Don't do it, Ahnuld!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I hope I didn't imply that pro-capital-punishment people were letting fury guide their decisions.

You'd said you 'hope to not have fury shape your decisions' and that, to me, suggested that, perhaps, part of your opposition to the death sentence is that you may feel that fury or emotion ARE a part or to big a part of the decision making process in actual cases.

I simply make the case that a lot of time passes before trials start, let alone sentencing and especially actual execution of sentence.

Time heels many wounds but knowing that your loved ones murderer is still breathing, still seeing friends and family, still reading, writing, thinking, still alive while your innocent one is still dead strikes me as a hurt that will not stop, a continuance of the crime if you will.


100% Goapele Head!
My mom and I were discussing this last night

Hope this isn't a repeated/debated opinion.

I said that it should have gone through because regardless if he killed those people or not, he probably has killed others not to mention having started the organization there is a lot of blood on his hands.

My mom however spoke on how he was unapologetic and her view is that if he did not commit the crimes then why should he be apologetic. It is possible for someone to take his gun and commit the killings. Especially since we know from movies that people lend guns and that some guns are "hot". Plus, why would you apologize for something like that if you did not do it.

However, we both agreed that he could have at least been sympathetic (if he didn't commit the crimes).

I agree that Arnold should not have granted clemency and that it would open a lot of doors and plus I think it would have hurt his political career. Also, who is to say one should put there career on the line and push their beliefs aside for anyone. I mean if he was truly redeemed then that is through Christ not man.