Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member
šŸ”„šŸ”„ Joe Bidenā€™s halting debate performance against President Trump last night was a shock and a surprise to a large number of ordinary Americans who just woke up from a coma. As for we unlucky non-coma victims, whoā€™ve had to sit through the entire show, we knew this day was coming sooner or later. NBC ran its version of the Titanic-sized disaster story under the bizarre ā€”but truthfulā€” headline, ā€œ'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic.ā€ Instead of delivering Dark Brandon, the Democrats served up Murky Mr. Magoo.

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Uh, uh, uh, uh. If it werenā€™t for low standards, Joe would have no standards, and he demands the same of himself. When I read the articleā€™s best sentence, a perfect rhetorical gem, I laughed into my coffee, accidentally sluicing hot java right through my beard. Despite that scalding, Iā€™d still like to shake the NBC reporterā€™s hand for crafting this unintentionally hilarious but profound sentence, which should have been the articleā€™s headline:

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Haha! But donā€™t get the wrong idea. The debate was a four-alarm fire for democrats, but NBC rolled out the trucks and ladders, with the damage control starting right from the minimizing subheadline, which suggested the former Vice President only had a sore throat: ā€œThe president often had a weak, raspy voice during his first debate against Trump in what Democrats had hoped would be a turning point in the race.ā€

Tragically for the Biden Campaign, the rush of events forced them to commit to a weak, early excuse: Biden had a cold. I was sick and couldnā€™t turn in my homework!

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For a time, they tried to hold the line of criticism, but as you will see the fire rapidly burned out of control. Right after the debate, only 33% of CNNā€™s cherry-picked debate watchers thought Biden won the debate, his lowest score to date:

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Theyā€™re going to need a better narrative. NBC reported that, back when they thought Dark Brandon was showing up, ā€œthe Biden campaign acknowledged that the debate would be a critical moment in the election, with officials hoping it could shake up the race to his benefit.ā€

More 2024 records were set yesterday. Yesterdayā€™s was the earliest Presidential debate in history. It was the first in history scheduled before either man has been officially nominated as the candidate of their political party. So, technically, it wasnā€™t even a presidential debate. And it was the first without a live debate audience. And, of course, it was the first time ever that a sitting President debated the immediately preceding President.

If there was one gaffe that defined the entire sordid show, it was when, at one point, Biden erratically and inexplicably claimed, ā€œWe finally beat Medicare.ā€ I am not making that up. Iā€™ve searched everywhere and nobody seems to know what he meant. But Bidenā€™s mysterious anti-Medicare boast capped off a long, crepusclar ramble that was arguably even more senseless, and which truly must be seen and heard to be believed (CLIP 1-funny, CLIP 2-straight). Hereā€™s how NBC described it:

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Hereā€™s a transcript of the tail end of the Leader of the Free World desperately searching for his lost train of thought:

JOE BIDEN: ā€œMaking sure that weā€™re able to make every single solitary person, eh, uh, eligible ā€¦ for what I've been able to do with, the uh, covid, excuse me, with umm dealing with everything we had to deal with. Uh. Look, if ā€¦ we finally beat Medicare!ā€

JAKE TAPPER: ā€œThank you, President Biden.ā€ (quickly cuts mike).

Charitably, maybe Biden got confused about which one was the virus and which one was the vast, socialized healthcare bureaucracy. But Iā€™m only guessing. Somewhere, out in space, far beyond the Galactic core, puzzled aliens are setting up whole new institutes to ponder the deep meaning behind Joeā€™s enigmatic profundities.

Nearly as bad was Joeā€™s pitiful effort to explain the Supreme Courtā€™s ruling in Roe v. Wade. At least, I think that was what he was trying to do. Scientists have determined that, at our present level of knowledge, itā€™s impossible to say for sure:

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Shortly thereafter, Biden soberly informed CNNā€™s cameras and the free world that many women ā€œraped by their sistersā€ need abortions.

You can imagine the Schaudenfraudey field day conservatives are enjoying, taking well-deserved victory laps, making ā€œcheap fakeā€ memes, and posting mean tweets, which all sort of miss the bigger point that this stuttering relic has his shaky finger resting on the nuclear button, and we arenā€™t sure whether he knows itā€™s not a buzzer for more ice cream. But nevermind that for now.

Letā€™s see how democrats responded to Murky Magoo.

Behold this remarkable New York Times op-ed roundup that corralled no fewer than a dozen appalled liberal pundits:

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They pulled that blasphemous headline quote out of Michelle Goldbergā€™s hot take, in which she pulled Bidenā€™s plug. At least, thatā€™s how she felt last night:

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In his post-debate, full-length op-ed, regular Times contributor Thomas Friedman joined Goldbergā€™s call for making Biden an ex-candidate:

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Bidenā€™s performance deeply moved Thomas Friedman, just not in a good way. Tom made the unmanly admission that the debate broke his leathery heart and made him cry:

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After watching Bidenā€™s latest ā€œcheap fakeā€ performance for himself, hard-left liberal Friedman sadly said he was no longer giving Biden the benefit of any doubt:

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There was much more. The New York Times was packed to the gills with op-eds penned by a synchronized flock of whiny liberals who are all chirping for Bidenā€™s withdrawal from the race:

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In his own separate full-length piece, NYT Deputy Opinion Editor Pat Healy glumly admitted Bidenā€™s awful performance was another 2024-style, record-shattering bit of history-making. Just not the good kind:

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Healy saw what we all saw: a sad, drooling, demented octogenarian who obviously isnā€™t up to the job, and who is rapidly degenerating from bad to worse:

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In the first couple of hours following last nightā€™s performance, they tried to cover for Biden, but it was so bad they couldnā€™t explain it away. Corporate media offered two excuses: Biden had a cold and Trump lied worse than Pinnochio. So.

But in fact-checking President Trump, CNN also had to fact-check Biden, and nearly everything the purported President said was either inaccurate or downright wrong:


CLIP: CNN fact checks Joe Biden debate claims (0:49).

Democrats are panicing. Last night, CNNā€™s Chief National Correspondent John King said some prominent Democrats were already planning a trip to the White House to ask Biden to step down, and others were already publicly calling for him to drop out:

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CLIP: top CNN anchor reports Dems pulling the eject lever on Biden (0:54).

Even though the debate didnā€™t finish until late last night, the demands for a replacement Democrat candidate began flooding in faster than a totally-normal, post-Derecho ā€˜weather eventā€™ in Ohio. Corporate media immediately published more op-eds by bleary-eyed pundits calling for oleaginous Gavin Newsom to step in.

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Itā€™s almost like they planned it this way. For some poorly-explained reason, last night California Governor and lockdown lunatic Gavin Newsom was in Atlanta, at the debate. Standing by, so to speak.

Though he disclaimed any interest in running, why would he?, it hasnā€™t stopped democrat demands. Hereā€™s an example headline, this one from Bloomberg run early this morning (6:00am):

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Or, this straight-news headline, from Business Insider (5:20am):

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There were lots more. At this point, I suppose I should say that Californians are less impressed with their Governor than desperate national democrats. For instance, the LA Times ran this startling op-ed headline yesterday: ā€œThings are not OK in California. Newsom's State of the State was delusional.ā€ The author of the LA Timesā€™ op-ed seemed less impressed with Gavinā€™s qualifications:

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Just now, we are still soaking in the ā€˜hot takes hot tub,ā€™ recuperating in the aftermath of that toxic political train wreck. And I havenā€™t even begun to tote up the reactions from the rest of the world, including our allies who arenā€™t sold-out partisans and already have a skeptical eye about Joe. But hereā€™s a taste, headline from Politico this morning:

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Soon, after the dust settles, even more difficult questions will emerge. Consider the 25th Amendment. So stay tuned.



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How Did The Army Of Debate ā€˜Fact Checkersā€™ Miss This Biden Whopper?

Later Biden repeated the claim:

There was no inflation when I became president. You know why? The economy was flat on its back. 15% unemployment, he decimated the economy, absolutely decimated the economy. Thatā€™s why there was no inflation at the time. There were no jobs.

And then later: ā€œLook what Iā€™ve done. Look how Iā€™ve turned around the horrible situation he left me.ā€

The economy was in a ā€œfreefallā€? It was ā€œflat on its backā€? In a ā€œhorrible situationā€?

These are 100%, solid-gold lies. And Biden knows it.

And they arenā€™t just penny-ante lies.

Biden justified his $2 trillion ā€œrescue planā€ on these lies. Now heā€™s using them to blame Trump for everything thatā€™s gone wrong since.

Yet, the mainstream media never, ever call Biden out on this lie ā€“ a failing weā€™ve pointed out for years. (Just a few examples: In February 2021, we wrote: ā€œBiden Invents An Economic Crisis To Justify His Reckless $1.9 Trillion COVID ā€˜Reliefā€™,ā€ and in July of that year we said ā€œBiden Brags About ā€˜Hisā€™ Economic Recovery, But Has To Lie To Do It.ā€ In March 2022 we wrote, ā€œItā€™s Time To Kill This Big Fat Biden Lie Once And For All.ā€)

So, we will say it once again. The economy was going gangbusters when Biden took office.

The nationā€™s GDP was just inches away from a full recovery by the time Biden took office, as the chart below shows.


The stock market had already more than recovered and was reaching new highs. Itā€™s been flat under Biden, after you factor in Bidenflation as the chart below shows.


Nearly two-thirds of the jobs lost during the lockdowns had been recovered at the end of Trumpā€™s term ā€“ far more than economists had predicted. Still more would have been had it not been for liberal states that needlessly kept their economies shuttered and vast numbers of people out of work. Since Biden took office, job gains have failed to catch up, and now are no longer keeping up, with population growth.



PREMO Member

Biden, 81, has difficulty functioning outside of 6-hour window as aides attempt to spin prezā€™s horrid debate performance: alarming report

Octogenarian President Biden has difficulty functioning outside a six-hour window of daylight, according to an alarming new report.

The 81-year-old commander in chief is prone to absent-minded gaffes and fatigue outside of the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or while traveling abroad, White House aides told Axios in a bizarre attempt to spin his disastrous debate performance.

During the 90-minute trainwreck of a presidential debate ā€” which kicked off five hours after the presidentā€™s peak performance window, at 9 p.m. ā€” Biden often appeared vacant or slack-jawed, and on several occasions froze mid-thought, misspoke, or struggled to form coherent sentences.


PREMO Member

Say what? Philadelphia Inquirer says Biden had such a ā€˜horribleā€™ debate Trump should withdraw

Throughout the screed that rivaled Keith Olbermannā€™s rant calling for CNN to ā€œliterallyā€ be burned to the ground after not doing more to bolster Biden during the debate, the Inquirer downplayed Trumpā€™s takes on how his successor had wrecked the economy, foreign policy and domestic safety and instead amplified narratives on insurrection and felony conviction among others.

ā€œTrump attacks the military,ā€ they claimed alluding to the debunked ā€œsuckers and losersā€ story that Biden himself had attempted during the debate. ā€œHe denigrates the Justice Department and judges. He belittles the FBI and the CIA. He picks fights with allies and cozies up to dictators.ā€

ā€œTrump is an unserious carnival barker running for the most serious job in the world. During his last term, Trump served himself and not the American people,ā€ the board contended despite the GOP leader donating his salary and sacrificing his business to the fickle winds of political allegiances.

Meanwhile, as the Inquirer adopted a ā€œtakes a villageā€ mentality about the presidency and assured, ā€œBiden has surrounded himself with experienced people who take public service seriously,ā€ the presidentā€™s campaign fired back at Times for calling for him to withdraw from the race.


PREMO Member

The Debate Debacle Changes Nothing

The fact is that Joe Biden is the nominee, and he will remain the nominee. By the next morning, the rallying and rationalization were in full effect. Obama tweeted about how itā€™s all going to be OK. So did many others after the deathwatch that was the immediate post-debate analysis on the communist channels. And they believe their revised spin. Itā€™s remarkable how easily you can convince yourself of what you want to be convinced of. Denial is not just a river in Egypt; itā€™s now the official Democrat campaign strategy.

What choice do they have? The Geezer Golem is not going anywhere. Hereā€™s the thing ā€“ Joe Biden doesnā€™t think he did badly. Joe Biden thinks he did great. The people around him are all telling him he did great, starting with his harridan wife. This echo chamber of idiocy reinforces his determination that he is a visionary megamind whose presence blesses the benighted American people. He thinks heā€™s a genius. In fact, Joe Biden is an idiot and has always been an idiot. And itā€™s all downhill on the IQ Bell Curve from here.

Donā€™t bother appealing to his better nature. He never had one and wonā€™t get one now. No one will convince him to look at his deteriorating electoral prospects objectively and sacrifice his ambitions for the ā€œgreater good.ā€ To Joe Biden, he is the greater good.

Democratic Amnesia

Letā€™s do some historical searching. It was primary season, 2020. Mayor Pete and Bernie Sanders dominated the early Democratic primaries. Sanders had momentum, he had his ā€œBernie Brosā€ and however extreme his positions, he spoke with conviction and force. Nobody ever accused Bernie Sanders of suffering from dementia, however extreme his positions are. The Democrats had a problem. Bernie Sanders might be their nominee. He might lose to Trump, but more importantly, he is now unpalatable to donors and the movers and shakers in the party hierarchy. Bernie frightened them more than Trump. So Representative Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and others magically got all of the middling candidatesā€”Klobuchar, the fake Indian, Mayor Pete, etc.ā€”to drop out and support Biden. Joe never looked back, winning the Palmetto State and everything to follow. Joe Biden becoming the nominee and later president was not a natural, electoral-driven process. It was a backroom deal to keep FrankenSanders from the party's leadership.

Biden then added one more layer of disaster by declaring that his vice president must be a black woman. Not competent. Not experienced. Not well-spoken. Just a black woman. And what black woman did he get? Kamala Harris is the only person who could make Joe Biden look like a Nobel laureate. So, the Democrats created a monster ticket. They won in November. There were shenanigans but nothing that rose to the level of being addressed by the various courts of law that looked into election fraud.

As the Democrats mull throwing Biden overboard and somehow performing kabuki theater to not give the nomination to Kamala without offending both blacks and women, they have to recall how they got to this point. If one could run parallel Biden and Sanders administrations, I doubt that there would be much difference between them, other than Sanders not wanting to support Israel much in its fight against Hamas. Open borders suit both. It is the same with trans mania, including putting up the trans flag, having people with mental issues traipsing on the White House grounds, and painting the pillars of the White House in the colors of the same flag. They both would wage war against fossil fuels. They would both weaken the military and make the US a pathetic sight in the view of enemies such as China, Iran, and Russia. The Democrats may have jerked things around to elect Biden, but they got Bernieā€™s program. Biden, being absent, has his underlings running around and doing what they want. The result is a DEI-driven administration that has a bald guy who steals and wears womenā€™s dresses in charge of our nuclear waste. Their latest White House hire had to scrub his social media of all of his extremist statements. It reminds me of the final episode of Star Trek in which Captain Kirkā€™s ex switches bodies. They elected Biden and got Bernie's program.​


PREMO Member

BIDEN IS OUT, Oreilly Reports Biden WILL STEP DOWN, Tucker Says Obama Says HE CANT WIN Against Trump​



PREMO Member

Voters Have Been Concerned About Biden's Age for Some Time

Today the NY Times is trying to creep back toward reality with a new newsletter piece headlined "The Problem in Plain Sight." Yes, I know it's hard to believe they're publishing that headline a week after they ran with "How Misleading Videos Are Trailing Biden as He Battles Age Doubts" but that's what they're doing.

And make no mistake, the Times isn't saying the problem is in plain sight now. The whole point of this is to recognize that people have had concerns about this long before the debate.

The campaign and Bidenā€™s surrogates are trying to portray the panic over Bidenā€™s age, which ratcheted up after the 81-year-old president struggled to speak coherently and finish sentences on Thursday night, as inside-the-beltway chatter. But itā€™s actually the opposite. Polling and interviews have shown that voters around the country have long harbored deep reservations about Bidenā€™s age, while Democratic power players in Washington have been unwilling to talk openly about them...
Biden had to overcome worries about his age to win the Democratic primary in 2020, and he decisively won the general election. But those worries ā€” as well as an overwhelming sense of pessimism about his candidacy, continued from there, according to polling by The New York Times and others.
In the summer of 2022, a poll by The Times and Siena College found that 61 percent of self-identified Democrats wanted someone other than Biden to be the presidential nominee. The top reason Democratic voters provided for why they wanted someone else? His age. (Job performance wasnā€™t far behind.)

Biden did have to overcome worries about his age in 2020 but this comparison has been circulating since the debate:
