DOJ Corruption and Malfeasance


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FBI has found 1,200 pages related to the unlawful targeting of 'radical traditionalist' Christians

As the Justice Department often reminds us, white supremacists pose the No. 1 domestic terrorist threat to America. Merrick Garland's Justice Department even had FBI teams dedicated to monitoring "domestic terrorist" parents at school board meetings. And last year, about 30 FBI agents raided a pro-life advocate's home over an incident that had happened a year earlier and been litigated — they were back with the FACE Act (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) to make it a federal crime.

The ACLJ says it's gotten a response to its FOIA request for documents related to the unlawful targeting of "radical traditionalist" Christians.



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FBI Lies About ‘Highly Credible’ Source Claims Were Leaked To NYT And Spoonfed To Weiss

The Emails​

The never-before-seen emails provided late last week by the Department of Justice to the Heritage Foundation and its Oversight Project director, Mike Howell, in response to a court order, included an email thread revealing how the Times story landed in Weiss’s lap.

“Ladies, here you have attached the NYT’s story ‘Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden’ which posted a bit ago. Link here,” a Dec. 11, 2020, 6:44 p.m. email from the FBI Office of Public Affairs’ National Press Office read.

The names of the two email recipients were redacted. But the “(PG) (FBI)” and “(BA) (FBI)” coding suggests the National Press Office had forwarded the Times’ article, which spun evidence obtained by the Pittsburgh office as originating from Giuliani disinformation, to the Pittsburgh FBI office and the Baltimore FBI office — which provided support for the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office.

Within two hours of the FBI’s National Press Office sharing the false narrative about evidence of Biden family corruption, the link had been forwarded to a variety of Baltimore FBI agents, from there to Weiss’s top deputies Lesley Wolf and Shawn Weede, and further on by Weede to fellow Assistant U.S. Attorney Shannon Hanson and Weiss. Weiss himself then forwarded the Times article to another member of the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office, whose name was redacted in the FOIA-provided documents.

Given the sweetheart deal Weiss’s top Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf later tried to gift to Hunter Biden, this latest revelation raises the question of whether (and, if so, when) Weiss’s staff informed him of the CHS’s reporting that Burisma paid $5 million each in bribes to both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.

These questions are now more important than ever because the just-released emails show Weiss’s staff sharing with him The New York Times’ false reporting that portrayed evidence coming from the Pittsburgh FBI office as sourced solely to Rudy Giuliani. But that’s not true — not by a long shot. At a minimum, Wolf and others in the Delaware office knew that — but Weiss might not have.


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Five pro-life leaders, who protested inside a D.C. abortion clinic, are facing over a decade in federal prison after a jury trial found the co-defendants guilty of violating a Clinton-era law that forbids interference with so-called "reproductive health care services."

For forming a pro-life "blockade" on Oct. 22, 2020, that "obstruct[ed] access" to the Washington Surgi-Clinic (WSC), an abortion shop in the nation's capital that advertises that babies "up to 27-plus weeks" of pregnancy are aborted there, Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, and Herb Geraghty were convicted last Tuesday on charges brought forth by Biden's Justice Department: felony conspiracy against civil rights and Freedom of Access to Clinical Entrances (FACE) Act violations.

DOJ attorneys prosecuting the pro-life activists allege that the co-defendants "engaged in a conspiracy" by mobilizing on Facebook beforehand, an event that the mostly Christian "co-conspirators" organized as a faith-based "rescue" to save babies from being slaughtered. "In furtherance of the conspiracy," Handy, Hinshaw, Idoni, Goodman, and Geraghty traveled to the District of Columbia, hailing from an assortment of northeast and midwestern states, to participate in the live-streamed protest.



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Under Mayorkas’ leadership as DHS secretary, cartels have gained more control over the southern border and smuggled more individuals and contraband across it, according to the report. The first phase of House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green’s probe focused on Mayorkas’ alleged “dereliction” of his duty as secretary of DHS.

Cartel smuggling of illegal migrants has become a billion-dollar industry as illegal immigration has surged, The New York Times reported in 2022. Border Patrol recorded a record of more than 2.2 million illegal migrant encounters along the southern border in fiscal year 2022, according to federal data.

“Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ open-borders policies have empowered and emboldened some of the most vicious, ruthless, and savage individuals and groups in the world. Whether it is transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) like the cartels and human smuggling organizations in the Western Hemisphere, potential national security threats from countries who sponsor terrorism, or those coming from major state adversaries like China and Russia, the wide-open Southwest border has given America’s enemies all over the globe an opportunity to infiltrate the homeland—an opportunity too good to pass up,” the report stated.

Several House Republicans, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Pat Fallon of Texas and Andy Biggs of Arizona, have already filed articles of impeachment against Mayorkas. There is, however, a faction of House Republicans who are going to wait for the conclusion of Green’s investigation before backing impeachment, according to congressional staffers who previously spoke with the DCNF.

Green has also yet to call for Mayorkas’ impeachment.



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Blind eye? Feds received waves of warnings about Hunter Biden but delivered no consequences

“Every time some agency -- whether it be the IRS, whether it be the FBI -- whomever started to investigate. I don't know if it's for fear of embarrassing Joe Biden or for fear that it would eventually lead to Joe Biden. But for whatever reason, some deep state actor steps in and says, ‘Stand down, call it off,’” House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer told Just the News last week.

“Well, there's two things we're investigating; the Biden crime, and the Biden crime cover-up. And the cover-up continues to grow and expand,” he added during an interview with the Just the News, No Noise television show. “..This cover-up has been going on for a long time.”

Here is a summary of the dates, players and agencies in that timeline:

May 2015: Morgan Stanley bankers flag transactions, reports concerns to regulators

Just the News revealed last week that two whistleblowers from Morgan Stanley flagged suspicious transactions involving Devon Archer and Rosemont Seneca—of which Hunter Biden was a partner—and brought their concerns to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Their presentation included photos and a dossier on Hunter Biden.

The internal report and subsequent report to the SEC is one of the earliest official warnings inside the banking industry and U.S. government


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FBI official can’t recall, refuses to answer questions over Hunter Biden whistleblower cover-up claims

A transcript of FBI Special Agent Thomas Sobocinski’s closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last week, reviewed by The Post, reveals that the Justice Department detailed what Sobocinski could and couldn’t talk about with lawmakers a day before his Sept. 7 interview.

“Specifically, the Department has authorized [Sobocinski] to discuss U.S. Attorney [David] Weiss’ authority, as well as the October 7th, 2022, meeting, subject to some constraints around the ongoing investigation issue,” Sara Zdeb, a deputy assistant attorney general, informed congressional investigators before questioning began, referencing a letter to Sobocinski signed by Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer.

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who supervised the Hunter Biden tax fraud investigation for more than three years, claimed in bombshell congressional testimony earlier this year that during the Oct. 7, 2022, meeting between senior-level managers from the IRS, the FBI and the Delaware US Attorney’s Office, Weiss declared that he was not the “deciding official on whether charges are filed” against Hunter and revealed that US Attorney Matthew Graves would not allow him to charge Hunter for tax fraud in DC and said he asked for and was denied special counsel authority from the DOJ.


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Thibault did not further identify the source in his testimony, but best-selling author Peter Schweizer told Just the News Sunday that he believes he is the person described in the transcript based on past comments from Thibault and after The New York Times recently suggested the FBI had received information in the Hunter Biden case from a “right-wing author.”

Schweizer said the FBI approached him and he provided to agents evidence about possible criminality in fall 2020. He said there was no politics involved, just facts and he pushed back on the narrative of the Times, noting its journalists reported on the Hillary Clinton-funded Steele dossier submitted to the FBI in 2016.

“There are no ‘right wing facts’ or ‘left wing facts.’ There are only facts,” he said. “And of course they happily accepted the unsubstantiated and unsourced dossier from Hillary Clinton’s lawyer without reservation.”

Thibault retired after revelations he had made anti-Trump posts on social media while an agent, and has been a target of sharp criticism from some Republicans, including Sen. Charles Grassley, (R-Iowa).

But his testimony last week could open an entire new avenue of inquiry for congressional investigators trying to determine if the FBI or Justice Department thwarted certain avenues of inquiry into the Biden family as Joe Biden was preparing to become president.

Thibault's 25-year service record shows his professional work to be non-partisan, and has "reeled in big names while investigating public corruption, sending two Democratic congressmen to prison and overseeing sensitive inquiries into the Clinton Foundation and the former governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, another Democrat" according to The New York Times.



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Hunter Biden’s Mugshot Concealed by Joe Biden’s Justice Department

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, noted during the July court appearance that President Joe Biden’s son was processed at a Delaware courthouse by the U.S. Marshals Service by “the usual procedures (e.g., submitted to multiple sets of fingerprints, had his photograph taken, and filled out the required forms for release).”

Authorities fingerprinted and took Hunter Biden’s mugshot when he appeared in court for his “sweetheart” plea deal that collapsed, CNN reported Tuesday.

The mugshot remains concealed because the Department of Justice policy “prohibits my office from providing photographs of defendants prosecuted in federal court,” Kim Reeves, a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware, told Newsweek.

Fox News’s Jesse Watters said Tuesday he submitted a Freedom of Information request to release the mugshot. He also raised questions about why the photo is not public.

“It turns out Hunter Biden has a mugshot,” Watters said. “So what is so special about a mugshot that they don’t want us to see? Did he smile? Did he look defiant? In light of transparency, this mugshot must be released.”


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Here Are The Biggest Takeaways From Merrick Garland’s Testimony About The Hunter Biden Case

Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan pressed Garland on his previous testimony to Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley that Weiss had complete authority. Jordan emphasized Graves’ decision not to “partner” with Weiss on bringing charges against Hunter Biden.

“I’m going to say again that no one had the authority to turn him down, they could refuse to partner with him,” Garland testified in response to Jordan.

Shapley testified to the House Ways and Means Committee in May and described how Graves and Estrada declined to cooperate with Weiss on bringing charges against Hunter Biden. The New York Times independently confirmed Weiss was blocked from bringing charges in California.

An FBI agent on the Hunter Biden investigation and an IRS official who worked with the whistleblowers testified Graves and Estrada did not partner with Weiss when he was leading the case as Delaware U.S. Attorney.

“All he would have to do is ask me for 515 authority, and I would sign it right away,” Garland told Republican South Carolina Rep. Russell Fry. “He had the authority because I promised he would have the authority,” Garland added.


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Sen. Ron Johnson says Garland engaged in 'willful ignorance' on Biden investigation

"My guess is he's just engaged in willful ignorance," Johnson told the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "He just doesn't want to know, and so he may have walled himself off. It's kind of hard not to think that he hasn't had more knowledge than he certainly led on."

At the hearing, Garland faced questions on subjects including the investigation of Hunter Biden, and the alleged "two-tiered" system of justice that GOP lawmakers say targets certain groups unfairly based on political affiliation.

A lot of Garland's answers to questions were, "I don't recall" and "I don't remember."

Johnson went on to criticize Garland's appointment of special counsel David Weiss to investigate the first son.

"If you had to find the one person on planet earth that is the ... least independent to be special counsel, it'd be David Weiss," he said. "He's the guy that allowed the statute of limitations to run out on the more serious tax charges. He's ultimately responsible for that sleazy plea agreement that fortunately, the judge blew the whistle on. So, David Weiss should not be the special counsel here."


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She’s Correct – Questioning AG Merrick Garland, Representative Spartz Compares Current DOJ to Soviet Era KGB​

September 20, 2023 | Sundance | 265 Comments

Representative Victoria Spartz (R-IN) is Ukranian by heritage, and understandably she is a full supporter of Ukraine (and NATO) in the battle against Russia. That said, what Ms Spartz notes in her comments and questioning of Attorney General Merrick Garland is very accurate.

Representative Spartz puts the context of the citizen fear of the soviet era KGB into the context of American fear of the weaponized DOJ. “People are scared of our government,” she outlines. The comparison is accurate in context and history. However, as Spartz goes on to share, the end result is horrible for Ukraine, as the constituents in her community will no longer trust the word of the American government.


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New DHS Intelligence Expert Group Features Signers of Letter Discrediting Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday announced the establishment of the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group, which is tasked with meeting four times a year to provide the agency with input on some of the "most complex problems and challenges," including terrorism, fentanyl, "transborder issues," and new technology.

The group includes former senior intelligence officials, journalists, and "prominent human rights and civil liberties advocates," according to Mr. Mayorkas. Some of them are known for attempting to discredit the New York Post's Hunter Biden laptop stories in a public letter in the weeks leading to the 2020 presidential election.

The letter was written on Oct. 19, 2020, just five days after the Post published its first story on emails, photos, and videos found on a laptop Hunter Biden had abandoned at a repair shop in Delaware. In the letter, 51 former intelligence officials claimed this story "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."

"If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this," the signers wrote.

Mainstream media reports of the letter were picked up by many prominent Democrats in response to questions raised from the exposé. Then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden also cited the letter during a debate against his opponent, incumbent Republican President Donald Trump, accusing him of spreading false information planted by the Russian government.


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Third IRS Official Confirms Biden DOJ Blocked US Attorney David Weiss From Charging Hunter Biden

A third IRS official has come forward to House Republicans to confirm Biden’s Justice Department blocked US Attorney from Delaware Dave Weiss from charging Hunter Biden.

According to the Washington Examiner, IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf told lawmakers on the House Ways and Means Committee last week that the DOJ refused to approve tax charges against Hunter Biden.

“DOJ Tax would have to authorize charges prior to David Weiss recommending an indictment or prosecution,” Batdorf said during his interview according to the transcript obtained by the Examiner.

“So, I mean, my understanding is that, I mean, he can’t make that decision without DOJ Tax authorization,” Batdorf said.

The Washington Examiner reported:

A third IRS official confirmed that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss faced roadblocks when attempting to bring charges against Hunter Biden, contradicting denials issued Wednesday by Attorney General Merrick Garland.
IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf told the House Ways and Means Committee in a closed-door interview on Sept. 12 that he felt “frustrated” by the refusal of the Justice Department to approve tax charges that IRS agents viewed as well-supported by evidence, according to a transcript of the interview obtained by the Washington Examiner.
He also said the IRS removed agent Gary Shapley, a whistleblower, from the Hunter Biden case at the direction of Weiss despite having done nothing wrong.
Batdorf’s testimony was the latest piece of evidence to suggest Weiss did not enjoy the unfettered authority to pursue Hunter Biden that Garland and others claimed he had.

Two IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapley, and Joseph Ziegler, already testified on the government prosecutors’ preferential treatment of Hunter Biden.