Dover Tent Sale



Anyone going??
40-80% off! Sound like there will be some awesome deals to be had!!


New Member
Anyone going??
40-80% off! Sound like there will be some awesome deals to be had!!

Oh yeah! I'm 10 minutes from the store.. I've started making my list!

Fleece dog jacket for Tucker, Chill Chasers for Beau & Cav and a sheet & medium weight for Cav.

Plus 10 more things that I don't necessarily need, but want and buy because they're ON SALE :)


Oh yeah! I'm 10 minutes from the store.. I've started making my list!

Fleece dog jacket for Tucker, Chill Chasers for Beau & Cav and a sheet & medium weight for Cav.

Plus 10 more things that I don't necessarily need, but want and buy because they're ON SALE :)

I wish I was going because I need a new saddle but i'm going trail riding with a friend saturday and have to clean up the house for a party sunday :-( Anyone wanna buy me an all purpose or close contact english saddle and I'll pay ya back LOL


New Member
I'm going for the rain boots! Cant beat $8 and I def need new ones my old ones sprung multiple leaks. But yeah in the little flier thing I did not see much that looked like a spectacular deal. But I have never been to a tent sale so it should be interesting anyway.


New Member
I got there yesterday in time for the doors to open. Lots of really great deals! If you couldn't make it out yesterday I bet there's still plenty of good stuff left. Let's see, they had quiksilver for $7; bridles in the $25 - $35 price range (some of them were kind of nice!); leather halters $20 - $30; eggbutt snaffles with bling for $10; lots of turnout blankets 40-60% off; lots of brushes and other grooming supplies; $10 breakaway halters; $89 TS breeches in all colors and sizes; tons of saddle pads, winter breeches, vests, jackets; and in the back of the tent area, 30 pairs of $900 ariat monaco fields boots on sale for $499.

It was insane in the store although the staff did a great job of managing the crowd. It looked like all hands on deck, lots of people were available to answer questions. After waiting in line for half an hour and checking out I saw a couple mistakes on my receipt. They let me up to the front of the line and fixed it right away. Overall it was a fun morning! Did any of you make it up yesterday?


GVF and I made it just after it opened. Saw some people in there (conveniently ignored by a couple), and saw lots of friends :huggy:. We pushed back to the back room and grabbed a few pairs of the rain boots. They were going fast! Also got some great deals on other stuff. GVF bought me my Christmas presents (pair of black FS breeches and a new girth). She is too nice!! :razz:

GVF got a NICE pair of half chaps- regular over $100, got them for around $30 I believe. Got lots of wormer, pulling comb, crop, braiding bands, saddle pad, 2 leather halter, zocks, etc...I can't remember everything.

The staff did an awesome job. The line was CRAZY, but it went really quick. Anyone who didn't made it out yesterday should definitely get there today. Maybe there is stuff left!!
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New Member
Sounds like y'all had a good morning too. hope I'm not included in the "conveniently ignored" group. I think I must have been too excited about the ariats and TS's to look up and see who else was there! :whistle:


Sounds like y'all had a good morning too. hope I'm not included in the "conveniently ignored" group. I think I must have been too excited about the ariats and TS's to look up and see who else was there! :whistle:

I believe I saw you as we were trampling people to grab rain boots. :lmao: I couldn't believe how many people were there. It was like grab and run!!


3 people "conveniently ignored" me as well. Makes me sad when people do/say mean things because eventually in a small community you may run into them.

Personally, I always vow to do right by people, always have apologetic closure in any miunderstood disagreements, and never bash or speak in a way I couldn't in person. This way, I have no peoplem EVER facing anyone, anywhere, anytime. Everyone chooses to be the kind of person they want to be.

It's all good though and none of those people matter, or are worth it, if they choose "conveniently ignore" someone, as we had a GREAT time, got some wonderful deals and ran into some old and new friends!! Dover Rocks!!!
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New Member
You probably would have had to thrown one of those rainboots at my head to get my attention :killingme I had a list, I was on a mission, and now I'm :nomoney:


Oh, attention was gotten. No worries though. As for those others, how they chose to act/not act/'conv. ign.' is on their own soul to deal with.

I've been broke, but needed some items and the sale helped with saving some $!! I amalways up for saving $$.


New Member
Uh oh GVF... I hope I didn't walk right past you. And if I did, sorry!:flowers: Zans, I'm sure I've seen you around but I don't think we've ever been introduced.


Only those know what they did or did not do. As for me, I know who avoided me and I know they know it too. Still- it's all on them whether to make things right or not. If they choose not to, they are not worth worrying about anyway as they are probably are not the kind of person I would want to associate with in the first place. That's just me though.

Hmmm, that's weird Duckz, Perhaps you are mistaking Zans for someone else. I am certain you two have met- I was there each time in fact and know that you have met her several times -privately when you came to ride Max and also when you came to our show here as well (she also mentioned somthing ebout eye contact at Dover?..). No worries, if we ever cross paths again, I promise to properly and officially introduce you to each other. :huggy:
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New Member
Well that's embarrassing. I'm terrible with faces AND names - very awkward. I might see someone and think "hmmmm that person looks vaguely familiar" but not be able to place them at all. Even after having met them a few times. I'm pretty sure I've confused and/or offended people because of that! So Zans, I'm really sorry! Next time throw the rainboot at me AND re-introduce yourself :doh:

GVF - I just plain didn't see you! Doesn't mean I didn't walk by you though. Oops.


Well that's embarrassing. I'm terrible with faces AND names - very awkward. I might see someone and think "hmmmm that person looks vaguely familiar" but not be able to place them at all. Even after having met them a few times. I'm pretty sure I've confused and/or offended people because of that! So Zans, I'm really sorry! Next time throw the rainboot at me AND re-introduce yourself :doh:

GVF - I just plain didn't see you! Doesn't mean I didn't walk by you though. Oops.

No problem. Next time I will take both of the boots and chuck them. :lmao: