Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

It's You, Joe. It's All You.

Abortion has been used successfully by Democrats to win elections and they are using that playbook again. Yet, Biden trails Trump in almost all polls.

The split in political fortunes between the president and other Democrats has grown unmistakably clear to party leaders, laying plain the degree to which Biden’s problems appear to be Biden-specific. Interviews with Democratic lawmakers, strategists, and former party officials in Washington and the states found Democrats increasingly willing to acknowledge that the president’s political difficulties are anchored in Biden’s individual vulnerabilities — including his age, his inconsistent messaging, and his dismal support among young people.
“Democrats are enthusiastic about trying to win the Senate and trying to win the House,” said Neil Oxman, a Pennsylvania-based Democratic strategist.
And they’re “not enthusiastic about Biden’s reelection,” Oxman said. “Period.”

It's not them, Joe, it's you. The fact that strategists are willing to come forward on the record is devastating to the Biden campaign. Besides Oxman, James Carville and David Axelrod have been beating this drum for months. Team Biden is in deep denial. They insist that the president's polling will turn around. They think Democrats will rally around Biden in the November election.

I think the Biden campaign should be worried that Democrats will stay home instead of coming out to vote in November. The lack of enthusiasm is real. The only people ginning up support for Sleepy Joe are those in his campaign and the White House and the media. The media shamelessly campaign for Joe Biden with impunity.

Three Obama bros who host a podcast, Pod Save America, went on Stephen Colbert's late-night show to serve up some fart jokes to help Biden in next week's presidential debate. No, really.

"Pod Save America" podcast hosts Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor appeared on Colbert's program to discuss next week’s first presidential debate between Biden and former President Trump. For the first time in recent history, the debate between presidential contenders won't have a studio audience, which prompted Colbert to ask if jokes would still work if there is nobody around to laugh.

The man-children thought their jokes were hilarious. So much for restoring dignity to the presidency, eh, Joe? How's all that civility and unity working out?


PREMO Member

Is CBS Suggesting That Biden Will Be Drugged for the Debate With Trump?

"The White House would argue that President Biden prepares every single day for this debate because he is president and he takes questions all the time," she said right off the bat because she had to start with a White House talking point. "Although, of course, reporters would like him to do so much more often. But this is going to be a robust preparation led by his former chief of staff, Ron Klain, who has also been his right-hand man for much of his career, and we know that his closest advisors will be huddled with him at Camp David to prepare for this debate."

Yada, yada, yada. Now here's what Jiang said that really caught my attention:

They argue when it comes to the economy and building more jobs when it comes to issues of democracy having to do with January 6, and so we should expect some of that. But, I'm also told that we should expect some surprises as well, because this is such a critical performance for President Biden not only on the content, but on his physical performance as well.

Well, that is interesting. We should be surprised by Biden's "physical performance" as well? Why is that? Lately, the Biden campaign has been dogged by a slew of viral videos showing Biden's physical and cognitive deterioration. Why, exactly, are we going to be surprised?

Earlier this year, Democrats were counting on Joe Biden's State of the Union address to reset his campaign, and Democrats spent weeks touting his performance as proof he was physically and mentally fit enough to handle the presidency. But Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist based in Beverly Hills, Calif., observed that Biden’s speed and volume during the speech suggested that he was drugged.

“If you look at how Joe Biden usually is — slow and stumbling — compared to how he was during the State of the Union — fiery and angry — these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine,” Lieberman said back in March


PREMO Member

Former White House Physician Ronny Jackson: “I Will be Sending a Letter Demanding That Biden Submit to a Drug Test Before and After This Debate” (VIDEO)

“I have sent 5 letters previously asking for President Biden to submit to a cognitive test, very similar to the one that President Trump got while he was President. And all 5 of those letters have gone completely ignored. So tomorrow I’m sending a letter to President Biden, to his physician Dr. O’Connor and I’m CC his entire cabinet,” Dr. Jackson said.

“But I’m gonna be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submits to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance enhancing drugs,” Dr. Jackson continued.




PREMO Member

Looks Like Trump May Have Minnesota In the Bag

“In our first polling in several key swing states since Trump’s conviction last month, there has been little movement,” Spencer Kimball, the executive director of Emerson College Polling said.

A recent memo from the Trump campaign revealed that it is expanding ground to Minnesota after it signed eight leases for "Trump Force 47" offices in Minnesota. 47 signifies the number of the next president should Trump win.

“The addition of Minnesota and Virginia to the electoral map opens up at least 12 additional pathways to 270," the memo said, the number of electoral votes needed to win.


PREMO Member

Team Trump Demands Biden Stop Peddling Charlottesville Lie After Snopes Debunked It

Of course, anyone who pays attention to news sources other than the New York Times and MSNBC has known all along that Trump’s quote was bastardized to make it sound like he said something he didn’t actually say, but the mainstream media and the Biden team has run with the falsehood for years now.

Bonchie explains how the deceitful quote so moved Biden that it became the inspiration for his candidacy:

Biden has repeatedly claimed that he decided to run against Donald Trump because the former president supposedly praised the neo-Nazis present at Charlottesville in 2017. At issue was a comment about "very fine people on both sides" that Trump made while reacting to the incident. Biden took that and made it the centerpiece of his campaign announcement, with the first words coming out of his mouth being "Charlottesville, Virginia."
Since then, the idea that Trump "praised" neo-Nazis has become canon on the left. Even in 2024, the White House still repeats the allegation. There's just one problem: It was never true.



Beloved Misanthrope
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Biden GIVES UP ON KEY SWING State As Democrats GO INTO PANIC MODE Before Trump CNN Debate!​



PREMO Member

Elon Musk Tells CNN To SHOVE IT After Network Claims It Will BLOCK Presidential Debate Commentary​



PREMO Member

Biden Aides Furious CNN Won't Fact Check Trump During Debate

CNN political director David Chalian confirmed to the New York Times that the network will not live fact-check Trump while he debates Biden in the first televised presidential debate this election cycle.

However, he said that hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will be allowed to make “egregious” misstatements from either candidate “that needs to be checked or the record needs to be made clear.”

Chalian insisted, though, that Bash and Tapper will not be there to “participate in this debate.”

In response, the president’s aides claim that by not fact-checking Trump, the network has “exemplified a primary failing of the press corps for several years now.”

“Democrats and Biden allies believe there is a duty to try — and to not be fixated on upholding the appearance of impartiality when one side is peddling lies more than another,” Politico’s West Wing wrote.

The outlet noted that since his comments, Chalian has received “anxious calls and texts” from Biden officials trying “to figure out what exactly his comments portended for Thursday night.”

“Democrats and Biden allies believe there is a duty to try — and to not be fixated on upholding the appearance of impartiality when one side is peddling lies more than another,” West Wing wrote.


PREMO Member

Adderall, Botox and a B12 shot in the butt: Why Trump’s claim that Biden will be ‘pumped up’ on drugs for debate isn’t so far-fetched

Former President Trump has claimed that President Biden will be “pumped up” on drugs to enhance his performance at Thursday’s debate, including getting a “big fat shot in the ass.”

His assertions have been dismissed by some segments of the media as campaign bluster — but private doctors to the rich and famous tell The Post that VIPs often use drug cocktails and other treatments to give themselves an edge before they take the spotlight for a big event.

These can include everything from peptides infusion for a boost in brain function, Botox to avoid a sweaty brow, Adderall for enhanced focus — and yes, sometimes even a shot in the bum.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Adderall, Botox and a B12 shot in the butt: Why Trump’s claim that Biden will be ‘pumped up’ on drugs for debate isn’t so far-fetched

Former President Trump has claimed that President Biden will be “pumped up” on drugs to enhance his performance at Thursday’s debate, including getting a “big fat shot in the ass.”

His assertions have been dismissed by some segments of the media as campaign bluster — but private doctors to the rich and famous tell The Post that VIPs often use drug cocktails and other treatments to give themselves an edge before they take the spotlight for a big event.

These can include everything from peptides infusion for a boost in brain function, Botox to avoid a sweaty brow, Adderall for enhanced focus — and yes, sometimes even a shot in the bum.
Per Tyrus last night... <cough><cough>cocaine<cough>. :killingme


PREMO Member

Biden To Attack Trump's Project 2025 In Debate, CNN Accused Of RIGGING Debate ALREADY | Timcast News​



PREMO Member

Joe Scarborough & MSNBC Panel COPE As He GETS ROASTED After Biden's DISASTEROUS Debate Performance!​

DERANGED CNN Host TRIGGERED After Vivek Ramaswamy Calls Out Their RIGGED Debate Against Trump!​
