Dow 40,000


Well-Known Member
I sincerely hope wide swaths of the Trump Cult liquidated all of their assets from the market in December, 2020 and are missing out on the rally. I hope it leaves every single one of them piss-poor and begging for crumbs on Rt. 235.

When I was in graduate school in 1987, the DJIA crossed 2,000 and no one — including professors — thought that was going to be sustainable.


Well-Known Member
Glad somebody is making money.
Oh please, everyone in this forum is richer than they were 4 years ago, if not you don’t understand basic finance.

Jobs are everywhere, money market accounts are making over 5% and the stock market is gangbusters. It’s never been easier to sock away the cash.

I’ve always believed there is just a segment of the population that will never understand their cash flow, good times or bad, they complain because it doesn’t make sense to them.

It’s because Math doesn’t make sense to them…and that makes this life pretty tough.


Well-Known Member
Oh please, everyone in this forum is richer than they were 4 years ago, if not you don’t understand basic finance.

Jobs are everywhere, money market accounts are making over 5% and the stock market is gangbusters. It’s never been easier to sock away the cash.

Yet, people are spending like drunken sailors. Personal savings are way down. And we wonder: why inflation? LOL


If I may ...
For your consideration...

Dow 40,000

And it will keep going higher and higher over the next decades. Because ... we are in a fiat monetary system where the only way to keep the house of cards from falling is to keep increasing the money supply.

Oh please, everyone in this forum is richer than they were 4 years ago, if not you don’t understand basic finance.

Jobs are everywhere, money market accounts are making over 5% and the stock market is gangbusters. It’s never been easier to sock away the cash.

I’ve always believed there is just a segment of the population that will never understand their cash flow, good times or bad, they complain because it doesn’t make sense to them.

It’s because Math doesn’t make sense to them…and that makes this life pretty tough.

There is so much wrong here, I'm not even going to try to explain things to you.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration...

And it will keep going higher and higher over the next decades. Because ... we are in a fiat monetary system where the only way to keep the house of cards from falling is to keep increasing the money supply.

There is so much wrong here, I'm not even going to try to explain things to you.

For your consideration...

And it will keep going higher and higher over the next decades. Because ... we are in a fiat monetary system where the only way to keep the house of cards from falling is to keep increasing the money supply.

There is so much wrong here, I'm not even going to try to explain things to you.
Good, don’t.

You idiots have been saying there is too much money in the system for at least 30 years. You don’t know anything and need to be ignored.


Well-Known Member
Oh please, everyone in this forum is richer than they were 4 years ago, if not you don’t understand basic finance.

Jobs are everywhere, money market accounts are making over 5% and the stock market is gangbusters. It’s never been easier to sock away the cash.

I’ve always believed there is just a segment of the population that will never understand their cash flow, good times or bad, they complain because it doesn’t make sense to them.

It’s because Math doesn’t make sense to them…and that makes this life pretty tough.
If jobs are everywhere why do I still see people begging we where better off when TRUMP was POTUS why are so many complaining about the economy was is inflation so high I know why because a dem is in the white house


PREMO Member
If jobs are everywhere why do I still see people begging we where better off when TRUMP was POTUS why are so many complaining about the economy was is inflation so high I know why because a dem is in the white house

Progressive Propaganda


Well-Known Member
Yet, people are spending like drunken sailors. Personal savings are way down. And we wonder: why inflation? LOL
They are spending more because everything costs more.
Savings are down because people need the money to pay for the higher priced things.
Credit cards are maxed out - because their wages can’t keep up with expenses.
Their rent and utilities cost more; interest rates are higher, so it cost more to buy on credit.

By all means - TELL voters they’re wrong and they’re actually doing great.

So many are living paycheck to paycheck. That means your investment chastisements pretty much fall on deaf ears.

You can count yourself right among the elite snobs dismissing inflation because it doesn’t affect their lifestyle. You can go ahead and believe that for no reason at all, people think their personal finances have taken a hit - that they’re all delusional and circumstances of the last several years had nothing to do with it.

As my Dad used to say, wish in one hand, sht in the other - see which fills first. You need to step out of your bubble.


PREMO Member
By all means - TELL voters they’re wrong and they’re actually doing great.

So many are living paycheck to paycheck. That means your investment chastisements pretty much fall on deaf ears.

You can count yourself right among the elite snobs dismissing inflation because it doesn’t affect their lifestyle. You can go ahead and believe that for no reason at all, people think their personal finances have taken a hit - that they’re all delusional and circumstances of the last several years had nothing to do with it.

Elitist Arrogance


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

And everything costs more because … wait for it. EVERYONE IS SPENDING MONEY.

Come on man!

Yeah, it's called a feedback loop. Everything costs more becasue more money created from nothing is pushed into the economic system that raises prices for EVERYTHING. They spend becasue they have to just to maintain a minimal subsistence. Not everyone has a million dollar 401k or IRA account. Or any substantial savings for that matter, through no fault of their own.