Election 2024 Issues


Well-Known Member
The movies have been doing this for years now. It's not new technology.
It was used in the movie Forest Gump to take the legs off Lt. Dan.
The tech now is so sophisticated you don’t need expensive Hollywood special effects or green screen. You can create a whole movie with realistic voices and the deep fakes are convincing.


Well-Known Member
The tech now is so sophisticated you don’t need expensive Hollywood special effects or green screen. You can create a whole movie with realistic voices and the deep fakes are convincing.
Can't wait to see the new John Wayne movie. They won't need Yakima Canute to do the stunts, but they can use him anyway.


PREMO Member

Republicans Move To Curb Biden’s Federal Interference In Elections

Introduced by Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney of New York, the Promoting Free and Fair Elections Act seeks to defang Biden’s March 2021 executive order that required federal agencies to interfere in the electoral process by using taxpayer money to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities. As The Federalist previously reported, voter registration efforts are almost always a partisan venture and often involve left-wing groups that abuse their nonprofit status to target likely-Democrat voters.

Tenney’s bill would prohibit federal agencies from using federal funds to “solicit or enter into an agreement with a nongovernmental organization to conduct voter registration or voter mobilization activities.” The measure defines “voter registration or voter mobilization activities” as actions related to “registering voters or providing any person with voter registration materials, absentee or vote-by-mail ballot applications, voting instructions, or candidate-related information.”

Notably, the legislation would also mandate that federal departments turn over to Congress their respective “strategic plan” documenting how they intended to comply with Biden’s order. Despite attempts by good government groups to acquire these plans, the Biden administration has routinely stonewalled such efforts by slow-walking its response to federal court orders and heavily redacting any related documents it has released.


PREMO Member

Conservatives, Get Busy Ballot Harvesting Or Get Busy Losing

Joe Biden has announced he will seek reelection as president. This comes as he is experiencing the lowest approval ratings of his presidency — 37 percent, according to Gallup. Former President Donald Trump or Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will almost certainly be the GOP nominee. The blunt reality, however, is that regardless of who the GOP puts up against Biden, they will lose if the party isn’t prepared to get down in the mud and beat the Democratic National Committee (DNC) at their own dirty game: ballot harvesting.

The 2020 election left conservatives shellshocked. How could Trump lose to a supposedly senile candidate who spoke to tiny, lackluster crowds? The consensus for many was that it had to be cheating, which led to persistent claims that the 2020 election was stolen, resulting in a $787.5 million lawsuit against Fox News.

Raging against an illegal election is cathartic, but it doesn’t get to the root cause of Trump’s loss. While voter fraud exists, the reality is that there was no massive election fraud, the DNC simply worked harder, played dirtier, bent every rule, and didn’t care about how they looked as long as they won. It is a mentality that the Republican National Committee (RNC) will have to adopt. In politics, it is better to be a dirty winner than a gracious loser.

So what will winning require in 2024? The first step is to get meaningful voting integrity legislation passed in time.

Election Integrity Legislation

Banning ZuckBucks

One of the most actionable and essential recommendations of the ACE Act is passing the End Zuckerbucks Act, which would stop tax-exempt organizations from directly funding official election groups through donations or donated services. In 2020, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg donated $420 million to ostensibly nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations such as the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), which in turn funneled it into funding local government elections offices under the guise of providing Covid relief. However, less than 1 percent of the money went to providing personal protective equipment to election offices. While it seems impossible that this would be legal, it was.

Zuckerberg made sure DNC activists had access to daily ballot information, were able to choose preferential voting methods, and knew exactly where to target get-out-the-vote initiatives, including doorstep ballot curing and witnessing of absentee ballot signatures. Zuckerberg’s efforts were so successful that he has been credited with winning Arizona and Georgia for Biden. As of January 2023, 24 states have banned so-called Zuckerbucks, but six DNC governors have vetoed attempted bans. Among these are the important swing states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina.

If the End Zuckerbucks Act isn’t passed in time for 2024, GOP donors will have to match the DNC’s billionaires dollar for dollar in funding local election offices and weaponizing poll workers in every battleground state. It goes against the spirit and impartiality of the democratic process, but that line has already been crossed.

Other Billionaires’ Election Efforts

It wasn’t just Zuckerberg who funneled hundreds of millions of private dollars into innovative get-out-the-vote initiatives in 2020. Craig Newmark and George Soros also exploited grassroots and nontraditional means of swaying the election and will do so again in 2024. Since January 2020, Soros has spent roughly half a billion dollars on DNC causes, dispersing his donations through a complex web of nonprofits to obscure its origins. Newmark spent approximately $200 million in the run-up to 2020, for example funding the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law organization, which pushes suing for expanded mail-in voting and opposing voter ID laws. This is why the ACE Act is vital.

In addition, both Soros and Newmark have spent millions of dollars targeting black and immigrant communities to get out the vote over the past two election cycles. Both understand that nonwhite ethnic minority groups in America favor the DNC, with black Americans overwhelmingly voting Democrat. Both men have invested heavily in black get-out-the-vote initiatives. Newmark has funded DoSomething, among others, while Soros donated $2.5 million to the Color of Change PAC and the same amount to Black Pac.

Door-to-Door Efforts


PREMO Member

George Soros is funding almost all of Matt Dugan’s campaign for Allegheny County DA

Billionaire liberal donor George Soros is the sole contributor to an outside political group financing most of Democrat Matt Dugan’s run for Allegheny County district attorney, a new financial filing shows.

The Pennsylvania Justice and Public Safety PAC listed Mr. Soros as its only donor in a campaign finance report released Tuesday. Based in New York City, the philanthropist, financier and activist has backed progressive candidates in local races for prosecutor across the country, including Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner.

While he is often only one source of funding for groups that in turn help finance candidates, the extent of his support for Mr. Dugan’s campaign — while entirely legal — is less common.

Mr. Soros gave $759,000 to the Pennsylvania-registered PAC on March 27, according to the report filed Friday with the county Elections Division, which covers the group’s activity from March 8 through May 1.


PREMO Member

Oracle’s Larry Ellison gears up to spend millions to back Tim Scott’s 2024 run

A Republican strategist and fundraiser close to Ellison told CNBC that the businessman’s donations to the super PAC this time are likely to at least double what he gave in 2022.

The super PAC during the midterms backed Scott and spent millions more for other Republicans running for Senate seats, including just under $2 million for failed Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker, according to the nonpartisan OpenSecrets. The Opportunity Matters Fund PAC has been rebranded for Scott’s White House run with a new name: Trust In The Mission PAC, or TIM PAC.

Ellison attended Scott’s campaign announcement Monday in South Carolina. Ellison, who has a net worth of about $115 billion, sat in a VIP section at the rally.

Scott praised Ellison at the rally, calling the businessman “one of my mentors.” A spokesman for the Scott campaign did not return requests for comment.


PREMO Member

Human error turns every registered voter in New York county into a Democrat

An error by a printing company has made every registered voter in Nassau County, New York, a Democrat, based on the voter ID cards received in the mail this week in the Republican-leaning county.

A spokesperson for the printing company, Phoenix Graphics, said that it was human error and is being fixed, according to NBC New York.

About half a million of those who got their cards this week saw that they were registered as Democrats, when they were actually registered Republicans, independents or members of a different political party.

"We’re already starting to get phone calls from people, saying 'I’m a registered Republican, I’m a registered Conservative – how come I’m being identified as a Democrat? Who changed my registration?' And they’re quite upset about it," Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman said, according to the outlet.


Well-Known Member

Human error turns every registered voter in New York county into a Democrat

An error by a printing company has made every registered voter in Nassau County, New York, a Democrat, based on the voter ID cards received in the mail this week in the Republican-leaning county.

A spokesperson for the printing company, Phoenix Graphics, said that it was human error and is being fixed, according to NBC New York.

About half a million of those who got their cards this week saw that they were registered as Democrats, when they were actually registered Republicans, independents or members of a different political party.

"We’re already starting to get phone calls from people, saying 'I’m a registered Republican, I’m a registered Conservative – how come I’m being identified as a Democrat? Who changed my registration?' And they’re quite upset about it," Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman said, according to the outlet.
It's a little strange for these people to be called democrats before they die. It's more usual to wait until after death.


Beloved Misanthrope


PREMO Member

FBI, DOJ, and CIA rigged the last 2 elections

Speaking with Maria Bartiromo on her Fox Business Network program, McFarland laid out the grim reality that, strangely, does not bother any of the people who rage about "protecting democracy" from Donald Trump. Kanekoa The Great summarizes her views and presents a two-and-a-half minute clip of her. I urge you to watch the whole thing, as there is a lot of richness that doesn't make it to this summary.

K. T. McFarland, a former Deputy National Security Advisor, says the FBI, Justice Department, and CIA will rig the 2024 U.S. presidential election, following their success in rigging 2016 and 2020, because they won't allow any candidate to win that would hold them accountable: "We now have black-and-white evidence that the FBI interfered in the 2016 election. When they failed to elect Hillary Clinton, they set out to destroy the Trump administration. Go back to 2020. This time, the CIA got involved in the election with those 51 former intel agents who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. So they've gotten away with it for two elections. They will surely try and get away with it in 2024, right? Because there are no consequences... There is now hard evidence that there was election interference by the U.S. intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice. Those individuals must be terrified that a Republican president comes in with a Republican Attorney General, investigates them, and charges them with all of the crimes they have committed over the last eight years. Take it to the bank. They will absolutely interfere in 2024... These people are selling us out. Not only to foreign leaders, but they are interfering in our elections. They are tearing up the Constitution... This is just a gut punch to the American people."


Well-Known Member

FBI, DOJ, and CIA rigged the last 2 elections

Speaking with Maria Bartiromo on her Fox Business Network program, McFarland laid out the grim reality that, strangely, does not bother any of the people who rage about "protecting democracy" from Donald Trump. Kanekoa The Great summarizes her views and presents a two-and-a-half minute clip of her. I urge you to watch the whole thing, as there is a lot of richness that doesn't make it to this summary.
I agree with most of what she said, certainly the FBI interfered with the election, I believe we have proof of that, but they did it in accompaniment of the democrat party. It was a planned coup, and it was treason.

And not one person will ever be held responsible for it.


PREMO Member

CNN and MSNBC Mention Trump by Name 399 Times in 10 Hours

Trump’s frontrunner status in the Republican primary has made him a hot topic of discussion whenever a new candidate enters the race, and Thursday was no exception. In the freshly announced candidacies of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), pundits on the liberal cable networks found two shiny new reasons to pontificate about all things Trump.

MRC analysts used a combination of live broadcasts and Snapstream transcripts to find every mention of the former President on CNN and MSNBC. In just 10 hours, Trump’s name was invoked 399 times across both networks. MSNBC just barely edged out its competitor with 208 mentions (52%), while CNN was responsible for the remaining 191 mentions (48%).

Both networks had a few outliers in their weekday lineups. On MSNBC, Morning Joe boasted an impressive 86 Trumps. However, averaged across the show’s four-hour runtime, that only came out to about 21 Trumps per hour. The network’s real heavy lifter was the 2 p.m. hour of Chris Jansing Reports, which managed a respectable 33 Trumps despite also carrying live coverage of a press conference by President Biden


PREMO Member