Dugger vs Dunham


New Member
If all evil is the same ("evil is evil"), then how do you define a difference in evil (evil being evil, after all) between Duggar and Hitler? You say all evil is evil, then you say there's a difference. What's the difference to your way of thinking when all evil is just evil?

I never said what you are saying I said. I said there is a difference in what they did. I didn't say there was a difference in them being evil. Don't put words in my mouth. You are not qualified to be me. If you are not intelligent enough to know what the difference in what they did is, then you are simple.


Well-Known Member
Then, we simply have a difference of opinion, based on our knowledge and education of the topic. One of us is informed, one of us is not, and that leads to a different understanding.

I am curious, though, if "evil is evil", then what is the difference to you on this?

Please explain your knowledge and education on the subject. And please, lets skip the twenty pages of you denying you just said it and just get to your qualifications to speak on sexual addiction and josh Duggar in particular.

This ought to be as good as the 'i voted for democrats before' thread :killingme

I never said what you are saying I said. I said there is a difference in what they did. I didn't say there was a difference in them being evil. Don't put words in my mouth. You are not qualified to be me. If you are not intelligent enough to know what the difference in what they did is, then you are simple.



Well-Known Member
I never said what you are saying I said. I said there is a difference in what they did. I didn't say there was a difference in them being evil. Don't put words in my mouth. You are not qualified to be me. If you are not intelligent enough to know what the difference in what they did is, then you are simple.

I do completely understand. I'm trying to establish that YOU do. You asked, in a conversation about Duggar, if Hitler was evil in my opinion. Common sense says that you believe Hitler to be evil, and you verified that. And, you said Duggar is evil, and, well, you said evil is evil. YOU equated the two people twice, but then you said there's a difference. Apparently, you don't actually think evil is evil, as you stated. Or, there are varying degrees of evil (which is the same thing as evil not being evil, but it's a weasel way out of admitting that). Do you believe there are varying degrees of evil? If so, could you provide some means of quantifying them? After all, I provided my source of differentiating (the DSM). What's yours?
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Well-Known Member
Please explain your knowledge and education on the subject. And please, lets skip the twenty pages of you denying you just said it and just get to your qualifications to speak on sexual addiction and josh Duggar in particular.
I don't deny what I say, I correct mischaracterizations of what I say.

One of my degrees is in psychology. One of the fields of study to obtain the degree was addiction.

What's your qualification to judge differently?


Well-Known Member
I don't deny what I say, I correct mischaracterizations of what I say.

One of my degrees is in psychology. One of the fields of study to obtain the degree was addiction.

What's your qualification to judge differently?

So if I am to believe you, your expertise of both sexual addiction and josh duggar's sexual addiction in particular is that you took a couple courses on addiction at some point? :killingme

Guess what, me too.the difference is that I am not defending the guy with 'its a disease' when neither of us has anything to back that up. You can keep pulling suppositions from your ass, but all we really know is that he molested his sisters, at least one other girl, and he cheated on his wife.

There is a lot more evidence of a sexual predator or antisocial/psychopathic more than a simple sex addict. If we are going to armchair analyze the guy and all.


Well-Known Member
So if I am to believe you, your expertise of both sexual addiction and josh duggar's sexual addiction in particular is that you took a couple courses on addiction at some point? :killingme

Guess what, me too.the difference is that I am not defending the guy with 'its a disease' when neither of us has anything to back that up. You can keep pulling suppositions from your ass, but all we really know is that he molested his sisters, at least one other girl, and he cheated on his wife.

There is a lot more evidence of a sexual predator or antisocial/psychopathic more than a simple sex addict. If we are going to armchair analyze the guy and all.

Actually, there's a lot more to my education than a couple of courses, and a lot more information than you described. But, you're certainly welcome to your opinion. :buddies:


Well-Known Member
you think really highly of yourself :bigwhoop:

:lmao: No, I just know what I've learned, where, and why. I asked you what your qualifications were, and you said, "me, too" after characterizing my education as a couple of courses. So, you took a couple of courses. I'm well beyond that.

Again, you're welcome to your uninformed opinion resulting in unfounded judgment. That's the great thing about America! :patriot:


Well-Known Member
:lmao: No, I just know what I've learned, where, and why. I asked you what your qualifications were, and you said, "me, too" after characterizing my education as a couple of courses. So, you took a couple of courses. I'm well beyond that.

Again, you're welcome to your uninformed opinion resulting in unfounded judgment. That's the great thing about America! :patriot:

I'll be happy to comapre qualifications, you go first. So far all you have given is some vague reference to taking some classes on addiction at some point. You haven't given a single specific on whaty your qualifications are. You certainly haven't shown anything that qualifies you to speak about duggar's condition specifically. You are pulling that straight from your ass.

so break down your education and experience that qualifies you to speak about sex addiction and duggar's diagnosis as such in particular.


Well-Known Member
I'll be happy to comapre qualifications, you go first. So far all you have given is some vague reference to taking some classes on addiction at some point. You haven't given a single specific on whaty your qualifications are. You certainly haven't shown anything that qualifies you to speak about duggar's condition specifically. You are pulling that straight from your ass.

so break down your education and experience that qualifies you to speak about sex addiction and duggar's diagnosis as such in particular.

Geez how long will this a-hole go on dragging out this BS.


New Member
I do completely understand. I'm trying to establish that YOU do. You asked, in a conversation about Duggar, if Hitler was evil in my opinion. Common sense says that you believe Hitler to be evil, and you verified that. And, you said Duggar is evil, and, well, you said evil is evil. YOU equated the two people twice, but then you said there's a difference. Apparently, you don't actually think evil is evil, as you stated. Or, there are varying degrees of evil (which is the same thing as evil not being evil, but it's a weasel way out of admitting that). Do you believe there are varying degrees of evil? If so, could you provide some means of quantifying them? After all, I provided my source of differentiating (the DVM). What's yours?

It is obvious you do not understand because you keep contributing partial statements to me but leave out the pertinent part of my comment. I don’t know what West Indie Jr. College you allegedly got your psychology degree in, but you clearly failed English. You seem incapable of proper sentence structure and can’t grasp simple concepts.
Please pay attention to what I wrote. Pay attention to all of what I wrote, not just that which fits your position. If you are capable of that, then you might be able to understand what I said. Your comprehension skills are not that of a college graduate, so I hope you didn't spend a lot of money.


Well-Known Member
Geez how long will this a-hole go on dragging out this BS.

So far he has dragged it out for over 500 posts. I dont know why anyone would continue to defend a molester and cheater, but he feels the need. I guess its just like you feeling the need to be a troll :shrug:


Well-Known Member
So far he has dragged it out for over 500 posts. I dont know why anyone would continue to defend a molester and cheater, but he feels the need. I guess its just like you feeling the need to be a troll :shrug:

Or you feeling the need to be a sh1thead.


Well-Known Member
It is obvious you do not understand because you keep contributing partial statements to me but leave out the pertinent part of my comment. I don’t know what West Indie Jr. College you allegedly got your psychology degree in, but you clearly failed English. You seem incapable of proper sentence structure and can’t grasp simple concepts.
Please pay attention to what I wrote. Pay attention to all of what I wrote, not just that which fits your position. If you are capable of that, then you might be able to understand what I said. Your comprehension skills are not that of a college graduate, so I hope you didn't spend a lot of money.
So, clearly anyone can understand that there are differences in what they did. But, you asked if I thought Hitler was evil. Now, I’ll explain this in excruciating detail since you seem to not comprehend what I write.
When someone asks something like “So Hitler wasn’t bad?” in response to my saying that a different person “is sick [therefore] I don’t look at them as evil”, it is reasonable to assume that (1) they believe Hitler is evil, and (2) they think that the other person (in this case, Josh Duggar) is as evil as Hitler. Otherwise, if they see a difference, they’re just being an obnoxious rectum with no actual point but to throw a Hitler reference out for no apparent reason. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and assumed you believed Hitler to be evil, and asked you (instead of assuming) if you believed Duggar to be equally evil as Hitler. You responded with:
Yes, I think anyone who preys on children is evil. I can't think of a worse evil than that.
That didn’t answer the question at all, but I’ve come to expect that based on the number of questions you’ve left unanswered. I asked if they were equals in evil, and you said Duggar is evil (that’s like asking if both Jack and Jim each have $20, and you say Jim has $20 Now, that seemed a little harsh – you can’t think of a single thing at all in the whole world than a teenager feeling up another kid, albeit incestuously and the other kid is likely pre-pubescent? You seemed to be lacking a good bit of imagination here, so I reiterated
So, to put it bluntly, you see no difference between Duggar and Hitler? I just want to make sure that's what you're saying.
You subsequently provided an equally non-answer answer. You said:
Evil is evil. There is certainly a difference between what they did. Both acts were evil.
So, I tried to get you to simply answer, and you refused. Or, you didn’t understand the question, “do you see any difference between Duggar and Hitler?” I find that to be a question that has almost no capability of being more obvious. I suppose I could add “…any difference in the level of evil between…”, but experience tells me you’ll be incapable or unwilling to answer that question, too.
Thus, I feel like I understood what you were trying to say. It seems to me you were trying to say they’re both evil, and evil is evil, and by the associative property that means they’re equally evil. But, that doesn’t jive with you saying that Duggar is actually worse, because you “can’t think of an evil worse” than what Duggar has done. That came after the Hitler question that YOU raised. That means you already had Hitler on your mind, and that’s not worse than Duggar’s actions. At the very least, you see their actions as equally evil. Because, after all, evil is evil. Well, unless there’s the “worse evil” you described.
Maybe it’s not me that doesn’t understand what you’re saying. Maybe it’s you? I have tried very hard to not judge your inability to hold a consistent thought.
But, if I don’t understand, please tell me if, since you “can’t think of an evil worse than” what Duggar did, do you see the level of evil personified by Hitler as equal, or less evil than Duggar? Clearly Hitler is not worse, because you can’t think of an evil worse than Duggar. So, is their level of evil the same, or is Hitler less evil than Duggar?