Dover Tent Sale


New Member

Ugh, I was so busy this weekend: work on Saturday and running a horse show on Sunday that I couldn't make it up there. I totally could have used like 5 gallons of quicksilver. :( Maybe I'll make it next year! I'm happy you got good stuff!

Oops, sorry! While I was standing in line I was trying to think of people who go through gallons of the stuff. I did call my friend with three greys to see if she wanted some, but I didn't think of Peanut :doh: I bet you go through a bottle per bath :lmao:


New Member
awww... just let it go.. I have been called out on WAY more here than something silly you confirm you didn't do anyway. I am sure you just didn't see us.

And, I would NEVER throw a boot at you... ever though I know some others here that would not even hesitate to throw one at me, since they easily bash, and say terrible things- as a very recent example, implying about my stallion passing.... and not in a good way (I'm sorry, but my horse dying is NOT something to joke about!)- if that's not a boot in the online face, I don't know what is..... In person, online.... it still hurts, and NO ONE deserves a boot thrown at them. JMO.

JC! If that was a dig at me, it was a clarification that I posted to Zans. After I read my own post about Saint passing (referencing the test) I myself looked at in from both ways and I did not want it implied that I meant anything other than passing the test.
Is that why you yelled at me and told me you were telling the moderator to bann me. :shrug: That was right before the thread went poof. I guess that is easy to wrongly interupt either way. But I would NEVER wish that on anyones animal.


Well-Known Member
Oh lord. Is it wrong for people to avoild those they don't like? I don't think so. :shrug: If you don't like someone, why would you want to be fake and say hi? :shrug:


JC! If that was a dig at me, it was a clarification that I posted to Zans. After I read my own post about Saint passing (referencing the test) I myself looked at in from both ways and I did not want it implied that I meant anything other than passing the test.
Is that why you yelled at me and told me you were telling the moderator to bann me. :shrug: That was right before the thread went poof. I guess that is easy to wrongly interupt either way. But I would NEVER wish that on anyones animal.

It was no 'dig' at you, just what happened. As for what was implied- We left that up to the mods to decide- they must have thought it bad refrenced as well, and because of it pulled the thread. I will of course, give you benefit of the doubt, as only respectful. :coffee: Good day.



Ugh, I was so busy this weekend: work on Saturday and running a horse show on Sunday that I couldn't make it up there. I totally could have used like 5 gallons of quicksilver. :( Maybe I'll make it next year! I'm happy you got good stuff!

I will share one of my secrets: a much better option than Quick Silver- same stuff and MUCH cheaper:
Jhirmak Silver Brightning shampoo $3.99 at any local Walgreens Jhirmack Silver Brightening Shampoo | Walgreens
Hoping this helps!


While it's obvious that we don't get along I do completely and totally agree with that. ^^ I didn't see the post you're referring too, though.

A very good friend of mine lost her 33 year old OTTB last week the day after her dog died of cancer. Even thinking about that happening is tough.

I don't know why that is because I have asked you why you don't like me. I can't make you like me, or change in a why you might like me better unless I know what the problem is. We have never had any bad dealings, but for some reason you can be quite nasty and mean (as exhibited here mumerous times of the forum), and I have never been so to you. Would love to figure out what the problem is so maybe we can move past it, and I post without fear of attack- this goes out to others here as well.

I'm always up for finding solutions to problems. Can you fill me in on what is wrong? ... and then offer ideas that would work to make you happier and not so willing to bash me? I never feel like you deserve bashing, and my goodness would I like to be able to just say what I really feel about you as you so easily can and do with me, but it would not be right or respectful, nor do you deserve to hear such things.

Anyway, Thank you for the response. I really didn't deserve a comment like that and it's things like that is when people need to step in and say- enough is enough- no matter if they like a person or not. We shouldn't bash each other at all.We should be able to voice opinions maturely in a constructive format and without tone. Joking is fine, bashing is where things cross the line.

SOMD is a small area and we are all bound to run into each other from time to time. I would rather build a network of friends I can help, reffer to, or even call on in time of need, than make enemies, spread gossip, or burn bridges against. It would be nice to network with each other- someone is looking for a horse- i may not have one- but know you do... pass the buyer on, and someday maybe the favor would be returned. This is all my feelings on he subject, and dealings with people but you can't make people want to get along. In this day and age, doing the right thing is 'boring' and drama, gossip, bashing, trash talk is much more cool and fun. I know this, but just could never live with myself to be that way.

anyways.. I am rambling... back to work...


New Member
I don't know why that is because I have asked you why you don't like me. I can't make you like me, or change in a why you might like me better unless I know what the problem is. We have never had any bad dealings, but for some reason you can be quite nasty and mean (as exhibited here mumerous times of the forum), and I have never been so to you. Would love to figure out what the problem is so maybe we can move past it, and I post without fear of attack- this goes out to others here as well.

I'm always up for finding solutions to problems. Can you fill me in on what is wrong? ... and then offer ideas that would work to make you happier and not so willing to bash me? I never feel like you deserve bashing, and my goodness would I like to be able to just say what I really feel about you as you so easily can and do with me, but it would not be right or respectful, nor do you deserve to hear such things.

Anyway, Thank you for the response. I really didn't deserve a comment like that and it's things like that is when people need to step in and say- enough is enough- no matter if they like a person or not. We shouldn't bash each other at all.We should be able to voice opinions maturely in a constructive format and without tone. Joking is fine, bashing is where things cross the line.

SOMD is a small area and we are all bound to run into each other from time to time. I would rather build a network of friends I can help, reffer to, or even call on in time of need, than make enemies, spread gossip, or burn bridges against. It would be nice to network with each other- someone is looking for a horse- i may not have one- but know you do... pass the buyer on, and someday maybe the favor would be returned. This is all my feelings on he subject, and dealings with people but you can't make people want to get along. In this day and age, doing the right thing is 'boring' and drama, gossip, bashing, trash talk is much more cool and fun. I know this, but just could never live with myself to be that way.

anyways.. I am rambling... back to work...

I think this should have been it's own thread, just to stay on topic of the Dover tent sale. :imjustsayin:


I think this should have been it's own thread, just to stay on topic of the Dover tent sale. :imjustsayin:

It's OK, and I am fine with it since I started the topic and was the one to also take it off topic. It's only rude if someone else takes anothers thread off topic without OK'ing, or apologizing if doing so. :wink:


I don't know why that is because I have asked you why you don't like me. I can't make you like me, or change in a why you might like me better unless I know what the problem is. We have never had any bad dealings, but for some reason you can be quite nasty and mean (as exhibited here mumerous times of the forum), and I have never been so to you. Would love to figure out what the problem is so maybe we can move past it, and I post without fear of attack- this goes out to others here as well.

I'm always up for finding solutions to problems. Can you fill me in on what is wrong? ... and then offer ideas that would work to make you happier and not so willing to bash me? I never feel like you deserve bashing, and my goodness would I like to be able to just say what I really feel about you as you so easily can and do with me, but it would not be right or respectful, nor do you deserve to hear such things.

Anyway, Thank you for the response. I really didn't deserve a comment like that and it's things like that is when people need to step in and say- enough is enough- no matter if they like a person or not. We shouldn't bash each other at all.We should be able to voice opinions maturely in a constructive format and without tone. Joking is fine, bashing is where things cross the line.

SOMD is a small area and we are all bound to run into each other from time to time. I would rather build a network of friends I can help, reffer to, or even call on in time of need, than make enemies, spread gossip, or burn bridges against. It would be nice to network with each other- someone is looking for a horse- i may not have one- but know you do... pass the buyer on, and someday maybe the favor would be returned. This is all my feelings on he subject, and dealings with people but you can't make people want to get along. In this day and age, doing the right thing is 'boring' and drama, gossip, bashing, trash talk is much more cool and fun. I know this, but just could never live with myself to be that way.

anyways.. I am rambling... back to work...

So, don't take this part in a negative way but do you honestly think that?

I ask because a) I don't recall you ever asking my why I don't like you and b) I don't recall every implying that I don't like you.

You asked so here's my answer: You've made it very hard. I wish the other thread had not been deleted. Despite what you inferred my post had NOTHING to do with you personally. As I said, my opinion is that no 3 year old should do that much work. I don't care if Reiner Klimke (and I use his books for training young horses) came back from the dead and told me it was a good idea. I don't think it is. I'm not going to change my mind because experts think it is okay. But, let's not reopen that debate. I was mentioning it again only to tell you again that my post had nothing to do with you personally. I did apologize for you thinking it did. But, the reason I wish that post and the others you've had deleted over time were still around is because YOU are the one who attacked me. You called me names and said that you've talked about me behind my back to people. I did not rise to your bait and fight back.

You also made it sound like I talked about you. Hmmm. Not really. I did tell someone not to give you a lame horse. But I wouldn't think that was a bad thing? I also mentioned that you had a fake photo on your website that showed Maximillion in piaffe. I know that person told you and you edited the picture but the one up on your site is still fake. But, that's your choice. Other than that I can't really think of any other reason I've had to discuss you with anyone until the madness of your last thread when you accused me a leading a whole band of rapid evil horse people in a crusade against you.

You have a rather public history of flying off the handle at supposed slights on many boards including COTH, HGS, and UDBB. You've even acknowledged that behavior in yourself and have professed to start changing your ways.

Prior to those posts in the other thread I was rather ambivalent towards you. Now, I do view you in a rather negative light and the behavior of your employee does not reflect positively on you or your business either. Seeing as how neither of you can effect my business or personal life in anyway I have no problem leaving things be.

Regardless of my personal feelings towards anyone I'd never wish injury or pain on a person or animal.


the behavior of your employee does not reflect positively on you or your business either.

Me?? What in the world did I do?? I have not attacked anyone that I know of...ever...

Maybe I just won't post anymore anywhere. I def do not want people seeing me in a negative light, especially when that is so far from what I am. :shrug:


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
I will share one of my secrets: a much better option than Quick Silver- same stuff and MUCH cheaper:
Jhirmak Silver Brightning shampoo $3.99 at any local Walgreens Jhirmack#Silver Brightening Shampoo | Walgreens
Hoping this helps!

Is this the type of shampoo people with grey hair trying to get the yellow out would use? I'm guessing it is also blue or purple in color? I'll have to check it out next time I go to Walgreens.


Me?? What in the world did I do?? I have not attacked anyone that I know of...ever...

Maybe I just won't post anymore anywhere. I def do not want people seeing me in a negative light, especially when that is so far from what I am. :shrug:

Zans- don't worry about Phyx- everything she just spouted above is old stuff she drudges up most ALL of which is untrue and based off of hearsay she never confirms- just hearing from others - Like the 'piaffe pic' she brings up- but happens to leave out the part about the disclaimer that went along the photo- see how people can contort things to make others look bad??

As for my 'public behavior" and so called 'flying off' - another contorted tactic used to make one look bad. Everyone can pull up my threads anywhere and see I only defended myself once pushed. The reasons these people do not like me is because they cannot run over me like others who take their low blows. I will not sit back and take them. It's not 'going off' because I defend myself. Should I not have a right to speak up against people who put their nose in my business, spread lies, and untrue gossip without clarifying and calling them out on such? This is why I get accused of 'going off' and being 'crazy' for defending myself- yet I ask them- show me WHERE and WHEN I ever started crap with them- they ignore my request- just like Phyx did here when I respectfully asked for her credentials/experience she stated having in refrence to the 70DT.

The other way the people try to twist things is to say how it will 'reflect negatively on my business'. Why should a person's business be damaged from when under attack? People can plainly see who the attackers are, and any sane business owner SHOULD come to it's business' defense. It is another tactic these people use- poke and poke, get a rise out of a person, then accuse them of being crazy when they defend themselves, and then say- "wow- look at how your are reacting- that's going to hurt your rep/bussines/etc..." They THINK that, but others can plainly see where the problem originates.

Glad Phyx finally had her say, got everything out of her system, and can finally move on. Now if she could only apologize for being mean, as I have, we would be on the level, but I have learned not to hold my breath waiting on apologies- that takes a BIG person to step up and do. It took me a while to WANT to do it, and now it is VERY freeing, and I look for the chance to offer an apology, but Zans- you already know this of me.

Still- don't let any of the clique run you off... just ignore them- they are not worthy of your time and respect. Hang here for the good of the forum!! I know I will! I had to learn to be a STRONG person. NEVER be afraid to speak up for yourself to ANYONE!! - they may not like you because you tell them off/correct gossip and lies, but eventually they WILL get the point you will not take any of their crap, and learn to respect you for it- and if not, at least they KNOW to expect a war anytime they may try to start crap! LOL

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Is this the type of shampoo people with grey hair trying to get the yellow out would use? I'm guessing it is also blue or purple in color? I'll have to check it out next time I go to Walgreens.

Yup- that is the same stuff- and VERY bright staining purple- JUST like quick silver. It works the SAME, no difference at all. It was a AWESOME find for the barn, and a $$ saver too!
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Another grooming trick is GOOP from wal-mart. The glycerine based one- NOT the petrolium based product.

You take the goop and apply direct to DRY UNwashed tails/stained areas PRIOR to washing, rub in- let sit 10mins or so, then add shampoo to lather, then bath and rinse as usual. I have had VERY good results with this meathod. It was a grooming tip I picked up from the cat show circuit.

Plus, it's only about $3!

Goop Multi-Purpose Hand Cleaner

Gosh, if I keep going, I am going to give out ALL my little secrets!! LOL


New Member
GVF, i think your opinions of being mean, defending yourself, and being pushed are very different from most other people's opinions of those things, and based on other people's reactions, it drives them nutty and makes them not like you, Phyx being one of those people. Phyxius's post makes total sense to me, but you and Zans have your heads so far up your azzes you can't see it, so sorry about that. so keep on making life hard for yourselves.
i think it would take more than a few intensive therapy sessions for you to come to grips with your self victimizing behavior patterns and irrational coping mechanisms, but i hope for the sake of the horses and people around you that you do that.


GVF, i think your opinions of being mean, defending yourself, and being pushed are very different from most other people's opinions of those things, and based on other people's reactions, it drives them nutty and makes them not like you, Phyx being one of those people. Phyxius's post makes total sense to me, but you and Zans have your heads so far up your azzes you can't see it, so sorry about that. so keep on making life hard for yourselves.
i think it would take more than a few intensive therapy sessions for you to come to grips with your self victimizing behavior patterns and irrational coping mechanisms, but i hope for the sake of the horses and people around you that you do that.

Excuse me?? I seriously have NO idea what I did to ANY of you. It would be nice for an explanation for your attack on me.


New Member
Okay I must really be lost. When I read the theards I see Duckz being nice and saying "hey sorry didn't realize you were there" and this Phyius person saying "you and I don't see eye to eye but I agree with you". Then this GVF person goes on attack and generally being mean. I know I can be anal retentive at times but am I missing something?


Get some!
Okay I must really be lost. When I read the theards I see Duckz being nice and saying "hey sorry didn't realize you were there" and this Phyius person saying "you and I don't see eye to eye but I agree with you". Then this GVF person goes on attack and generally being mean. I know I can be anal retentive at times but am I missing something?
Nope you pretty much got it. So glad I dont live there anymore. Way to much drama but since there are no forums in FL I drop in every now and again to be entertained.:coffee:


New Member
Okay I must really be lost. When I read the theards I see Duckz being nice and saying "hey sorry didn't realize you were there" and this Phyius person saying "you and I don't see eye to eye but I agree with you". Then this GVF person goes on attack and generally being mean. I know I can be anal retentive at times but am I missing something?

Yes, try to keep up ok? :killingme Just try to fill in the missing posts and make it make sense in your own mind, it will make it much easier :whistle::killingme


Excuse me?? I seriously have NO idea what I did to ANY of you. It would be nice for an explanation for your attack on me.

They wont Zans, as when they started with me LONG ago- I was of the same HUH- WTH?? but it just grew and grew, and now posts like Devinej shown above are feeble attempts at directing blame away from themselves. They have YET to SHOW where I started something with them. Proff of what happened is easily researchabel, and I print out most everything to have in my own files for validation of their past history of being this way.

To all of you all- I will again APOLOGIZE for anything you have misunderstood to be my way of defending myself. So, how bout this- we ALL let it go?? Another thing is to go back and see who attempted in 'making up'- was it ever them?? Need I say more?

The invitation to start fresh is always on the table. BUT ALL must agree to apologize, move on, let go, play nice, etc.. I'm willing-anyone else?? (This proposition right here should prove a thing or two- IF people are TRULY willing to work on themselves and stop pointing fingers... Again, I am- who else is???)

I'll go FIRST at deciding to be a bigger person:
I'm Sorry and willing to let things go, and move on :)