Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

The Woke Mob Is FURIOUS With Chappell Roan​


Oh No ....
Problems on BOTH Sides ...


Queers eating their own .... I love the self destruction


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PREMO Member
🔥 Although he’s getting no recognition for it, in a collection of campaign speeches, President Trump has proposed the most radical revision to the U.S. tax code in a generation.

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CLIP: President Trump proposes “Made in America” corporate tax rate (1:26).

During his first term, President Trump cut the corporate tax rate nearly in half, from 39% to 21%. Now he’s proposing, for products completely made in America, a tax rate of only 15%, comparable to the favored long-term capital gains rate.

Remember: corporations do not actually pay income taxes. They only collect the tax from their customers. All the money comes from customers and taxes, like all other costs, are built into product prices. So it would be a tax break for taxpayers, and would make domestically produced products more price competitive.

That’s not even close to all. Trump has also proposed the following cuts:

— No tax on tips.

— No tax on Social Security payments.

— No tax on overtime.

— A giant increase in child tax credits.

Collectively, President Trump is proposing a vast overhaul of the U.S. income tax system. His three radical “non-tax” categories —tips, overtime, and Social Security— would be a precedent for excluding more broad areas of income from taxation. Assuming Trump’s tax exclusions passed, the same approach would surely expand to encompass even more areas.

Trump’s economic plan would reduce inflation, incentivize work, encourage fertility, and increase domestic manufacturing. It’s win-win-win-win. Critics focused on the cost, ignoring the indisputable reality that tax revenues increase along with a growing economy regardless of rates.

On the other hand, Cackle and the Coach have literally promised to radically increase taxes, for fairness. Vice President Harris moronically told a CBS reporter this week that she would tackle inflation by taxing supermarkets.

Will Americans vote in their own best interest? Partisans perhaps will not. A liberal relative assured me last night that both Trump assassination attempts were hoaxes. Where do you go from that kind of MSNBC programming?

Trump’s trickled-out tax plan is possibly the most encouraging campaign development. Our extreme circumstances require big solutions, and that is exactly what the former President is proposing. Stay tuned.



PREMO Member
This time around, apparently the Harris campaign could not wait until October or early November to spring their surprises.

Perhaps the Harris campaign's impatience is due to Democratically-inspired radical changes to state voting laws.

Remember that in 2020, under the cover of COVID-19, Democrat legal teams got state laws altered to institutionalize early and mail-in voting in key states. Those changes reduced our once iconic Election Day into a mere construct when only 30 percent of voters cast their ballots.

So, former October surprises -- both the embarrassing disclosures and the use of incumbency to warp the election -- are now becoming earlier and more frequent preemptive "September" shocks.

Suddenly, the Federal Reserve Bank, just 50 days before the election, decided that interest rates that spiraled under Biden-Harris in reaction to their hyperinflation right now need to be slashed -- as supposed proof that the Biden-Harris inflation is now over and the economy needs a sudden revving up.

Just as abruptly, on September 23, just 43 days before Election Day, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was flown by the Biden-Harris administration -- at U.S. government expense -- into the United States.

More amazingly, Zelenskyy landed first in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania, where most observers believe the currently deadlocked election will be decided.

No surprise, Zelenskyy immediately toured a Pennsylvania munitions plant making artillery shells likely destined for his Ukraine -- at a time when the state's voters are concerned about job losses.

The Harris-Biden administration was sending the not-so-subtle message that providing billions of dollars in arms to Zelenskyy's Ukraine translates into jobs for voting Pennsylvanians.

But that was not all to this crass September surprise.

In an interview with the left-wing pro-Biden-Harris New Yorker magazine, Zelenskyy plunged right into the current neck-and-neck presidential race. He trashed Harris's rival former President Donald Trump as someone who "doesn't really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how."

Not satisfied with that putdown, the Ukrainian president hit even harder Trump's running mate and vice presidential candidate, JD Vance, as "dangerous" and "too radical."

The left still talks nonstop about nonexistent 2016 Trump-Russia "collusion" and equally bogus 2020 Trump-Russian "disinformation."

Yet it would be hard to define any clearer "election interference" than the current Zelenskyy surprise.

After all, has any vice president incumbent running for president ever flown in a foreign leader on a U.S. military jet to the one key U.S. state that will likely decide the impending election?

And furthermore, has any paraded him around that state's weapons export plant while he trashed current Vice President Kamala Harris's two opponents with invectives like "dangerous" and "radical?"

And why else was Zelenskyy's Pennsylvania trip arranged by the Biden-Harris administration but to coincide with the traditional dates that mail-in and early-voting balloting start?



PREMO Member

President Trump Will Meet With Volodymyr Zelensky Friday in New York​

September 26, 2024 | Sundance | 231 Comments

Oh, what fun to be a fly on the proverbial wall.

After Joe Biden recently worked with both Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Mitch McConnell to pledge another $8 billion through the Ukraine laundry, ten percent for the “big guy” notwithstanding, bagman Zelenskyy now plans to meet with laundry business disruptor President Trump.

24 hours earlier President Trump said this about Ukraine’s #1 lobbyist….​

(Via Politico) – Former U.S. President Donald Trump lashed out at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday for not making concessions to Russia, giving his strongest indication to date he would stop backing Kyiv if he wins the U.S. presidential election.

Trump, speaking at a campaign event in North Carolina, said Ukraine should have “given up a little bit” to appease Moscow and avoid a bloody conflict with its invading neighbor, which he said “didn’t need to happen.”

“We continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refuses to make a deal, Zelenskyy,” Trump railed in a lengthy tirade.


PREMO Member

CNN asks 10 and 11-year-old children to describe Kamala Harris in one word and the answers are brutal

  • CNN featured a panel of children reacting to the presidential election

A CNN segment featuring children talking about the presidential election has supporters of former President Donald Trump in stitches, as students are asked to react to a photo of Vice President Kamala Harris.

CNN's Anderson Cooper and his production team teamed up with a psychologist from Arizona State University and a political scientist to interview 4th and 5th graders about the upcoming election.

When one young boy is asked to describe Harris in one word, he replies, 'Liar' without hesitation.

When one girl is asked which candidate would be more selfish, one child replies 'probably her' and points at Harris, pointing out that 'girls are a little bit dramatic sometimes.'


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Thursday, Fox News ran a story confirming a key fact we’ve heard before, headlined “Local officer's bullet stopped Trump shooter's gunfire before Secret Service shot, witness testifies.

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According to officers’ testimony in the Senate, a Butler County Emergency Services officer fired at Thomas Crooks less than six seconds after Crooks began shooting. The officer’s bullet made Crooks recoil and stop shooting—ending the threat. Only then did the Secret Service sniper fire at Crooks —about 15 seconds later.

Count out fifteen seconds to yourself to see how long it is.

There appears to be some dispute about whether Butler’s officer shot Crooks or not. The FBI says they missed. Butler thinks they wounded and disabled Crooks. We’ll never know, since the FBI quietly and inexplicably released Crooks’ body for cremation in the days following the incident. Maybe when they tested Crooks’ body, it came up positive for covid and they panicked.

On Thursday, the coroner testified saying the Secret Service bullet was the kill shot.

The fact Butler cops shot first is important, because it raises an ugly question. Why did the Secret Service wait to shoot Crook until after he’d already been shot at by the locals? Regardless whether or not the Butler people wounded Crooks, assassination time was over.

When Crooks was no longer a danger to anyone, was it then his time to exit the world’s stage? I wouldn’t even entertain a conspiratorial question like that if it weren’t for the equally unbelievable alternative explanation that the Secret Service catastrophically failed in about a dozen different ways.

After all, local cops were presumably less well-trained than the Secret Service snipers, and the cops occupied a less favorable position to take the shot since they were shooting at Crooks from the ground and not a sniper’s perch.

Why were local police more effective than trained Secret Service snipers?
