Dugger vs Dunham


No, it was the fondling which made me believe it was a serious crime. Forced, coerced or done without one's consent is the same to me.

Sorry, I don't see a 14 year old fondling their sister as a serious crime. I see it as a pretty serious problem, but not a crime. You folks are showing what little you know about the mentality of a 14 year old and all the raving hormones that come with it.

But, I'll ask you...... Since already know Midnight have had his 14 year old son convicted as a pedophile... if it were your 14 year old son, would you have called the cops, had him arrested, had him hauled off to jail, trump up on rape charges, and thrown into juvy? Or would you have tried to resolve it within the family, get him help, etc...?


New Member
And again, while I know Midnight doesn't condone what Polanski did, Hollywood propped this child rapist up as a hero; the Hollywood crowd cheered this man and the media (and people like Midnight) was silent. This is what makes it blatantly obvious to me that it's about their faith and an opportunity for the anti-Christian crowd to find another way to point out what hypocrites Christians are.

Well now I am admittedly just stirring the pot.....but let me ask. Was there a thread about Roman Polanski where midnight commented that he wasn't bad? If not, isn't your point just an assumption since he is saying that Polanski was bad?


Well-Known Member
Your analogy's are disturbing. Are you equating what Duggar did to slapping a child on a playground? If so, then you lose me.

As far as the rest of what you wrote, I completely agree that Polanski's crime was much greater. He raped the girl. If, however he had just drugged her and sexually assaulted her as did Duggar, then I would see no difference. Both crimes however are morally reprehensible. I'm not sure if there is a degree of morally reprehensible greater than the other. Different, but one is no less criminal than the other.

I wasn't equating the two, I offered an analogous pair of examples to show how different I believe Duggar and Polanski to be. The level of criminality is also far different. An adult forcibly raping a barely pubescent child certainly faces a different charge than a child fondling another child without anything even approaching penetration.


Well-Known Member
And again, while I know Midnight doesn't condone what Polanski did, Hollywood propped this child rapist up as a hero; the Hollywood crowd cheered this man and the media (and people like Midnight) was silent. This is what makes it blatantly obvious to me that it's about their faith and an opportunity for the anti-Christian crowd to find another way to point out what hypocrites Christians are.
Suck it #######. I have said many negative things about Polanski. You really need therapy
Sorry, I don't see a 14 year old fondling their sister as a serious crime. I see it as a pretty serious problem, but not a crime. You folks are showing what little you know about the mentality of a 14 year old and all the raving hormones that come with it.

But, I'll ask you...... Since already know Midnight have had his 14 year old son convicted as a pedophile... if it were your 14 year old son, would you have called the cops, had him arrested, had him hauled off to jail, trump up on rape charges, and thrown into juvy? Or would you have tried to resolve it within the family, get him help, etc...?

He also fondled another girl. That's 5 girls. That is a serious crime.


Well-Known Member
When all else has failed, simply call someone's points a 'strawman'. You sure to throw that around a lot.

It was Fondling. What else would you call it?
You do a lot of it.


n. the crime of sexual acts with children up to the age of 18, including touching of private parts, exposure of genitalia, taking of pornographic pictures, rape, inducement of sexual acts with the molester or with other children, and variations of these acts by pedophiles. Molestation also applies to incest by a relative with a minor family member, and any unwanted sexual acts with adults short of rape
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New Member
Sorry, I don't see a 14 year old fondling their sister as a serious crime. I see it as a pretty serious problem, but not a crime. You folks are showing what little you know about the mentality of a 14 year old and all the raving hormones that come with it.

But, I'll ask you...... Since already know Midnight have had his 14 year old son convicted as a pedophile... if it were your 14 year old son, would you have called the cops, had him arrested, had him hauled off to jail, trump up on rape charges, and thrown into juvy? Or would you have tried to resolve it within the family, get him help, etc...?

Not the first time. The second time, absolutely! I have an obligation to protect all of my children. If one is harming another, I am going to protect the innocent.

If you don't see a fourteen year old fondling as a crime...well God bless you. I have nothing more to say to that.


Well-Known Member
You do a lot of it.


n. the crime of sexual acts with children up to the age of 18, including touching of private parts, exposure of genitalia, taking of pornographic pictures, rape, inducement of sexual acts with the molester or with other children, and variations of these acts by pedophiles. Molestation also applies to incest by a relative with a minor family member, and any unwanted sexual acts with adults short of rape

Why do you suppose that the police report (that obviously never happened since they never went to the police) uses "fondling" instead of "molestation"?


New Member
Why do you suppose that the police report (that obviously never happened since they never went to the police) uses "fondling" instead of "molestation"?

Because fondling is a legal definition where as molestation can mean many different things. It's the way the law is written.


Well-Known Member
I said what I meant

:lmao: So, they ARE morally equivalent, they're just not morally equivalent.

Hard to lose a point when you emphatically agree with both sides.

You have gone from "strawman" to obscenities to being bored. If nothing else, you are predictable both at being wrong and with how you act when it's obvious that you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Why do you suppose that the police report (that obviously never happened since they never went to the police) uses "fondling" instead of "molestation"?

The police actually used 'sexually abused' in the report. That report was made after the 'sexual abuse' had been reported by a third party through a hot line.

Didn't mean to interrupt your 'being right' :killingme
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Well-Known Member
The police actually used 'sexually abused' in the report. That report was made after the 'sexual abuse' had been reported by a third party through a hot line.

Didn't mean to interrupt your 'being right' :killingme

The report was made then, but that was three years after the first time the Duggars went to the police.

What was the actual charge/allegation?


New Member
The report was made then, but that was three years after the first time the Duggars went to the police.

What was the actual charge/allegation?

Are you seriously arguing about this for this long and you don't know what the charge or allegation made was?


God bless the USA
Seriously. It doesn't rise to the level of re-hashing it ad nauseam. :blahblah: I only have so much forum time each day.

Now, that right there is funny! :roflmao: Especially using the words ad nauseam.

One question. Why does your forum time have anything to do with what people post on this forum? Actually, two questions. Doesn't this forum's livelihood depend on how much people use it whether it be the forums, the news, the classifieds, etc. ? Just askin'. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Are you seriously arguing about this for this long and you don't know what the charge or allegation made was?

I absolutely do. "Forcible Fondling". Not rape, not pedophilia, not sexual assault, not molestation.

I wanted to know if MR knew.