DOJ Corruption and Malfeasance


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Now that the bureau has handed over the batch of records, Jordan’s team plans to review the documents and is keeping its options open.

The documents in question reveal details about a Justice Department order for the FBI to probe an alleged “disturbing spike” in threats against school officials amid a wave of conservative backlash in 2021.

They also pertain to a since withdrawn FBI memo that appeared to connect “radical-traditionalist Catholics” with domestic terrorism.

That memo suggested that Catholics opposed to abortion have links to extremist ideologies.

Both matters have become a rallying cry for Republicans who have accused the bureau of being biased against conservatives.

Jordan also leads the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

In a letter to Jordan attached to the documents, Acting Assistant Director Christopher Dunham urged the chairman to refrain from disseminating the files.

“The production of this information to the Committee does not waive any applicable privileges or other protections,” the bureau stressed in its letter to Jordan, obtained by the Washington Examiner.

“We respectfully request that the Committee not disseminate or otherwise disclose these documents without prior consultation with the FBI.”



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DOJ Does What Trump Was Indicted for Doing

Margot Cleveland notes that, at Hunter Biden’s abortive plea hearing, both the defendant (under oath) and the Biden Justice Department claimed, falsely, that payments made to Hunter by Patrick Ho (“the f***ing spy chief of China,” as Hunter described him) were legal fees paid to Hunter’s law firm — when those payments were neither legal fees nor paid to his law firm. Recall that falsely characterizing payments as legal fees is exactly the thing for which Alvin Bragg has indicted Donald Trump.

As Cleveland explains:

First, there’s the problem that the $1 million payment on March 22, 2018, was made not to Hunter Biden’s law firm, Owasco PC, but to Owasco LLC. And if you are going to pay $1 million for legal representation, you kinda want to pay the law firm supposedly providing those services.
Second, not only did Ho not pay Hunter’s law firm, Owasco PC, Ho didn’t even pay Owasco LLC. Rather, Ho paid Hudson West III LLC $1 million on Nov. 2, 2017 — mere weeks before federal prosecutors charged Ho with bribing foreign officials to advantage the Chinese communist energy company CEFC. Then on March 22, 2018, Hudson West III LLC transferred that $1 million to Owasco LLC with a notation that it was for “Dr Patrick Ho Chi Ping Representation.”

Hunter blames the indirect routing on mistaken wire instructions, but the routing of the payment is a smaller matter than what it was payment for:

Then there is the Attorney Engagement Letter reportedly recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop, dated September 2017, between Patrick Ho and Hunter Biden, which provided for a $1 million retainer for legal representation. Significantly, this agreement was not entered into between Ho and any of the Owasco entities, but with Hunter Biden personally. Yet on Wednesday, Biden told Judge Noreika his law firm was doing the work for Ho. But what law firm that was, Biden seemed not to know. Of course, Hunter didn’t know because no “legal” representation was provided to Ho and none was expected.

Ho was actually represented in court by other attorneys when he was prosecuted (and convicted of bribery and money-laundering, which included offering to “partner” with the “family businesses” of relatives of the president of Uganda), but what he wanted out of paying Hunter can be surmised from the fact that, “when Ho was arrested, his first call was to Jim Biden” — Joe’s businessman and fixer brother.


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24 Straight Minutes of Democrats Denying Election Results – Will Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith Hold These Democrats Accountable?

According to the AP, the indictment revolves around an alleged “effort to undo election loss and subvert transfer of power in run-up to Jan. 6 riot.”

Four counts were leveled against Trump: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

In a statement released on Thursday evening, Trump drew a controversial comparison between the current political climate in the U.S. and that of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

“This is nothing more than the latest corrupt chapter in the continued pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of Justice to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election, in which President Trump is the undisputed frontrunner, and leading by substantial margins,” Trump said.

He went on to question the timing of the indictment, suggesting it was politically motivated: “Why did they wait two and a half years to bring these fake charges, right in the middle of President Trump’s winning campaign for 2024? Why was it announced the day after the big Crooked Joe Biden scandal broke out from the Halls of Congress?”

“The answer is, election interference! The lawlessness of these persecutions of President Trump and his supporters is reminiscent of Nazi, Germany in the 1930s, the former Soviet Union, and other authoritarian, dictatorial regimes,” Trump added.

In light of the indictment against Trump for challenging the election results, Americans have pointed to a video compilation that has surfaced, showing 24 straight minutes of various Democrats denying election results, contradicting and challenging outcomes in the same way they are now accusing Trump of doing.

The question is, will Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith hold these Democrats to the same standards as Trump?


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'Ideological Zealot': Sen. Cotton Offers Blistering Criticism of Special Counsel Jack Smith

After having "skimmed through" the indictment, Cotton said he agreed with host Laura Ingraham's categorizing the indictment "a diatribe." He also explained that "it seems like something you would get from an MSNBC producer for a special on that channel. These are all constitutionally protected activities in which former President Trump engaged, political activities and free speech protected by the First Amendment."

Adding that "you don't have to agree with him, you don't have to think he was right," Cotton also noted "I don't see how these charges can go forward without a serious constitutional challenge from the former president."

Cotton had strong words not only for the charges, but for Smith as well, referring to him as "an ideological zealot" and calling to mind how he charged former Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-VA) on similar crimes in 2014. As the senator pointed out, though, those charges were reversed unanimously at the U.S. Supreme Court in 2016, "because his legal theories were so far-fetched."

Cotton was hardly the only one to raise First Amendment rights concerns about the charges against Trump. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) also earned attention for his comments, as has been the case whenever he's spoken out against the indictments brought against Trump. "Apparently it is now a crime to make statements challenging election results if a prosecutor decides those statements aren’t true," his tweet pointed out.

"So when should we expect indictments of the democrat politicians who falsely claimed Russia hacked the 2016 election," Rubio's tweet also asked. The Russia collusion narrative that Rubio referred to was confirmed to be a total hoax by the Durham report released in May of this year.



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Hunter Biden whistleblower Gary Shapley claims FBI spooked corroborating witness

FBI general counsel Jason Jones wrote a warning letter to the recently retired agent the afternoon before his July 17 deposition before the House Oversight Committee advising him not to share information about any “deliberations or ongoing investigative activity.”

“He was given a letter the Sunday before from DOJ basically telling him not to talk,” Shapley told Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” following former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer’s closed-door deposition to the panel Monday.

“I know that he could have confirmed additional material facts on this investigation,” Shapley added. “And he did confirm the FBI headquarters notifying the transition team and Secret Service [about a planned Hunter Biden interview attempt in December 2020], but really that was the only thing that he was able to speak about.”

The Oversight Committee has not yet released the transcript of the former FBI supervisor’s interview.

The former agent traveled to Hunter Biden’s residence in California as part of a plan to approach him for an interview about tax fraud and other possible crimes, according to records released by the House Ways and Means Committee.


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The Indictment of Donald Trump Is The Real Threat To Democracy | Opinion

Having previously colluded with social media companies to censor disfavored opinions about the 2020 election, our ruling class, led by the Justice Department, now wants to criminalize such Wrongthink and deter those who would defend the Wrongthinkers.

Special Counsel Smith does so by reading President Trump's mind, claiming that despite what he has always maintained, Trump didn't really believe the election was stolen from him; that his election challenges were therefore fraudulent; and that thus he must be charged under whatever statutes can be twisted to fit the thought crimes.

This is how Trump faces one count for conspiracy to violate "the right to vote and to have one's vote counted" under a statute targeting law enforcement misconduct and hate crime prosecutions originally aimed at combating the KKK.

This is how Trump faces another count for an "obstruction of an official proceeding" offense never applied before to prosecute political protesters until the Biden Justice Department shoehorned the law to target other January 6 defendants.

And this is how Trump faces the key charge in the "case:" that in exhausting every possible means to contest the results of an unprecedented election that Smith believes Trump believed he lost—pressing states to pursue alleged fraud and decertify election results, preparing alternate slates of electors, and pursuing sometimes untested but by no means baseless constitutional remedies—the former president committed a "conspiracy to defraud the United States."

That is, the case rests on the premise that Trump knew he lost, so everything he did to try and win was criminal.

Never mind that prosecutors never charged Democrats for their past baseless claims of fraud or illegitimacy in the 2000, 2004, or 2016 elections, and objections to the certification of electors; nor in 2016 for scheming to get electors to go rogue; nor in 1960 for creating an alternate slate of electors.


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Maria Bartiromo: The DOJ Is Waiting for More Evidence of Things to Come Out on Joe Biden – Then They Will Give Georgia the Go Ahead to Release Another Indictment (VIDEO)

This is not by accident. Democrats and the Biden Regime are making a mockery of our Justice System. They are intentionally destroying America, our laws, our borders, our reputation, our dollar, our middle class and our culture.

Larry Kudlow laid out this timeline today on his show after news broke that Trump would be indicted.

Larry Kudlow: One reason that this is coming out today is because former Hunter Biden best friend forever, Devin Archer, did his deposition yesterday and talked about the Hunter family brand, which is an influence peddling brand. Just hang on a second.
They do this every time something bad happens.
They come up with another indictment. March 16, Jamie Comer reveals biden’s family payments. Then a few weeks later, April 4, Trump’s New York criminal indictment. That was the Alvin Bragg fiasco. Then later in the spring, June, 8th Republican views Biden’s bribery 1023 form. Okay, the GOP unleashed that the next day. On the 9th, we had Trump’s classified documents indictment about Mar-a-lago in the summertime. Just a few days ago, July 26, we get the Hunter plea deal blows up in Wilmington, Delaware. And guess what? All of a sudden, Trump has to face additional charges from Jack Smith about covering up tapes and having the maintenance guy. I mean, come on.
Yesterday’s deposition was very devastating for the Bidens. So today, all of a sudden, lo and behold, they’re going to come up with some make-up indictment for January 6 that will hold absolutely no legal water.


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The FBI Targeted Traditional Catholics Because They Will Never Accept The Left’s Pagan Morality

That’s the real reason the FBI was targeting Catholics. It had nothing to do with the alleged threat of “white supremacy,” as the leaked memo claimed. Anyone with a passing familiarity with Latin Mass parishes knows they are just about the last place in America where you’re likely to encounter white supremacists.

The reason why is that Catholics who attend Latin Mass tend to take the Catholic Church’s teachings seriously. Unlike supposedly “devout” Catholic Democrat politicians, including President Joe Biden and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Latin Mass-attending Catholics oppose abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, and racism in the guise of CRT.

They oppose these things not because of politics, but because they accept the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage and homosexuality, as well as the doctrine of imago Dei, that all people are created in God’s image, regardless of race or sex, and therefore all are equal in the eyes of God. This doctrine, by the way, is one of the pillars of Western civilization, without which our entire system of constitutional self-government would collapse.

In fact, it’s precisely this doctrine that so offends the FBI and the regime it serves. Dividing people according to immutable and unchosen characteristics such as race or sex is what the political left wants to do. It’s what drives the left’s obsession with skin color and so-called gender identity. Instead of a republic of free and equal citizens, the regime wants a collection of favored and disfavored groups to rule over, pitting them against one another while doling out rewards and punishments based on alleged guilt and grievance.

Faithful Christians will never accept this. Nor will they accept abortion as a fundamental right that trumps all others, or the castration and sterilization of children in the name of transgenderism. Catholics who accept and obey the church’s teachings on human sexuality, the dignity and rights of the unborn, and the equality of all people before God — teachings that are unchanged and unchangeable — will never submit to the regime or adopt its pagan morality.


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In a Friday news dump, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced he’s appointed U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware, David Weiss, as special counsel in the probe of Hunter Biden. “I have concluded,” Garland claimed, “that it is in the public interest to appoint him as special counsel.”

Which makes zero sense.

Wasn’t Weiss already responsible for the “ongoing investigation” of President Joe Biden’s son “as well as for any other matters that arose or may arise from that investigation?” For years now, Garland claimed that Weiss had ultimate authority to investigate charges against Hunter or any other criminality related to the Biden family business. Yet he didn’t do anything.

Politico, for example, explains that a special counsel appointment is bad news for Hunter because a “request for a change of venue would not have been possible without Garland’s special counsel designation, which now gives Weiss the latitude to file charges outside of Delaware.” But in a June press conference, Garland reiterated that Weiss could prosecute Hunter in “any way he wanted to” and anywhere he wanted to. Weiss himself claimed that he had “never been denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction.”

Again, why would Weiss be bestowed with special powers he already possesses?

Was the naming of special counsel hastened by the revelation that when Biden Inc. received big payouts from foreigners, Vice President Joe was — by complete happenstance, no doubt — also having dinners with the beneficiaries? Or was it the revelation that Joe allegedly got on the phone at least 20 times to chit-chat about the weather and whatnot with foreign entities that are putting millions of dollars in the bank accounts of his extended family?



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‘Shoeless Joe’ Weiss and the fixing of the Hunter Biden game

Roughly 100 years ago, “Shoeless” Joe Jackson admitted that, as a player for the Chicago White Sox, he and seven other teammates had intentionally lost the World Series to the Cincinnati Reds in 1919. When a kid stopped him outside of the grand jury room and asked “It ain’t true, is it, Joe?” Jackson responded “Yes, kid, I’m afraid it is.”

This is not a case of history repeating itself. After being confronted by allegations of a fixed investigation, Attorney General Merrick Garland just sent Shoeless Joe back into the game.

The appointment of Delaware David Weiss as the new special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden left many with the same disbelief as that kid in Chicago. This is, after all, the same Weiss who headed an investigation that was trashed by whistleblowers, who alleged that his investigation had been fixed from the outset.

It is the same Weiss who ran an investigation in which agents were allegedly prevented from asking about Joe Biden, obstructed in their efforts to pursue questions and compromised by tip offs to the Biden team on planned searches.

It was also the same Weiss who reportedly allowed the statute of limitations to run out on Hunter’s major tax offenses, even though he had the option to extend it.


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Introducing Contempt of Public

We can see two blatant instances of contempt of public unfolding before our eyes even as I write. On Friday, our version of Darth Sidious, Merrick Garland, announced that he was appointing U.S. Attorney David Weiss as special counsel to investigate the slew of allegations of bribery accumulating like barnacles on the lumbering vessel that is the Biden family.

Garland said that he was elevating Weiss to special counsel status in order to give him a freer hand. Henceforth, the U.S. Attorney for Delaware would be able to carry on his work outside Delaware, focusing, for example, on California, where Hunter Biden lived when many of the alleged misdeeds occurred.

That sounds good on paper. But really it is just hooey. Indeed, Weiss’s appointment as special counsel was a multifaceted act of contempt of public. In the first place, as was widely pointed out as Garland made his announcement, appointing Weiss was improper because special counsels are supposed to come from outside the government. Weiss, a sitting U.S. Attorney, is very much inside the government. An uncharitable observer might even say that he is inside the pocket of Merrick Garland, who in turn has snuggled deeply into the fleece of Biden, Inc. In any event, you don’t have to be uncharitable, merely accurate, to say that David Weiss is ineligible to be a special counsel.

Of course AG Garland knew this, just as he had to know that he would instantly be called out on it by the battalion of legal eagles swarming over and dissecting his every statement. He knew, but he didn’t care. Why? Because he assumes he will pay no penalty for his exhibition of contempt. He never has in the past. Why should this time be different?

Garland’s contempt of public goes far beyond the technical matter of appointing someone who is ineligible for the job. His scorn for the public he is supposed to be serving is on more flagrant view when we consider David Weiss’s history with Hunter Biden. He has been investigating—or, rather, he has been “investigating”—Hunter Biden for the past five years. As has been widely observed, during that time he slow walked the investigation—hence my scare quotes around the word—to such an extent that the statute of limitations has wheeled into view on many of the charges.

Moreover, it was Weiss who presided over the sweetheart deal to end all sweetheart deals for Hunter. He was supposed to be prosecuting the case. In fact, it would be closer to the truth to say he was burying it. The full measure of sugar he shoveled into the deal is something that became known only accidentally thanks to an attentive judge. The world knew that Hunter was escaping any jail time for his tax and felony gun crimes. We discovered that the deal also immunized Hunter against future indictment only because Judge Maryellen Noreika, who presided in the case, actually read the deal and had the gumption to say, “Hey, what’s this?

By keeping David Weiss on the case of Hunter, and by elevating him to the status of special counsel, Merrick Garland has once again spit in the face of the public. It is worth noting, however, that his contempt of public does not operate only in hush-hush mode, working to exonerate and protect friends of the regime. It also works in attack mode, to destroy the regime’s enemies.


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At Least 7 Delaware Prosecutors Donated to Democrats During Hunter Biden Probe

As scrutiny mounts on Special Counsel David Weiss, who serves as U.S. Attorney for Delaware and agreed to a sweetheart plea deal with Hunter Biden after five years of investigation, a Washington Examiner analysis found that at least seven prosecutors in Weiss’s office donated to Democrats.

Not one prosecutor donated to a Republican, the analysis revealed.

The partisan donations come as many within the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office appear to have deep ties to the Bidens.

According to the Washington Post, Weiss spent years working with Hunter’s late older brother, Beau Biden, who was then-Delaware attorney general:

As the top federal prosecutor in Wilmington, Weiss collaborated with his local equivalent: Beau Biden, who had been elected Delaware attorney general in 2006. Weiss and Beau Biden conducted joint investigations and determined which office had jurisdiction in various cases.

In addition, former deputy counsel to then-Vice President Joe Biden, Alexander Mackler, served as an assistant United States attorney for Delaware alongside Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who worked on the criminal probe into Hunter Biden and allegedly politically influenced the DOJ’s probe into the president’s son.

Mackler’s history with Joe Biden includes working as Beau Biden’s campaign manager for Delaware Attorney General. Joe Biden then appointed Mackler as deputy counsel to the vice president from September 2014 to August 2016, as Breitbart News reported.


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The FBI likely has a case file on Oliver Anthony already, whistleblower says

What’s a bit more shocking is the possibility that Anthony’s heartfelt song and outspoken views may have resulted in unwanted attention from a different source: the FBI.

Edward Snowden, the famous whistleblower who blew the lid on the National Security Agency’s unlawful surveillance program, recently hinted that there’s a good chance the FBI has already opened a file on Anthony.

“After hitting topping the iTunes list and tweeting like this, the FBI will be making space for him another kind of list, too,” Snowden tweeted. “Think I’m kidding? The FBI had a file on John Denver for attending *one* anti-war protest.”


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DHS agency used Slack channel, 'personal' cellphone for misinformation meetings: records

The revelations about the inner workings of the since-disbanded Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Misinformation & Disinformation Subcommittee, part of CISA's Cybersecurity Advisory Committee, emerged from the latest batch of documents obtained by the Functional Government Initiative through a state public records request.

The documents come from the University of Washington by way of Kate Starbird, director of its Center for an Informed Public, which has played a pivotal role in public-private misinformation policing efforts – including the CISA-blessed Election Integrity Partnership, Virality Project and so-called MDM Subcommittee, which also handles "mal-information."

Regarding transparency, "alternate designated federal officer" James Nash in CISA's Stakeholder Engagement Division, which handles the agency's voluntary partnerships, and CSAC's unidentified "Support Team" repeatedly offered subcommittee members private channels of communication.

Just the News found emails on five 2022 dates – May 5, May 9, May 10, May 11 and May 25 – that directed members to reach Nash through a mobile phone number with a New York area code.

Three emails were directed to Starbird but included others, asking for her feedback on meeting notes taken by him or another staffer.

Nash identified the New York number as his "personal" cell in two of them.

"Glad to scribe and change as needed," he told Starbird on May 10.

"Glad to make changes as needed before circulation to our larger group," Nash wrote her May 25.

All three included his email signature, which lists a different cellphone number with a D.C. area code that appears to be his government line. (The prefix after the area code matches several Navy phone numbers.)

The CSAC Support Team shared a meeting summary, agenda and other documents with MDM Subcommittee members in two emails. Both tell them to address any questions to Nash, first listing his New York number, identified as "mobile," and then his D.C. number, which is not described.

Members could also discuss subcommittee business in a different forum.

"As a reminder we do have a slack channel and we can touch base on that next week as well," the Support Team wrote in a May 5 email, referring to the popular instant-messaging service for office environments.

It wasn't the only Slack reference in the UW documents. The official notes from the June 22, 2022, CSAC meeting describe a presentation by Eric Goldstein, executive assistant director for cybersecurity, on how CISA is "using Slack channels to communicate with big tech and financial companies where partners are sharing and collaborating in real time" as part of the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative.

CISA did not answer queries Thursday about the documents, including why specifically Easterly wanted Gadde to stay put, what exactly Gadde told Easterly in the "recent communication," which progressive groups helped and how the use of the Slack channel and Nash's personal cellphone complied with CISA's legal obligations.


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“It’s None of Your Business!” – FBI Refused to Tell Mother of Disabled Veteran Why They Stormed Her Home – Then Proceeded to Shoot and Kill her Disabled Veteran Son Theodore Deschler in Pre-Dawn Raid – No New Details Released

The story first broke on local WBBJ on August 16th. WBBJ was tipped off by a local viewer about the shooting.

No more major media or local media covered the story. It was buried for another week when WBBJ posted a second report a week later on August 23rd.

The family says the FBI still to this day refuses to tell them why they conducted the raid and killed Deshler.

Brother Russell Deschler spoke with reporters last week. “There’s three up front and two on the sides they broke out… they were shooting flash…… smoke grenades.”

The FBI told Deschler’s mother who was at home at the time, “It’s none of your business,” when she asked them why they were there at her home.
According to the suspect’s mother who chose not to appear on camera, she was at the residence at the time. According to her, the FBI beat on the door and when she answered they pulled her out of the residence and put her in the back of a police vehicle. When she asked why they were there she was told, “It’s none of your business” by the agents. She told us the entire incident was probably 15 minutes from the time the agents arrived to when her son was shot.
“It was a senseless act. You know Teddy was a 100% disabled veteran. He had problems. He had severe PTSD. He had depression but he was getting help for it but this was senseless. He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas,” Deschler said.
The family believes that Theodore was unarmed. They believe from the location of where the FBI agent took the shot through the garage window, you couldn’t see into the kitchen. The garage was full of old furniture, an old fridge, plus a door in the garage that Theodore was standing behind.


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US Customs and Border Protection retaliated for years against three whistleblowers who called out its failure to collect DNA from millions of detainees, allowing some violent criminals to evade justice for decades, a federal investigation found.

Fred Wynn, Mike Taylor and Mark Jones faced professional and financial consequences for spotlighting their agency’s refusal to comply with federal law enforcement rules for DNA collection on criminal arrestees since 2009, according to the US Office of Special Counsel (OSC).

“The agency’s noncompliance with the law has allowed subject subsequently accused of violent crimes, including homicide and sexual assault, to elude detection even when detained multiple times by CBP or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),” Special Counsel Henry Kerner told then-President Donald Trump and Congress in letters on Aug. 21, 2019.

“This is an unacceptable dereliction of the agency’s law enforcement mandate,” added Kerner, who said that the trio claimed CBP had detained but not taken DNA from more than 5 million people over the previous decade.



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Top House GOP chairmen launch probe into Hunter Biden special counsel appointment

A joint letter sent by the chairmen of the Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means Committees said Weiss’s elevation from Delaware U.S. Attorney to special counsel "raises numerous concerns," claiming it undercuts Garland and Weiss’s previous insistence that the prosecutor was already operating independently without political pressure.

"Given the extremely serious nature of these issues, the Committees expect unfettered cooperation with our oversight from both you and the Department," the letter said.

They questioned why Weiss opened the investigation in 2018, after being appointed by former President Donald Trump, but was only made special counsel this summer.


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Last week House Republicans subpoenaed FBI special agents Thomas Sobocinski and Ryeshia Holley to compel testimony on political interference and preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden investigation.

Garland’s DOJ said the subpoenas couldn’t be enforced because Congressman Jim Jordan barred DOJ lawyers at their depositions.

“The subpoenas issued by the Committee prohibit the attendance of agency counsel at appearances by two FBI employees where the Committee has indicated it will ask questions regarding information they learned within the scope of their official duties, including regarding the ongoing criminal investigation,” Carlos Uriarte, DOJ assistant attorney general wrote.

“These subpoenas lack legal effect and cannot constitutionally be enforced,” Uriarte added.

The Washington Examiner reported:

The Department of Justice informed the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday night that it would not cooperate with subpoenas for two FBI agents involved in the department’s investigation of Hunter Biden because of the committee’s stipulations for their depositions.
Carlos Uriarte, DOJ assistant attorney general, claimed in a letter obtained by the Washington Examiner to committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) that his subpoenas to the two agents “lack legal effect and cannot constitutionally be enforced” because Jordan had prohibited DOJ lawyers at their depositions.
He also noted that compelling testimony from the pair of FBI officials, special agents Thomas Sobocinski and Ryeshia Holley of the FBI’s Baltimore Field Office, was “premature” because the DOJ was open to continuing “discussions” with Jordan.
Jordan’s deposition rule aligns with House rules, which do not permit department counsel at depositions. The DOJ and the committee could, however, negotiate to have Sobocinski and Holley appear voluntarily with DOJ lawyers instead of appearing in the form of a deposition.

The letter from the DOJ was in response to the subpoenas issued by the Judiciary and House Ways and Means to compel testimony witness testimony on political interference and preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden investigation.
