DOJ Corruption and Malfeasance


PREMO Member

FBI raid on Trump compound stands in stark contrast to Clinton treatment years earlier

Back then in the summer of 2015, there was no raid of Mrs. Clinton's home in Chappaqua, N.Y., where the server has been operated. In fact, the former secretary of state's lawyer, David Kendall, was allowed to keep a thumb drive of the archive of her inbox — complete with classified materials — inside his office.

The FBI even approved a special safe for Kendall to use to store the classified materials. In the end, Mrs. Clinton faced no prosecution because then-FBI Director James Comey refused to send the matter to DOJ even though he declared her handling of classified emails as reckless.

The disparate handling of two cases involving famous figures led immediately to charges Monday night that the FBI was acting with a political double standard.

Conservative radio and TV host Mark Levin, former chief of staff to Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese, called the raid Monday on Trump's home and office in Florida "an unprecedented act of state-sponsored lawlessness."

"Millions have rightly lost faith in the DOJ, FBI, media, and Congress, and this is beyond anything I can ever recall," he said in a tweet, adding the raid left the perception Joe Biden or his administration was seeking to harm the man who might run against him again in 2024.


the poor dad
The shocking raid Monday of former President Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, Florida, stood in stark contrast to the many Trump opponents that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has not raided despite public evidence of alleged misconduct.

They include:

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden: The FBI has been in possession of Hunter’s laptop since 2019, which contains evidence that Hunter used Joe’s position to conduct lucrative foreign business. He also cut his dad into deals and commingled their funds.

Hillary Clinton: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information on a private server she likely used to hide efforts to use her office to raise money for her family’s foundation. She was infamously excused by the FBI.

Marc Elias and the Russia hoaxers: Elias, a lawyer for Democrats, helped arrange the so-called Russia “dossier,” which was then used to launch fraudulent and abusive investigations of Trump and his campaign. He has never been brought to justice.

James Clapper and John Brennan: The “Statler and Waldorf” of deep-state cable pundits fueled the Russia hoax and then cited their intelligence credentials to claim, falsely, that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation in 2020.

Adam Schiff: Schiff lied to the public about his role in instigating the first Trump impeachment, then used his committee’s report to spy on members of the committee and the president’s lawyer, and failed to appear before the Judiciary Committee.

Kamala Harris: As the country reeled from riots in the summer of 2020, then-Sen. Harris (D-CA) called on supporters to bail out rioters in Minneapolis, likely encouraging more violence. She also referred to law enforcement as a “paramilitary.”

Black Lives Matter: Amid evidence that the left-wing group has been abusing its charitable status, even liberal states issued warnings to the group. But though the movement’s scope is nationwide, the FBI or DOJ have yet to do anything about it.

James Comey and Andrew McCabe: Amid evidence that the former FBI director and deputy director, respectively, had leaked to the media, they were let off the hook by internal investigations and have enjoyed speaking fees and cable slots.

Don't forget Swallwell who slept with a chinese spy.


PREMO Member
🔥 Thoughts and reflections. My first thought was that President Trump needs to thoroughly sweep his property for electronics when he gets back. It might not be so much about what the FBI took, as what they left behind.

Second, did Trump know it was coming?

Third, the FBI has been circling Comet Ping Pong’s grease trap for years. A few recent examples include:

  • 2008 Jeffrey Epstein non-prosecution agreement
  • Pushed Russia collusion hoax
  • Spied on law-abiding Americans
  • Lied to FISA court
  • Lied about Hunter’s laptop, said it was Russian disinformation
  • Ignored Hillary’s server escapades
  • Ignoring Biden Family criminal activity
  • Persecuting journalists at Project Veritas
  • Treating J6 trespassers like terrorists
  • Going after soccer moms for criticizing school boards
For whatever reason, none of those things was enough to galvanize any significant pushback. And I’m not the only one who noticed:

But this raid is going to finally do it. Something has to give. The pressure on the GOP will be irresistible. Governors like DeSantis and maybe Abbott may begin talking about limiting federal activity in their states, as Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake suggested last night:

Fourth, the people who planned this raid are salivating for conservatives to make missteps, such as through civil disobedience. There have already been some reports from folks who went to protest outside the Trump residence yesterday that by 11pm federal agents were taking their photos and license plate numbers.

In conclusion, my initial thinking is that any response to this should be carefully-considered and strategic, and people need to avoid taking the bait to create a pretext for more investigations and prosecutions of conservative protesters. “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matt. 10:6.

For his part, President Trump seems optimistic. He dropped a new campaign ad on TruthSocial following the raid. It ends with the words, “… the best is yet to come.”

Joe Biden is infecting our Banana Republic with monkeypox. You know how that works.



Well-Known Member
Ok, that seals it. I am voting for him. Forget enjoying liberal tears - I'm pissed. Forget the "Inflation Reduction Act" - that in itself is ridiculous.

They cannot be trusted. I wouldn't let them walk my dog.


PREMO Member

Crowd of Trump Supporters Gather Outside Mar-a-Lago Hours After FBI Raid: ‘They’re Terrified of Him’

Crowd of Trump Supporters Gather Outside Mar-a-Lago Hours After FBI Raid: ‘They’re Terrified of Him’


PREMO Member

Famed Conservative Attorney Harmeet Dhillon Issues Laundry List Of FBI’s Abuse Of Power

Dhillon has stated that there were problematic issues with the 2020 election, asserting, “Some of the practices that we saw in the 2020 election were truly outrageous. They included, but are not limited to, without legislative input changing the rules for submitting absentee ballots in states like Wisconsin, which has some specific regulations about that; just simply ignoring those and allowing people to submit ballots who are not entitled to under state law; concealing from observers what happened in the counting rooms, creating doubt in the public.”

She went on to say we should proactively “guard against” voter fraud and stop “federalizing our elections,” calling for more “activism in the states to make sure that stronger voter laws are passed at the state level that protect against this.”

She targeted Democrat claims of voter suppression, saying, “I’m an immigrant to this country, and I can tell you that this country has the freest access to the vote for people of all colors and backgrounds and even, you know, places of origin like myself, of any country in the world. I would say it is — because of the fact that we don’t monitor our voter rolls very well — it is almost too free to vote.”


PREMO Member
“I mean, this has never been done before in the history of this country,” said Axelrod, “and so the idea that they would raid the home of a former president and search the home of a former president is obviously as big stakes as you can have.”

Axelrod then tried to argue that Merrick Garland wouldn’t have approved the raid unless he had a solid case. “And, you know, Merrick Garland is a notoriously cautious person,” Axelrod explained. “He would not have authorized it unless they believed they had significant evidence that a crime had been committed, and a federal judge wouldn’t have signed off on it; they were aware of the stakes as well.”

That’s giving Garland way too much credit, and it’s hard to understand how Axelrod said this with a straight face. The raid was conducted under the pretext of searching for allegedly classified documents that had actually already been declassified, and was approved by an Obama-donor judge with ties to Jeffrey Epstein. Does that sound like it was “notoriously cautious” to you?

Axelrod is in denial because Garland is an established partisan hack. We’ve known this since his confirmation hearings, when he refused to commit to protecting special counsel John Durham’s Russiagate investigation and declined to call Antifa’s attacks on federal buildings domestic terrorism. On top of that, he evaded questions about how he would enforce immigration policy, among many other things.

Garland’s tenure at the Department of Justice hasn’t been “notoriously cautious,” either. On his watch, the DOJ has become just as, if not more, politicized than it was under Barack Obama and his attorneys general, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. One of the most prominent examples came last year when Garland authorized the FBI to investigate parents who protest school board meetings, alleging a “disturbing trend” of teachers being threatened or harassed — which turned out to be completely bogus.

Garland never rescinded the memo, and later, a whistleblower revealed an internal email showing that he had lied to Congress when he claimed the FBI wasn’t using counterterrorism tools to monitor parents. That alone is a crime and thus an impeachable offense. But Garland further discredited himself and the DOJ when he allowed disgraced FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to win back his full pension and when he allowed for Donald Trump’s private tax records to be released to Congress despite Congress having no legitimate claim to access them.



PREMO Member

Regime Raid on Trump an Outrage

Whatever excuse the Justice Department and FBI have for raiding the home of former President Donald Trump, there can be no doubt about the ultimate implication. The Far Left, which sprung to life in opposition to the Trump administration, is determined to use the power of government to remove those who challenge its power.

Were the FBI agents looking for mishandled classified documents taken from the White House? That would be a laugh. As president, Trump could have declassified anything he wanted and needn’t have told anyone since he was the chief executive of the executive branch and commander in chief of the military and, by extension, the national security establishment that can classify information. It is literally impossible for a president to mishandle classified information since the ability to classify it and manage its handling is vested in him. The Justice Department and FBI should know that unless they were sick the day they taught law at law school.

There’s also the small matter that Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, had a server installed in her home to conceal her governmental communications, which an investigation later determined contained classified information. She didn’t have Trump’s plenary declassification authority and still wasn’t even prosecuted. Neither has so much of a legal glove been applied to Hillary’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, who helped her set up the Clinton Global Initiative—the biggest mechanism for accepting foreign bribes in world history.


PREMO Member

Parents Targeted by FBI Won’t Back Down; IRS Plans to Monitor Your Bank Account

Are parents who challenge their local school boards domestic terrorists? That’s what the FBI aims to find out based on a recent directive from the Department of Justice. A mom in Virginia, Asra Nomani, says parents like her won’t be intimidated.

And in America Q&A, we ask how much input parents should have in public school education.

Next, banks are warning Americans of what’s coming if new tax rules being pushed by the Treasury go through. It would mean virtually every bank account in the country will come under IRS scrutiny, explains Paul Merski, vice president of Independent Community Bankers of America.

Finally, in our second America Q&A we ask if Americans are ok with giving the IRS power to monitor every bank transaction over $600?


PREMO Member

We Have No Reason To Trust The FBI

Is it still the case that investigating a candidate for wrongdoing is “rigging” an election? Yesterday, Merrick Garland’s DOJ raided the home of a former president, and likely future presidential candidate, in a case regarding “potential mishandling of classified documents,” according to The Washington Post. Is that really it? We have long been told that “mishandling of classified documents” isn’t a serious crime.

When Clinton set up a secret private server to circumvent transparency, likely to hide favor-trading related to her now-obsolete corrupt foundation, it was a potential felony. In that illegal server, the FBI would find 100 emails containing classified information, 65 marked “Secret,” 22 marked “Top Secret,” and over 2,000 emails that would be retroactively marked classified. Many felonies. Unlike Trump, who had the power to declassify any document he wished, Hillary could not. And as numerous experts pointed out, the chances that those documents were intercepted by foreign powers were quite high. No one’s home was raided by the FBI.

Indeed, Hillary’s staff then attempted to destroy all evidence related to that secret illegal server, wiping it and literally using hammers to break phones and laptops—as Comey noted at the time, they “cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.” Another bunch of potential felonies. Not only were there no FBI raids, but Comey showered Clinton’s staff with immunity.

Comey would make the exceptionally unconvincing case that though everything that Hillary had done was illegal, the most qualified person to ever run for the presidency had merely acted “extremely careless.” More likely, Comey didn’t want to charge a presidential candidate with a bunch of felonies in the run-up to an election. It’s also true that the mishandling of documents had not been treated seriously in past examples. When former Clinton national security adviser Sandy Berger stole highly classified documents from the National Archives—memos regarding the Clinton administration’s failed anti-terrorism efforts—he was given community service. No one raided his home to look for more documents.

While these double standards may not induce you to distrust the FBI, what happened next should. Hillary would kick off the entire bogus Trump-Russia investigation, signing off on the leak of a fictitious oppo-research document, which was bolstered, most likely, by Russian disinformation. Yet, according to the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, initial FISA applications used by the FBI to spy on Trump’s orbit “relied entirely” on information from the dossier author Christopher Steele. Not only were the applications riddled with 17 “significant errors,” and not only would the FBI withhold contradictory evidence in the case, but a lawyer for the agency doctored an email and used it as the basis for a sworn statement to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


PREMO Member

The FBI Raid Shows the Threat We Face

Yesterday was an attack on our country, the first salvo of the war openly declared on conservatives. The FBI raid of a former president's home has never happened in the history of our country.

The radical left showed the corrupt lengths they will go to in order to stop President Trump from running in 2024, but as Trump has always said, "In reality, they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way."

The same corrupt FBI and DOJ that cooked up the Russian Collusion Hoax have struck again. This time, at a whole new level. The weaponization of the government against political opponents and its citizens cannot stand. These are dark times for our nation.


PREMO Member

Merrick Garland Faces Possible Impeachment Over FBI Trump Raid

“I think we have to know under what pretense they think this is right?,” Paul questioned, adding “This is really something that’s going to require an investigation,” Paul said. “And I wouldn’t be surprised if the investigation leads to abuse of power that this could even lead to an impeachment of the attorney general.”

Noting that the senator has never been a fan of “overusing impeachment,” Paul said that investigation into the raid absolutely needs to happen.

“And if it warrants it, there’s going to have to be a look at whether or not the attorney general has misused his office for political purposes. Have they gone after a political opponent? I mean, this is beyond the pale… No one would have ever imagined before that we would be using or one political party would be using the FBI to attack their political opponents,” Paul said.

Meanwhile Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) also called on Garland to resign, as well as the FBI to be completely reformed along with FBI director Christopher Wray.


PREMO Member

Whistleblower Said FBI Office Behind Mar-a-Lago Raid Has a Political Manipulation Problem

John Solomon, founder and editor-in-chief of Just the News, noted on Tuesday’s edition of the Breitbart News Daily podcast with host Alex Marlow that whistleblowers from the Federal Bureau of Investigaion (FBI) warned of “political manipulation” at the FBI’s Washington Field Office, which conducted a raid on Monday of former President Donald Trump’s personal residence at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.

“We had whistleblowers, just last week, [who] said there’s political manipulation of the cases going on,” Solomon said of Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) recent claims of “multiple FBI whistleblowers” warning of partisan political manipulation of some of the bureau’s investigations. Grassley’s office wrote: