Don't do it, Ahnuld!


Im On 1.
Pete said:
What's the problem? Tookie is probably pleading his case to God as we speak.:shrug:

from dust he was created to dust he will return!

*smh* at the thought of this man being allowed into heaven (if thats where he was going)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
*smh* at the thought of this man being allowed into heaven (if thats where he was going)
Well, if that azzhole gets into heaven, the rest of us should have no problem. Me and Slotted will bring the beer. :buddies:


New Member
Even if it was YOUR family member, wife, child, sister, brother...that was killed for $120, even a cool million, you'd still allow the SOB that commited it more than a day to "get right with god"? :eyebrow:


Ponytail said:
Even if it was YOUR family member, wife, child, sister, brother...that was killed for $120, even a cool million, you'd still allow the SOB that commited it more than a day to "get right with god"? :eyebrow:
Believe it or not, I didn't just pull that opinion out of my ass, and my opinions oftentimes aren't subject to change out of convenience or emotional state. I have actually put thought into the issue before I formulated my opinion - and the fact that a family member of mine could be murdered, has indeed, crossed my feeble little mind.

And I still hold to my opinion.

Anyway, I'm not here to debate my opinion on the death penalty. Someone posted a blanket statement on what "anti-death-penalty-people" believe - and I merely corrected it.
Last edited:


New Member
Toxick said:
Believe it or not, I didn't just pull that opinion out of my ass, and my opinions oftentimes aren't subject to change out of convenience or emotional state. I have actually put thought into the issue before I formulated my opinion - and the fact that a family member of mine could be murdered, has indeed, crossed my feeble little mind.

And I still hold to my opinion.

Anyway, I'm not here to debate my opinion on the death penalty. Someone posted a blanket statement on what "anti-death-penalty-people" believe - and I merely corrected it.

I wasn't questioning your thought process, just trying to understand your opinion.


Ponytail said:
I wasn't questioning your thought process, just trying to understand your opinion.
Usually people who ask if my opinion on an issue would be the same if the issue were closer to home are assuming that I formed my opinion based on a touchy-feely knee-jerk attitude.

Just wanted to clear that up is all.

The fact is, if someone did murder someone close to me, my knee-jerk reaction would be to kill the SOB. Judge, Jury and Executioner. Barring that, I can't even tell you that I wouldn't feel satisfaction when they give him a dose of intravenous oven-cleaner. (I say this to my shame - not pride.)

But when my smoke cleared and my rage evaporated, when it's all said and done, I believe that I would reclaim my previous opinion - and for the same reasons.

I certainly hope that fury never becomes the driving factor of my opinions.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I said...

Anti death penalty people believe, by and large,

...not everyone and absolutely.

I accept there are multiple reasons but I do think that is the prime one.

I certainly hope that fury never becomes the driving factor of my opinions.

If you know anything at all about the death penalty in this nation, and I know you do, you know that emotion, fury, is the LAST thing that comes into play when death is the sentence. It takes a year or two or more for capital crimes to even come to trial and then, well, Tookie pumped iron and wrote childrens books and manipulated celebrities for 26 years in order to keep enjoying the life he has.


I eat red meat
Toxick said:
Not all anti-death penalty people believe that.

Some of us believe that no matter what, everyone.. EVERYONE - even the biggest POS in the world - has a right to get right with God. Whether they do so or not is beside the point. That opportunity shouldn't be taken away by men.
Tookie was given that opportunity and he chose not to "get right". Just because during his time awaiting his sentence to be carried out he wrote a few books geared towards kids about gangs does not make him redeemable in our society.


b*tch rocket
Anyone who calls themselves "Tookie" has issues any way you look at it. :twitch: Just an observation. :shrug:Have they started rioting yet? :confused:


Animal said:
Tookie was given that opportunity and he chose not to "get right".
That's not my business. I made it a point to say that whether they take the opportunity or not is immaterial.

Animal said:
Just because during his time awaiting his sentence to be carried out he wrote a few books geared towards kids about gangs does not make him redeemable in our society.
And I never said the SOB should have been released back into our society. He should have stayed in the cage he was in for the rest of his natural life. Big difference between not slaughtering someone, and unleashing a menace.


Larry Gude said:
...I said...

...not everyone and absolutely.
I know - but I felt compelled to interject my own $0.02 anyway.

Larry Gude said:
I accept there are multiple reasons but I do think that is the prime one.
You may be right - but I think the prime reason that most anti-capital punishment people are against the death penalty is because <CHEAPSHOT>&lt;cheapshot&gt; they were told to by their left wing mentors.&lt;/cheapshot&gt;</CHEAPSHOT>

Larry Gude said:
If you know anything at all about the death penalty in this nation, and I know you do, you know that emotion, fury, is the LAST thing that comes into play when death is the sentence. It takes a year or two or more for capital crimes to even come to trial and then, well, Tookie pumped iron and wrote childrens books and manipulated celebrities for 26 years in order to keep enjoying the life he has.
I hope I didn't imply that pro-capital-punishment people were letting fury guide their decisions.

However, if I were to lose a family member to murder, and then suddenly I'm at the front of the torch-weilding mob, it is because I would have allowed anger to form my opinion - not just influence my opinion, but to completely reshape it. And I hope I don't allow that to happen to me.


I eat red meat
Toxick said:
That's not my business. I made it a point to say that whether they take the opportunity or not is immaterial.

And I never said the SOB should have been released back into our society. He should have stayed in the cage he was in for the rest of his natural life. Big difference between not slaughtering someone, and unleashing a menace.
So the only way to get right for Tookie would have been to keep him in a cell? :bs: He was never going to get right with God and your point of getting right is immaterial as he had 24 years to do that. I guess you see confinement worse then a death penalty and as actually something that makes the criminal suffer. I don't, he got what he deserved as he broke the laws in such a heinous manner that he earned the right to be killed. Only wish they would have used a shotgun and blew him away like he did to his victims instead of his "humane" death by injection.


Animal said:
I don't, he got what he deserved as he broke the laws in such a heinous manner that he earned the right to be killed.

Fine. I'm not going to try and change your mind. I've also stated, I'm not here to defend or debate my position on the matter - especially to someone who's going to ignore or dismiss my main point.

Maybe some other time - but that's not why I entered this thread, and I'm leaving here in about 10 minutes.

So good day to you sir.


I eat red meat
Toxick said:
Fine. I'm not going to try and change your mind. I've also stated, I'm not here to defend or debate my position on the matter - especially to someone who's going to ignore or dismiss my main point.

Maybe some other time - but that's not why I entered this thread, and I'm leaving here in about 10 minutes.

So good day to you sir.
Don't fret, you won't sway me with your BS.

What's your main point? From what I see it is that you feel that no one should be held to account with their life no matter what they have done. Close enough? How about Saddam or Usama bin Laden?

Well, our nation and California, as well as other states, feel that depending on the crime that death is an appropriate punishment, get over it.


Animal said:
Don't fret, you won't sway me with your BS.
Congratulations to you.

Animal said:
What's your main point?
You've already ignored it once. If you really want to know - try knocking that f'ing chip off your shoulder, and go back and read it again. It hasn't changed.

You're not trying to talk to me or understand what I said, you're trying to pick a fight with me.

I'm not interested today.

Animal said:
From what I see it is that you feel that no one should be held to account with their life no matter what they have done.
If that's what you see, then you see wrongly.


I eat red meat
Toxick said:
You've already ignored it once. If you really want to know - try knocking that f'ing chip off your shoulder, and go back and read it again. It hasn't changed.
No chip on my shoulder, just a belief in how we handle the vermin of our world.

I read it again and you said -
Toxic said:
Some of us believe that no matter what, everyone.. EVERYONE - even the biggest POS in the world - has a right to get right with God. Whether they do so or not is beside the point. That opportunity shouldn't be taken away by men.
Toxic said:
But I don't subscribe to the Eye for an Eye mentality.
This clearly indicates that you do not believe that anyone that commits a crime punishable by death should have to give their life for it. So don't tell me I'm wrong as your words clearly state your belief.
You're not trying to talk to me or understand what I said, you're trying to pick a fight with me.

I'm not interested today.
It's easy to understand what you have said and I'm not picking a fight with you either. I just think that you're wrong, it's that simple. We have a process for dealing with people like Tookie and that process ran its course. He was found guilty based on evidence and a jury of his peers, he lost his many appeals over a 24 year period, and now he's dead as it should be.


Football addict
Everyone is bound by a social contract, without this social contract we would be in a state of nature with no protection. "Tookie" was living in a state of nature but was also benefitting from the social contract. He inevitably broke the social contract and he should thus die at the hands of the members of our society.:yay:

Nuff' said.