Why do you feel the need to lie and make up stuff in order to try to further your losing argument? Who ever said "So Hitler wasn't bad"? You do understand what attributing quotes mean don't you? It means those are the exact words spoken.
Golly, I don't know
who could have said that:
Oh, it was you...
I understand you are desperately trying to get yourself out of this because you said you would not judge a person who did something wrong because of a mental illness, but then had to back off because you are a hypocrite when Hilter was brought into this. I get it. You made a stupid comment and now are too ignorant to back off of that comment.
I didn't judge Hitler. :shrug:
I stand by what I said. Hitler and Duggar are evil. They did not do the same thing. I don't see in the definition of evil where it gives levels or degrees of evil. Did they teach you that in your psychology school?
Evil is not a psychological concept, it's a moral one.
But, if you don't see varying degrees of evil (even after you said:
I can't think of a worse evil than that.
which, if you'll note, describes
you using "worse ... than that" in a description of evil, which strongly implies that there are varying degrees of evil, then you're saying ipso facto that a kid copping a feel incestuously and without consent of another kid AND cheating on one's spouse is an equal evil to killing 11 million people for religious, racist, and other discriminatory reasons, starting a world war, and denying people citizenship based on religious reasons are really the same thing in terms of "level of evil" (since you "don't see in the definition of evil where it gives levels or degrees of evil".)
I get that's your point. I just disagree.