Election 2024 Issues


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I'm sure the Dem establishment will find a way to get abortion back front and center next year. That will get those Ind's back in line.


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Teachers Union Head Says Biden, Harris ‘Really Care About People’ In Official 2024 Endorsement

The AFT is a “union of professionals that champions fairness; democracy; economic opportunity; and high-quality public education, healthcare and public services for our students, their families and our communities. We are committed to advancing these principles through community engagement, organizing, collective bargaining and political activism, and especially through the work our members do,” according to its official mission statement.

The endorsement is part of the union’s AFT Votes initiative, which works to “win the elections and ballot measures” the union supports. AFT Votes calls the Biden-Harris administration a “consistent partner” in its efforts “to make the lives of our members better and improve the communities we serve. While there is still much work to do, this administration’s record is remarkable and unprecedented, giving us a staging point from which to build a more perfect union.” The endorsement was an unanimous vote by the union’s executive council.

Both the AFT and Weingarten have received backlash for their handling of issues such as COVID-19 and critical race theory (CRT) in schools. Former United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called Weingarten the “most dangerous person in the world” in a November 2022 interview with Semafor.


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Most Voters Say Trump Indictment Is Election Interference

Moreover, the majority of respondents, 57 percent, believe the 45th president will be acquitted on the charges, the vast majority of which fall under the Espionage Act of 1917.

The poll also asked voters about President Joe Biden’s documents case – where classified materials from his time as vice president have been located at his personal residence and the Penn Biden Center in Washington, DC – as well as Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

A majority of 65 percent of respondents believe Biden “mishandled” classified material, while 72 percent think Clinton did, with 69 percent saying she “obstructed justice” by acid-washing her emails.



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How This Legal Group Plans To Halt Democrats’ Jihad Against Election Integrity Laws Ahead Of 2024

Regime-approved media were even running stories months before the election forecasting such a strategy. In February 2020, for instance, Politico ran an article detailing how “a constellation of left-leaning groups” were “spending millions of dollars” to launch “an avalanche of voting-rights lawsuits against state laws they say suppress participation in elections.” The lawsuits were widespread in nature, targeting provisions related to voter ID requirements, voter-roll maintenance, ballot signature verification, and more. Whether it was Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, or Michigan, states all over the country were barraged with Democrats’ legal blitz.

In order to prevent similar chicanery from continuing in future electoral contests, an election integrity group known as Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE) is launching its counterstrategy ahead of the 2024 election. While speaking with The Federalist, RITE President Derek Lyons described how his organization is employing a three-pronged game plan to halt the left’s legal jihad, the first of which involves protecting existing statutes to ensure states have “the best election” possible.

Their goal is to “protect the integrity of the ballot box from delusion, mismanagement, errors, [and] fraud,” Lyons said. They also want to make sure election integrity laws “are well defended and that they’re in place and operational for the upcoming election.”


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RFK Jr. Calls Out Late Night Comedians Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart for Pushing Coronavirus Vaccine, Shaming Dissenters

Kennedy appeared on the most recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” where the conversation turned to how network comedians used their massive platforms and celebrity status to aggressively push the vaccine and to shame and stigmatize dissenters.

“You said a lot of the comedians were skeptical but what I saw was the opposite,” Kennedy said.

“I saw the comedians that should have been questioning everything were sort of canceling people who asked questions, including all the ones — you know, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. I thought they stopped being funny because comedians are funny when they’re ridiculing authority and they all had to stop doing that.”



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💉 Bowtied wonder Peter Hotez is back in the public eye after criticizing Joe Rogan’s interview of RFK as spreading “vaccine misinformation.” Rogan responded by challenging Hotez to a debate, which led to a crowdsourced fund drive creating a $1.5M kitty to the charity of Hotez’s choice if he agrees to debate RFK on Rogan’s show.

Obviously Hotez won’t get anywhere near that debate. There’s a good reason why, too.

First of all, he’d have to explain why Forbes describes him as one of the richest scientists in America, with a $35M net worth largely derived from payments by health organizations and pharma companies.

Next, in the early pandemic, Hotez testified to Congress AGAINST coronavirus vaccines, saying that no coronavirus vaccine had ever succeeded, and that EUA approval standards were far too low to guarantee a safe vaccine for the general public. Hotez changed his tune right after Fauci appointed him to head up the NIH’s official Covid Vaccine Committee.

Here’s a twelve-minute mini-documentary on Hotez, exposing his shifting positions and other awkward connections:

In other words, he has way too much baggage and there is NO WAY Hotez is going to get on a debate stage with anyone with half a brain. It’s never going to happen. They might as well offer a billion dollars to the charity of his choice.

Peter Hotez is an unkempt gasbag decorated with a ridiculous bowtie, without which he would look remarkably like a serial killer.



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Speaking with “The Daily Signal Podcast,” Cameron notes that corporations “will promote the ideas and the agenda of the far Left, but they remain quiet or dismissive of protecting the First Amendment rights of religious organizations and—dare I say—the majority of Americans who firmly believe that we should have and welcome all viewpoints into the marketplace of ideas.”

In May 2022, Chase closed an account for the National Committee for Religious Freedom, an organization founded by Sam Brownback, a former Kansas governor and President Donald Trump’s ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom.

Brownback, along with conservative organizations, suggested that Chase closed the account for religious or political reasons, which Chase denied. The bank said it closed the account because it needed more information about donors and recipients than the nonprofit provided.

Chase also had closed accounts associated with the Arkansas Family Council and Defense of Liberty in 2021.

Cameron led 19 attorneys general in sending a letter to Chase that demands answers and requests that the bank consider engaging with Alliance Defending Freedom’s Viewpoint Diversity Score’s Business Index, which measures companies’ respect for free speech and religious freedom. The index follows the methods of the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, which companies such as Chase highly value.



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Christie: Trump Doesn’t Have the ‘Character’ to Be President, His Claims Are ‘Absurd’

Christie said, “I’ve been in the race for less than three weeks and already in third place in New Hampshire, only four points behind Ron DeSantis, who has been in the race for a longer time and is supposed to be the co-front-runner. Look, people understand that folks need to take responsibility for what they do. And my message to the folks at Faith and Freedom, which did get some good reactions, too. Of course, I expected the boos that is predominantly a Trump crowd, but they need to hear the truth, too. Character is the single most important element of a president of the United States because you can’t know every issue that’s going to come across the president’s desk. It’s not a litmus test with checkboxes in them. What you need to know is what is the character of that person.”


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Records: 1,400 Voters Flagged as Foreign Nationals in North Carolina

In a detailed report, PILF researchers unveil the extent to which the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993, known as “Motor Voter,” has made it easier for states to wrongfully register foreign nationals to vote.

“After 30 years under…Motor Voter, the unintended consequences of the law are clear in North Carolina: It has never been easier to register to vote, so much so that even foreign nationals are being registered,” PILF researchers write:

It is extremely difficult to prevent and remove foreign national registrations because of the NVRA’s mandates. The entire problem was hidden from the public — including the documentary proof of alien registration — for years. [Emphasis added]

Through litigation, PILF obtained state election records showing that ahead of the 2014 midterm elections, for example, NCSBE officials identified more than 10,000 registered voters as potential foreign nationals.

From there, more than 80 percent of the registrants in question were shown to have been naturalized American citizens, leaving over 1,400 flagged as foreign nationals — most of whom were on green cards, temporary visas, or illegal aliens on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.


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Koch Network Plans to Spend $70 Million Exclusively to Block President Trump from GOP Nomination

(New York Times) – The political network established by the conservative industrialists Charles and David Koch has raised more than $70 million for political races as it looks to help Republicans move past Donald J. Trump, according to an official with the group.

With some of this large sum to start, the network, Americans for Prosperity Action, plans to throw its weight into the G.O.P. presidential nominating contest for the first time in its nearly 20-year history. The network spent nearly $500 million supporting Republican candidates and conservative policies in the 2020 election cycle alone.

Two groups closely affiliated with Charles Koch contributed $50 million of the more than $70 million that has been raised. Mr. Koch is a major shareholder in Koch Industries, which contributed $25 million to Americans for Prosperity Action, according to a preliminary draft of Federal Election Commission filings. Another $25 million was donated by Stand Together, a nonprofit he founded.

So, we are going to see all the Never Trump media orgs like Fox News, The Daily Wire, etc. etc. lining up to take the Koch money in order to make some cash with their ideological alignment.

This Koch Industries $70 million expenditure, exclusively to target Donald Trump, is on top of the $200+ million being spent by Ron DeSantis’s Never Back Down SuperPAC group. Now people are starting to get the scale of the “trillions at stake” aspect.

Recapping all of the aligned enterprises against President Trump we find: the entire Wall Street network of hedge funds and billionaires like Ken Griffin, the entire multinational corporate alignment represented by the Sea Island confab, the billionaires and industrialists who need globalism for profit, the lobbyist groups like the Chamber of Commerce and Club for Growth and the Republican Governors Association who receive funding from those groups. Then we can add the social media influencer community, Elon Musk, the network of allied conservative Never Trump punditry and top it off with the RNC as the cherry on the cake.

Yes, this opposition group represents almost the entirety of the Big Club and every control mechanism- all of it aligned against one guy, one man, who is an existential threat to their influence and affluence…. AND this is only from the Republican side of the UniParty equation. Add the entire Intelligence Apparatus into this equation, and a majority of Republicans in both chambers of Congress, and the scale of opposition takes even more context.

But wait, there’s more…

Sappy should be along shortly to singing the praises and virtues of the Koch Bros.


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As Biden Falters, Trump Looks Even Better

Still the biggest political Rock Star.​

The Trump record of achievement stands in stark contrast to the disaster known as the Biden administration. A new NBC News poll shows only 20% of Americans believe the country is going in the “right direction,” while an astounding 74% believe our nation is on the “wrong track.” Even worse for Biden, 68% of Americans believe he does not possess the necessary mental and physical health to be president.”

While Biden is faltering on every level, and his radical policies are failing, President Trump is looking much better in comparison. Americans remember that Trump achieved energy independence, a secure border, a strong economy, a strong military, and respect throughout the world. Under President Trump peace deals were being reached while our country entered no new wars.

President Trump destroyed ISIS and talked to all our adversaries, including North Korean dictator Kim Jung-Un. Under Biden, our military is suffering from a recruiting crisis, our economy is dealing with high inflation and interest rates, our border is wide open, and the world is in chaos.


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Democratic Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown is running within the margin of error against all three of his declared Republican challengers, the first poll of his 2024 race shows.

Brown, currently serving his third term in the upper chamber, is the only statewide elected Democrat in Ohio. The poll, conducted by East Carolina University, showed him leading businessman Bernie Moreno 46-42, state Sen. Matt Dolan 45-44 and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose 44-42. All three matchups were within the poll’s four percent margin of error.

East Carolina University polled 805 registered voters from June 21-24, reaching 402 by landline and 403 through an online panel.



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Trump vows to 'liberate our children from Marxist lunatics and perverts who have infested our educational system' at Moms for Liberty summit in Philly - before paying a visit to iconic Pat's cheesesteaks

  • During his appearance at the Moms for Liberty summit in Philadelphia, Trump called out what he said were 'Marxist lunatics' in the education system
  • The ex-president said that if he were to be re-elected in 2024, he would give education rights back to the states
  • Following his appearance, Trump stopped off along with his entourage at Pat's cheesesteaks


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Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks Florida’s Election Law Banning Non-Citizens From Collecting Voter Registration Forms

In May Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed SB 7020, a law that barred non-citizens from handling or collecting voter registration forms.

One of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit is an immigrant from El Salvador who works for “Mi Vecino,” a third party voter registration organization.

US District Judge Mark Walker said the election law banning non-citizens from handling voter registration forms is unconstitutional.

Judge Walker also took a veiled swipe at Governor Ron DeSantis in his 58-page ruling.


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Why Democrats Should Primary Biden

President Joe Biden needs a tuneup. He’s a stiff when speaking at the lectern. When not a stiff, the 80-year-old can be a dolt, saying, as he did this week, that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “losing the war in Iraq” when he meant Ukraine, or blurting out a senseless, “God save the Queen, man,” at a gun control rally last week. The English language has never been his friend, so it’s logical that his managers, er, his aides, have limited his exposure to the press. No president since the equally doddering Ronald Reagan has held so few press conferences. Not since Ray Leonard’s ill-advised third comeback has a contestant seemed so out of condition for a big rumble.

Biden has challengers, of course, but Marianne Williamson and Robert Kennedy Jr. aren’t the right ring partners to prepare him for what will be his last electoral contest. With a tepid approval rating that puts him near to Donald Trump at his worst, Biden needs a primary opponent who can prepare him for the 2024 general election, somebody who can make him prove that he can still run the traps and beat whichever Republican he faces. If Biden can’t vanquish a worthy Democrat in primary season, he has no business entering the general.


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Hispanic voters are still drifting toward the GOP

In 2022, Teixeira writes there was no further evidence of a continued shift to the right but also no evidence Democrats had regained any of that lost ground. So how are things shaping up for 2024?

Since then, polls consistently find that Hispanic voters prefer Republicans to Democrats on inflation and handling the economy. Nearly all — 86 percent — Hispanics say economic conditions are only fair or poor and about three-quarters say the same thing about their personal financial situation. By 2 to 1 they say President Biden’s policies are hurting, not helping, them and their families. In a just-released 6,000 respondent poll from the Survey Center on American Life (SCAL) on evolving party coalitions, almost two-thirds believe Biden has accomplished not that much or little or nothing during his time in office…
Beneath this discontent is an emerging gulf between the cultural outlook of many Hispanics and the increasingly left-wing values of the Democratic Party. In the SCAL survey, half of Hispanics think Democrats are “too extreme” and slightly more than half think Democrats don’t share their values.