Fish in a barrel.

This is just getting more entertaining for me.
Once again, doing YOUR homework, and now with your own words; that you seem to have no memory writing. You should get that fixed:
Of course you're going to deny that this is what you're saying; but I think most of us are pretty clear about your view of the Duggars.
We get that think this was a serious crime. We get that you would had your child (if you had one; which it's obvious you don't) you'd have your own child thrown in prison and put your own son on (in your own words) "a sex offenders list". We get that you would have your own 14 year old son "prosecuted and ostracized".
See, most of us who are REALLY parents have a more rational way dealing with family problems; and that is to discipline, counsel, punish, and (when necessary, get our children help. You're the type that feels you have some right to inject yourself into the business of other peoples' families. You think you have some sort of ownership over peoples' lives. Most of us just want to get through our family issues, and YES, cover up our dirty laundry because, quite frankly.............. IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. The Duggars dealt with it in their own way. How they dealt with it worked for them. The kids went on with NORMAL lives with their own families and don't need people like you coming along and trying to dictate to them how they should deal with their own problems.
You try to portray yourself as some conservative libertarian, when it's blatantly clear that you're nothing but a progressive, get-government-involved-in-everything, activist, busybody.