
  • Biden's AG noted that Weiss 'was appointed by the previous president, and assigned to this matter by the previous administration'


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Whistleblower: DOJ Twice Prevented U.S. Attorney from Charging Hunter Biden for Greater Crimes

Upon the committee’s vote to unseal IRS whistleblower evidence of alleged Justice Department political interference in the Hunter Biden tax probe, Smith said IRS whistleblowers allege that President Joe Biden’s DOJ twice prevented charges against Hunter Biden in Washington, DC, and California in 2022.

Attorney General Merrick Garland told Congress in March that he would have to personally authorize any potential charges levied against Hunter Biden by Weiss. Yet Garland also said Wednesday he gave Weiss “full authority to decide the matter as he decided was appropriate.”

On Tuesday, Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to only two federal tax violation charges and one charge of violation of gun laws.

“Testimony shows that U.S. Attorney of Delaware David Weiss tried to bring charges in the District of Columbia around March of 2022 and was denied. Weiss sought Special Counsel status from the DOJ in the spring of 2022 and was denied,” Smith told reporters. “And Weiss once again sought to bring charges in the Central District of California in the fall of 2022 and had that request denied in January of 2023.”

Smith also said the IRS recommended charges against Hunter Biden that were not approved by Garland.


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Randi Weingarten Appointed to DHS School Safety Advisory Council

American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten was appointed Monday to a new Department of Homeland Security school safety advisory council tasked with making recommendations on “emergency management,” “preparedness measures,” and “safety and security” in schools.

Weingarten rose to prominence during the Covid pandemic as one of the chief advocates of school closures. The AFT, the nation’s second-largest largest teachers’ union, pushed the CDC to delay opening schools well after most other developed nations has returned children to the classroom, emails obtained by Americans for Public Trust revealed.

In the fall of 2020, Weingarten denounced calls to reopen schools as “reckless, callous, cruel.” An AFT affiliate in Chicago similarly condemned then-Mayor Lori Lightfoot in 2022, who called her efforts to reopen school “rooted in sexism, racism, and misogyny.”


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Garland: Questioning the Integrity of the Justice Department Is an Attack on — You Guessed It​

As has been pointed out many times, when Leftists profess to be worried about the health of “our democracy” (I know, I know, it’s a republic), they’re really referring to threats to their own hegemony over the nation’s political and cultural spheres. Garland confirmed this Friday when a reporter noted that some Republicans are talking about the corruption of the Justice Department, and asked him: “Do the American people have cause to be concerned about the integrity of the components of this Justice Department, and what do you have to say about how they’re reacting?”

In his answer, Garland went as heavy on the self-righteous unctuousness as a kid drenching his fries in ketchup: “I certainly understand,” he huffed, “that some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department as components and its employees by claiming that we do not treat like cases alike. Uh, this constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy and essential to the safety of the American people. Nothing could be further from the truth.” There it is: attack Merrick Garland and his revoltingly corrupt henchmen, and deplore the dumpster fire they have made out of a department that is supposed to administer impartial justice, and you’re attacking “American democracy.”

Note Garland’s appalling sleight of hand: he equates an attack on his Justice Department, which is a gang of Leftist liars who tried to frame an elected president of the United States for crimes he didn’t commit and classified angry parent at school board meetings as terrorists, with an attack on the very idea of a Justice Department. For he is of course right, as far as it goes: the Justice Department is indeed essential to American democracy, or rather, to the American republic. That’s why we’re in the fix we’re in: because the Justice Department is now a public relations office for those whom the regime favors and a no-holds-barred instrument of vengeance against those whom the regime hates. Those who are attacking it are not against the institution at all but against the mess that Garland has made of it.

Garland, however, insists that he and his far-Left minions have behaved with perfect probity. He added: “You’ve all heard me say many times that we make our cases based on the facts and the law. These are not just words. These are what we live by. They’re the foundation of the way we make these decisions.” Gee, that’s reassuring, but here’s a shocker: Garland was not exactly being honest.


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Congress unmasks a multi-year government plot to protect Biden, sully Trump

When the Justice Department discovered from journalists a storage locker containing evidence against ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a search was executed immediately.

But when IRS agents found a similar storage area containing evidence in the Hunter Biden criminal tax probe, they were denied the right to search despite meeting the probable cause standard, then Biden's lawyers were tipped off, according to new congressional testimony.

Likewise, when federal prosecutors believed there was evidence of crimes at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, they launched an unprecedented and full scale-raid on the former president. But when agents wanted to execute a search warrant at Joe Biden’s Delaware home because they had probable cause to believe evidence of Hunter Biden tax crimes, they were turned down for a warrant to raid the guest house in which the first son was living.

And when FBI agents believed former Trump adviser Michael Flynn had committed no crime in the Russia collusion case, they nonetheless conducted an interview with him in what a supervisor concluded smacked of an effort to lure him into a lying charge. But when IRS and FBI agents wanted to interview witnesses in the Biden case, they were told most were off limits, including the Biden grandchildren whom agents believed may have unwittingly been entangled in a tax scheme.

A federal prosecutor “told us it will get us into hot water if we interview the president's grandchildren,” IRS supervisory criminal investigative agent Gary Shapley told Congress in blockbuster testimony released last week that furthers an unmistakable portrait being painted by congressional investigators of a whole-of-government effort to preserve Joe Biden’s viability as a presidential candidate while attempting to destroy Trump’s re-election effort in 2020.

I read somewhere 3 yrs ago, protecting ' The Family ' was the whole reason Biden ran


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‘Where Are These Tapes?’ – Grassley Blasts the FBI For Hiding the 17 Smoking Gun Tapes Incriminating Joe Biden in Bribery Scheme (VIDEO)

Last month Grassley revealed Mykola Zlochevsky said he kept 17 audio recordings of conversations with Joe Biden (2) and Hunter Biden (15) as an insurance policy.

“According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden. According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then Vice President Joe Biden. These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case that he got into a tight spot,” Grassley said on the Senate floor last month.

“The 1023 also indicates that then Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma hiring Hunter Biden,” Grassley added.

Larry Kudlow asked Grassley what happened to the smoking gun audio tapes.

“What do you think? Do you think the FBI has the tapes? Do you think there is only one set of tapes? What’s happened to these tapes?” Larry Kudlow asked Grassley.


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Trump can be held liable in writer’s defamation lawsuit after Justice Department reverses course

Previously, the department had agreed with Trump’s attorneys that he was protected from the lawsuit by the Westfall Act, which provides federal employees absolute immunity from lawsuits brought over conduct occurring within the scope of their employment.

In May, a jury awarded Carroll $5 million in damages after concluding that Trump sexually abused her in 1996 at a midtown Manhattan Bergdorf Goodman store and then defamed her last fall with comments he made about her and her claims. While the jury concluded Trump sexually abused Carroll, it rejected her rape claim.

The trial resulted from a lawsuit Carroll brought last November after New York state temporarily allowed victims of sexual abuse to make civil claims for attacks that occurred even decades earlier.

In the government’s letter, U.S. lawyers cited the jury’s verdict, Trump’s October deposition and new claims Carroll has since made that Trump defamed her again with comments he made during a CNN town hall a day after the verdict.


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The FBI Asks Americans to Report Crimes. Things Go About as Well as You'd Expect.

Officer, Americans would like to report the Biden Administration’s FBI for the act of social media trolling. After all, that must explain why the “premier law enforcement agency” and political monkey wenchers that interfered with the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential elections laughably issued an appeal for Americans to come forward and report crimes.

The Washington D.C. Field Office of the FBI is where most of the most troubling investigations have been launched, with appallingly political results. This is the place where civil rights go to die. The place where DOJ attorneys and their FBI counterparts go to solidly radical grand juries, where only conservative ham sandwiches are indicted and found guilty.

They are the star chambers where January 6 trespassers are identified as insurrectionists and put in political gulags while awaiting trial. They are the FBI offices where James Comey commanded an investigation knowingly using fabricated evidence by Democrats using Russian sources to frame an opposing candidate as a Russian spy. Where they worked with the media and Democrat operatives to phony-up a tie to a president and a bank for Putin payoffs that didn’t exist. This is the office that should be shuttered, its cases spun off to other field offices where there’s little incentive to do the bidding of one political party to tie up or lock up political foes. This is the office where political actors came knocking to get 51 signatories to a phony letter. It’s the office run by 7th Floor politicians to frame a sitting president of the United States. It’s the place where the “six ways from Sunday” office exists to settle political scores.

This FBI office seemingly commits more crimes than it solves.

This is the same FBI that possessed the Hunter Biden laptop and then set up media workshops at the Aspen Institute to groom reporters into believing the laptop was “Russian disinformation.

The exercise by the “Aspen Digital Hack-and-Dump Working Group” involved an 11-day scenario in October 2020 that began with the imaginary release of falsified records related to Hunter Biden’s controversial employment by the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid him as much as $1 million a year to serve on its board when his father was vice president.

It was revealed in the Twitter Files.



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FBI told Hunter Biden investigator to duck Committee questions, bombshell letter shows

“[T]he Department expects that you will decline to respond to questions seeking non-public information likely covered by one or more components of executive privilege or other significant confidentiality interests, in particular information about deliberations or ongoing investigative activity in law enforcement matters,” Jones wrote.

“You should instead refer such questions to the FBI’s Office of Congressional Affairs,” the FBI lawyer went on.

“Consistent with longstanding practice, this will afford the Department the full opportunity to consider particular questions and possible accommodations that may fulfill the Committee’s legitimate need for information while protecting Executive Branch confidentiality interests.”

The FBI agent proceeded to confirm key details of the probe that were previously shared by two IRS agents — including that Hunter’s legal team was tipped off about a planned approach to interview him in December 2020 about his failure to pay millions in taxes on foreign income, spoiling the opportunity.

Jones referred to the Hunter Biden case as “ongoing” in his letter, using similar wording to Delaware US Attorney David Weiss — which congressional Republicans fear is intended to hinder their demands for records and testimony.

Hunter Biden’s legal team say that they believe their client’s legal exposure is over after he reached a probation-only plea deal last month on two misdemeanor tax fraud charges and a gun possession felony that will be expunged following probation.


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IRS Whistleblower X - revealed as gay Democrat Joe Ziegler - compares coming forward in Hunter case to 'coming out'

  • IRS Criminal Investigator Joseph Ziegler showed his face for the first time after blowing the whistle on preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden case
  • Ziegler joined fellow IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley to present their testimony on how they were prevented from carrying out a normal probe into Hunter Biden
  • Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith made an appearance to insist the IRS is not treating all Americans fairly – specifically those with the last name Biden



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‘Tells You Everything You Need to Know’ – IRS Whistleblower Shapley Says Two Biden-Appointed US Attorneys Blocked Hunter Charges (VIDEO)

Gary Shapley said Biden-appointed US Attorneys blocked charges against Hunter Biden.

Shapley’s testimony lines up with what whistleblower X, identified as Joseph Ziegler, said on Wednesday.

Zieger said David Weiss, the US Attorney from Delaware, was hamstrung and marginalized by DOJ officials.

“It appeared to me, based on what I experienced, that the U.S. Attorney in Delaware in our investigation was constantly hamstrung, limited, and marginalized by DOJ officials,” Ziegler said.

“The Justice Department allowed the president’s political appointees to weigh in on whether to charge the president’s son,” Shapley said referring to the US Attorneys in DC and California.



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Dirty Jack Smith to Charge Trump with Civil War Era Civil Rights Violation – Bastardizing the Law to Jail Biden Regime’s Political Opponents

Special Counsel Jack Smith leaked another report to The New York Times on Wednesday night.

This comes after the House Oversight Committee produced $17 million in bank receipts and witness testimony in the Biden Family bribery, corruption, and influence peddling schemes with foreign regimes.

Jack Smith is likely to use the same Civil War Civil Rights Violation that Merrick Garland and the DOJ have been using to send January 6 protesters to prison for years for non-violent crimes.

Again, this leak was reported Wednesday night after the damning testimony from this afternoon.

Federal prosecutors have introduced a new twist into the Jan. 6 investigation by suggesting in a target letter that they could charge former President Donald J. Trump with violating a civil rights statute that dates back to the post-Civil War Reconstruction era, according to three people familiar with the matter.
The letter to Mr. Trump from the special counsel, Jack Smith, referred to three criminal statutes as part of the grand jury investigation into Mr. Trump’s efforts to reverse his 2020 election loss, according to two people with knowledge of its contents. Two of the statutes were familiar from the criminal referral by the House Jan. 6 committee and months of discussion by legal experts: conspiracy to defraud the government and obstruction of an official proceeding.
But the third criminal law cited in the letter was a surprise: Section 241 of Title 18 of the United States Code, which makes it a crime for people to “conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person” in the “free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States.”
Congress enacted that statute after the Civil War to provide a tool for federal agents to go after Southern whites, including Ku Klux Klan members, who engaged in terrorism to prevent formerly enslaved African Americans from voting. But in the modern era, it has been used more broadly, including in cases of voting fraud conspiracies.


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“I remember having a conversation with or being involved in a conversation with Twitter, and I honestly can’t recall if this was repeated to me — I might have been a few minutes late to the meeting — or if — or if I was — I actually overheard it,” Dehmlow said, according to an excerpt of her testimony.

“But it was — it was relayed to me later that somebody from Twitter — I don’t recall who. I’m not sure who. Somebody from Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real,” she added. “And one of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, ‘yes, it was,’ before another participant jumped in and said, ‘no further comment.'”

Jordan claimed Dehmlow’s testimony further showed that it was an analyst in the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division embedded in FITF who had begun to explain that the laptop was real before being cut off.

On the instruction of FBI counsel, Dehmlow refused to reveal which FBI official made the decision to stick with “no comment” going forward, but she did state that it was not her call, the chairman said. The FITF also had a meeting with Facebook later on October 14, 2020, during which the social media giant was only told “no comment” when a similar question was posed about the laptop’s authenticity, according to Dehmlow’s testimony.



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FBI Inappropriately Used Spy Powers On U.S. Senator, Court Says

“In June 2022, an analyst conducted four queries of Section 702 information using the last names of a U.S. senator and a state senator, without further limitation,” a court opinion from Judge Rudolph Contreras said.

Section 702 allows allows intelligence agencies to obtain the online communications of foreign nationals without a warrant.

Although the court said that a “a specific foreign intelligence service” was looking into two of the individuals, the FBI was not able to provide proper criteria for the searches as determined by the National Security Division at the Department of Justice.

Information on the judge was searched after he had accused a police chief of civil rights violations.

A “Staff Operations Specialist ran a query using the Social Security number of a state judge who ‘had complained to [the] FBI about alleged civil right violations perpetrated by a municipal chief of police,’” the opinion said.