Double Standards (women equality)....


Active Member
I know I'm probably beating a dead horse im just in a pissy mood kinda... Little sleep and too much friends... So here it goes...

Im all for womens equality... They should be as equal, they are capable of just as much as men if they put their minds to it...

Now for my rant... The military... Women cant be drafted (are they less of a citizen for this?)... Women have a different set of standards when joining, there are girl push ups.... Why? Women and men are different physicaly, but i dont feel you can pick and choose where people should be equal... All or nothing....

Car insurance... Let me get this right, because i have a nutsack my insurance will be higher than a girl's my age? Thats a good one....

A man bones 2 girls in one night he is the man, a girl goes at it with 2 different guys in a night she is a slut whore cum spounge... MMmmhmmm

When deciding the abortion its ultimatly the mothers call, sure she has to cary it for 9 months, but it does take two to tango... Mother Nature / God didnt randomly impregnate her! Kids have 2 parents... Well they do in an ideal situation.

If a guy cant get off when having sex he has ED or some problem, if a girl cant get off in sex the guy isnt doing his job...

That was my rant... Feel free to comment or ass...


Football addict
Spoiled said:
Car insurance... Let me get this right, because i have a nutsack my insurance will be higher than a girl's my age? Thats a good one...

This is one I feel strongly about. They say that women are less aggressive when driving. I just feel the whole shindig is of the sexist nature. Someone desperately needs to crack down on insurance companies.


New Member
Spoiled said:
I know I'm probably beating a dead horse im just in a pissy mood kinda... Little sleep and too much friends... So here it goes...

Im all for womens equality... They should be as equal, they are capable of just as much as men if they put their minds to it...

Now for my rant... The military... Women cant be drafted (are they less of a citizen for this?)... Women have a different set of standards when joining, there are girl push ups.... Why? Women and men are different physicaly, but i dont feel you can pick and choose where people should be equal... All or nothing....


I don't know about you but alot of Military men I know who have served in Iraq or going over there feel very strongly about fighting next to a woman, I personally could never do it, I am chicken shiat, the woman who do go out there more power to them, but if the men and the woman where to get drafted who is going to stay home and take care of the kiddos and everything else, I guess that is how they see it.


Enjoying life!
Spoiled said:
... they are capable of just as much as men if they put their minds to it...

Here is your first mistake. This implies that women are naturally dumber than men. Expect to lose Karma on this one... :lol:

Women cant be drafted (are they less of a citizen for this?)... Women have a different set of standards when joining, there are girl push ups.... Why? Women and men are different physicaly, but i dont feel you can pick and choose where people should be equal...

Physical fitness standards for women are different from men's standards, however the ratio of the fitness standard is equal within each gender. In other words, when a guy is required to do 35 push-ups to pass the PE test, and a woman is required to do 18 to pass, the physical exertion expended by the average soldier in each gender is the same. The tests are gender neutral actually. BTW, women can opt to do the standard push-up if they choose, not just the female version.

Car insurance... Let me get this right, because i have a nutsack my insurance will be higher than a girl's my age? Thats a good one....

Statistics don't lie. More men are involved in accidents than women, especially at younger ages. Look the stats up for yourself. You are averaged in with everyone else of your age and gender to determine your rate. So don't blame the woman, blame the other guys for your high rates.

A man bones 2 girls in one night he is the man, a girl goes at it with 2 different guys in a night she is a slut whore cum spounge...

This one is laughable. You really hate women, don't you?

When deciding the abortion its ultimatly the mothers call, sure she has to cary it for 9 months, but it does take two to tango... Mother Nature / God didnt randomly impregnate her! Kids have 2 parents... Well they do in an ideal situation.

Get a law degree, run for office, change the laws. This battle has raged since 1973. You think you can solve it? :lol:

If a guy cant get off when having sex he has ED or some problem, if a girl cant get off in sex the guy isnt doing his job...

Guys get blamed for a lot of stuff. Get used to it or get a sex change.

What about salary differences? Men are almost always paid more than women. How about the homefront? If a woman works, she is still expected to take care of the kids, the cleaning, the cooking. Is that fair? Actually, I'll just let the ladies give you their rants...they can do a better job.


Active Member
Im not saying women are dumber than men, im saying they need to put their mind into becoming physicaly fit, just like a man has to do... Hell im in piss-poor shape because i didnt put my mind to it...

As for the standards in the military its not equal, because men cant opt to do women push ups and what not... I dont understand why you would have 2 different standards for people if they will be doing the same job, which could cost people their lives and ultimatly this nation.


Enjoying life!
Spoiled said:
As for the standards in the military its not equal, because men cant opt to do women push ups and what not... I dont understand why you would have 2 different standards for people if they will be doing the same job, which could cost people their lives and ultimatly this nation.

Which military positions are you referring to? Women are not assigned to combat positions in any branch of the military, except for fighter pilot, and those are relatively few. Maybe some operate heavy guns on ships, I don't know. But any combat position occupied by a female is a "push-a-button" position. Strength is irrelevant. I think you just don't like the idea of women in the military period.


Go Braves!
Spoiled said:
Im not saying women are dumber than men, im saying they need to put their mind into becoming physicaly fit, just like a man has to do... Hell im in piss-poor shape because i didnt put my mind to it...

As for the standards in the military its not equal, because men cant opt to do women push ups and what not... I dont understand why you would have 2 different standards for people if they will be doing the same job, which could cost people their lives and ultimatly this nation.
Men and women are designed differently no matter how physically fit unless you're She Ra.

They don't do push ups different for women because they are weaker. They do them different because of muscle and body design.


Super Genius
Ok, I can see both sides regarding women in the military. What about ordies? They are non-combat and have to lift heavy bombs. Do women have the same strength requirements as men to be an ordie? Are there any strength requirements? There are other physically demanding non-combat roles that women fill. They are not all "push-a-button" positions.


New Member
Not a Misogynist

Steve said:
Which military positions are you referring to? Women are not assigned to combat positions in any branch of the military, except for fighter pilot, and those are relatively few. Maybe some operate heavy guns on ships, I don't know. But any combat position occupied by a female is a "push-a-button" position. Strength is irrelevant. I think you just don't like the idea of women in the military period.

What was Jessica Lynch doing? All that crap about push ups and physical exertion and gender equality is nothing but political correctness run amok.


Well-Known Member
"Car insurance... Let me get this right, because i have a nutsack my insurance will be higher than a girl's my age? Thats a good one...."

That's ridiculous. Insurance companies don't base their premiums on what some schmuck in accounting thinks of risks regarding male drivers. They go by accident reports and statistics, and those numbers say, young men smash a lot of cars, making them a bad risk.

I work in the statistical field compiling data for medical insurance companies, and the one thing I know is, there's no area more precise about their statistics than the insurance companies. Their livelihood depends on it.


Spoiled said:
Car insurance... Let me get this right, because i have a nutsack my insurance will be higher than a girl's my age? Thats a good one....

While I agree with every single one of your other points, I don't agree with this one. Philosophically it makes sense - but realistically... c'mon. I was once a 16 year old boy. And I admit that I was a menace to society and sanity.

Young men are fcking dangerous behind the wheel. They just are.

Insurance is broken up into 95 different sets and subsets of demographics based on age, sex, marital status, GPA, psychological disposition, and maybe even some that we don't know about.

I hate insurance companies with a red passion that burns with the heat of a thousand suns. I oftentimes hope that everyone who works in the field of insurance would immediately and simultaneously die of gonhorrea and rot in hell. But they do have a point... Young men are a high risk.


Go Braves!
T.Rally said:
She had a gun, she fired it (allegedly), she was a combatant.
They are all issued a weapon under these conditions, aren't they. No matter what your job is.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
BuddyLee said:
This is one I feel strongly about. They say that women are less aggressive when driving. I just feel the whole shindig is of the sexist nature. Someone desperately needs to crack down on insurance companies.
The insurance companies are able to discriminate because they have mountains of statistics to back up their pricing policies. I don't really agree with it either, but what can ya do? :shrug:


Enjoying life!
T.Rally said:
She had a gun, she fired it (allegedly), she was a combatant.

Are you really that uninformed? In a combat zone, where there is a chance that combat actions might be needed, all soldiers are issued firearms. That is for protection primarily. My military position had nothing to do with combat, yet I had to qualify on the M-16 before deployment, and I would have been issued on to use if my base came under fire.

A combat position is one wherein your sole purpose in life is to combat the enemy, shoot bullets, fire rockets, drop bombs. Lynch was not in a combat position. We need to dissolve this line of converation that links strength and combat positions anyway. Its a moot point.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Spoiled said:
Now for my rant... The military... Women cant be drafted (are they less of a citizen for this?)... Women have a different set of standards when joining, there are girl push ups.... Why? Women and men are different physicaly, but i dont feel you can pick and choose where people should be equal... All or nothing....


When deciding the abortion its ultimatly the mothers call, sure she has to cary it for 9 months, but it does take two to tango... Mother Nature / God didnt randomly impregnate her! Kids have 2 parents... Well they do in an ideal situation.

I was always tee-d off in school because the girls could run a 10 minute mile and get an A, but the boys had to run a 7.5 minute mile to get an A. Same thing with push-ups and sit-ups. Boys were always screwed on those. So even though I could run faster, do more pushups, and more situps than the most physically fit girl in the class (and I never was close to "most physically fit" boy), she'd get an A and I get a C+ in P.E.

As for abortion... I agree that the father should have more say. It's a tough call though. Pregancy does reak havoc on a woman's body.


Super Genius
Pilots are issued pistols when they go fly, but that doesn't mean they are supposed to use them. It's there for a "just in case" scenario.


New Member
Spoiled said:
I know I'm probably beating a dead horse im just in a pissy mood kinda... Little sleep and too much friends... So here it goes...

Im all for womens equality... They should be as equal, they are capable of just as much as men if they put their minds to it...

Now for my rant... The military... Women cant be drafted (are they less of a citizen for this?)... Women have a different set of standards when joining, there are girl push ups.... Why? Women and men are different physicaly, but i dont feel you can pick and choose where people should be equal... All or nothing....

Car insurance... Let me get this right, because i have a nutsack my insurance will be higher than a girl's my age? Thats a good one....

A man bones 2 girls in one night he is the man, a girl goes at it with 2 different guys in a night she is a slut whore cum spounge... MMmmhmmm

When deciding the abortion its ultimatly the mothers call, sure she has to cary it for 9 months, but it does take two to tango... Mother Nature / God didnt randomly impregnate her! Kids have 2 parents... Well they do in an ideal situation.

If a guy cant get off when having sex he has ED or some problem, if a girl cant get off in sex the guy isnt doing his job...

That was my rant... Feel free to comment or ass...
Dude I am sure one of them would swap you her period for your higher insurance rates.
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