Eating non-meat animals - right or wrong?


I bowl overhand
kwillia said:
Oh gawd... that stuff smells sooooo nasty when it's cooking...:dead:
Growing up I lived in stairwell housing on an Army base.. nothing more disgusting then chitterlings cooking in the summer.. The kids would come to school reeking of it..

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
LmbyNippleChops said:
I love cabbage. My wife (who can make a wonderful bowl of cereal) Makes these "Halupkis" (HA-LOOP-KEYS). Stuffed cabbage with rice, MEAT and tomato sauces topped with bacon. You talk about gas, Thats another thread. The paint is peeling from the walls with that meal

You should get the "I Love To Fart" cookbook. The highest rated for gas power and smell is a recipe for curried cauliflower. Unreal. :twitch:
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I'm Rick James #####!
jazz lady said:
You should get the "I Love To Fart" cookbook. The highest rated for gas power and smell is a recipe for curried cauliflower. Unreal. :twitch:

I have that book! I gave copies of it a couple years ago as gifts to several friends. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Although I wouldn't eat it, I don't really mind when other countries eat cats and dogs...I just wish they had animal cruelty laws like the US does....I've seen some appalling videos...gross.


In My Opinion
Tonio said:
Some celebrities have been campaigining to convince Congress to ban the transportation and sale of horses for consumption. The list includes Bo Derek, Willie Nelson, Whoopi Goldberg, and Christie Brinkley. Personally, if someone wants to eat horse or dog or cat or some other non-meat animal, I don't see why that should be a problem. What do you think?
Im considered meat.
did you wanna eat me?


professional daydreamer
bcp said:
I got a smile out of elaine..
date, november 15 2006 at 8:06 pm.

Im somebody
not that Im going to let it go to my head.

That wasn't a smile. It was a biggrin.


But wait, there's more...
K_Jo said:
perseprion = right :yay:

:banghead: I'm sooooo damn embarrassed!

On the other hand, no one here will EVER believe he's my brother with spelling/grammar skillz like that, huh? :lmao:
crabcake said:
:banghead: I'm sooooo damn embarrassed!

On the other hand, no one here will EVER believe he's my brother with spelling/grammar skillz like that, huh? :lmao:
All day long I kept thinking how thankful I am that my brother doesn't frequent these boards...:killingme :poorbaby: :killingme


But wait, there's more...
See, that right there is a perfect example of how damaging it is to nurse a kid till he/she is entering kindergarten. When I was a newborn baby, I had to fight that priznick off to get a bite to eat (and he's 4 years older than me) ... and look at him now ... "perseprion". :banghead:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
crabcake said:
On the other hand, no one here will EVER believe he's my brother with spelling/grammar skillz like that, huh?
Hard to believe *you* got the brains in that family, huh?

:lmao: :huggy:


Cowgirl said:
Although I wouldn't eat it, I don't really mind when other countries eat cats and dogs...I just wish they had animal cruelty laws like the US does....I've seen some appalling videos...gross.

:jameo: Sped Alert! :jameo:
Have you ever been a slaughter house?
Have you ever seen the way Chickens are kept?
Animal crulty laws.... :smack:
I know this :lalala: helps you sleep better at night. :yay: