I believe that you are missing a major component of the whole economy, a lot of what goes on in the economy is not beholden to taxes or incomeWell that gets into a whole other bag of worms…
The question of how fiat money has value is the source of loads of conspiracy theories and Gadsden Flags all across America.
My thoughts on that: our currency has value because of the government’s ability to levy an income tax denominated in that currency.
When we hear of a new government spending program, we ask, “But how are we going to pay for it — by raising taxes of course.”
What that really means though is: by how much do taxes need to be raised to remove enough money from the economy such that we don’t create more inflation than we need to given extant constraints. Our taxes don’t really fund a damn thing directly. Our federal income tax dollars are just data in a spreadsheet that gets destroyed when we settle up every April.
So while I understand the example you’re using to demonstrate your point, it ignores the role of the income tax. Of course, I realize it’s just a scenario do demonstrate a point, but the role of the income is vital to how this apparent house of cards works.
cash flow is what hides many of the economy's ills.