Election 2024 Issues


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🔥🔥 Finally, in terrific election security news, the Pennsylvania Times Leader ran a story yesterday headlined, “Luzerne County won’t have mail ballot drop boxes in Nov. 5 general election.” One down.

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Pennsylvania is a critical toss-up state. On Wednesday, Luzerne County Manager Romilda Crocamo canceled ballot drop boxes, citing the cost and security issues involved in having full-time staff personally monitor them 24x7.

In her announcement, Crocamo dismissed the option of video surveillance, which she said might be better than nothing, but was still not sufficient to prevent “illegal activities.” In other words, it’s live security or nothing.

This encouraging story is important for a couple reasons. First, it’s happening in Pennsylvania, and every single step toward more election integrity there is terrific news, because it might make all the difference. But second, Crocamo’s decision ripped into the brainless official narrative, which is the notion that ballot boxes are absolutely necessary and totally secure.

If they’re not secure in one county, how can they be secure anywhere?

It’s a game of inches. Keep pushing forward.



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PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Finally, in terrific election security news, the Pennsylvania Times Leader ran a story yesterday headlined, “Luzerne County won’t have mail ballot drop boxes in Nov. 5 general election.” One down.

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Pennsylvania is a critical toss-up state. On Wednesday, Luzerne County Manager Romilda Crocamo canceled ballot drop boxes, citing the cost and security issues involved in having full-time staff personally monitor them 24x7.

In her announcement, Crocamo dismissed the option of video surveillance, which she said might be better than nothing, but was still not sufficient to prevent “illegal activities.” In other words, it’s live security or nothing.

This encouraging story is important for a couple reasons. First, it’s happening in Pennsylvania, and every single step toward more election integrity there is terrific news, because it might make all the difference. But second, Crocamo’s decision ripped into the brainless official narrative, which is the notion that ballot boxes are absolutely necessary and totally secure.

If they’re not secure in one county, how can they be secure anywhere?

It’s a game of inches. Keep pushing forward.

But then do we trust the US Postal Service?


PREMO Member

Study Says Millions Of Non-Citizens Likely To Vote In 2024 Election

A new study suggests that as many as 2.7 million non-citizens could vote in the 2024 election, leading some to voice concerns about coming election results potentially not reflecting the will of Americans citizens, who are the only ones permitted to vote in federal elections.

Just Facts, a nonprofit research institute, “found that about 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the U.S. are now illegally registered to vote,” an overview of the study states.

“The U.S. Census recorded more than 19 million adult non-citizens living in the U.S. during 2022,” it says. “Given their voter registration rates, this means that about two million to five million of them are illegally registered to vote. These figures are potentially high enough to overturn the will of the American people in major elections, including congressional seats and the presidency.”


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More than 463,000+ Ineligible Voters Have been Removed from the Voter Rolls

▪️97,000+ DEAD People
▪️15,000+ Duplicate voters
▪️143,000+ people that have moved
▪️5,600+ Felons

It truly makes you wonder about how many of these blue states are actually blue.



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do you see.....




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After his pro-Trump billboard goes viral, a Minnesota bar owner faces the fallout

Looking back, Brenycz said if he had been given the chance to do things differently, he would have forgone the GoFundMe campaign and just "ate" the losses.

"I wouldn't have asked for help," Brenycz said. "Because I think that's what enraged people, that I put my business at risk and then came out to ask for help."

And enraged people were, with insults being thrown on Twitter and old arrest records being uncovered, revealing some driving misdemeanors and a 1990 conviction for selling liquor to a minor. Multiple people have called the business, with Brenycz saying some were threatening to kill him or burn his bar down. Local police in Emily confirmed the agency received reports of the threats.

Brenycz took over the bar in 2017 and his financial problems have grown since the onset of the COVID pandemic in 2020.

Brenycz blames the struggles on the restaurant shutdown implemented by Gov. Tim Walz and the subsequent restrictions that followed as the nation recovered from COVID-19, which was responsible for more than 16,000 deaths in Minnesota and almost 1.2 million deaths nationwide.

But matters haven't been helped, Brenycz said, by inflationary price increases – which happened on a global level as supply chains recovered from the pandemic – as well as a 2023 winter that brought little snow to Minnesota, with the challenges presented by his bar's isolated location exacerbated by reduced snowmobile traffic.

"For the past seven years, I had no debt, but in the last year, with all the price increases between the insurance and the food costs and not being able to find staff, it's gotten to the point now where it's mission-critical just to stay open," he said.

Brenycz says his small business thrived under Trump's presidency and has struggled under Biden's, though comparisons of the U.S. economy under the Trump and Biden presidencies show that economic growth was broadly similar, with inflation much worse in Biden's post-pandemic presidency, but small business creation has been much higher.

Brenycz's political endorsement led to an article in The Minnesota Star Tribune this week that quoted one of his neighbors, a diner who suggested that while economic and political changes may have impacted the bar, another factor might be Brenycz's demeanor, with the woman saying: "For years, we’ve wondered how he’s been able to hold onto his business. He’s burned a lot of bridges."

Brenycz rejected the assertion, telling Bring Me The News the neighbor "has no reason to say anything nice about me," saying she's a liberal woman related to a man who runs a rival business. When we called the business, a staff member said of Brenycz: "It’s all true, everything that’s happened he’s done to himself."

But Brenycz feels he's been victimized for his endorsement, saying: "It used to be that we can have a conversation about politics. Now you say something somebody else doesn't like, and they will cancel you. They're going to destroy your business. We can't have a conversation anymore because of vitriol. You know, people just wish death on other people because of what they believe. It's insanity."


PREMO Member

Biden-Harris Campaign Did Not Inform FBI of Iranian Hackers Offering Stolen Trump Info

The Biden-Harris campaign did not respond to the Iranian emails by going to the FBI. It did not contact law enforcement at all.

The media coverage is using all sorts of weasel words to explain the actions of the Biden-Harris campaign people. There are claims that they did not open the emails. The Biden-Harrs campaign claims that its people were the real victims of Iran.

Morgan Finkelstein, Kamala’s national security spokeswoman, claimed that the campaign, “cooperated with the appropriate law enforcement authorities since we were made aware that individuals associated with the then-Biden campaign were among the intended victims of this foreign influence operation.”

That’s strange wording.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 We are less than two months from the election, and things are practically white-hot now. The UK Guardian ran a breaking story yesterday headlined, “Republicans step up effort to change Nebraska voting rules to help Trump.” Of course it’s to help Trump. Who else does the Guardian think Republicans should help? Harris? The Haitians?

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You probably weren’t even thinking about Nebraska. Back in 1992, Nebraska changed the way the state allocated its five electoral college votes. It created a unique, overly complicated allocation system with districts, basically allowing for mix-and-match voting to give Democrats at least one reliable electoral vote each cycle.

Believe it or not, Nebraska could conceivably decide the 2024 race. It could be that close. Here’s how the New York Times described the math of how a single Nebraska electoral vote (the blue Omaha district) might tip the race in Trump’s favor:

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Republicans moved quickly this week to revert Nebraska to a simple winner-takes-all system, like most states. The change would require a two-thirds majority of the Nebraska Senate. So the key vote has boiled down to a suddenly famous former Democrat, Senator Mike McDonnell.

McDonnell is a Catholic who joined the Republican party just this year after his own party censured him over opposing transgender surgeries for minors. McDonnell has also vowed he would never support “winner takes all” in Nebraska, but the Guardian says he is now “wavering.”

Waver harder.

Maine is the only other state that uses a similar system. Last year, Maine Democrats swore that, if Nebraska’s Republicans moved to revert to a “winner takes all” system, then Maine would do the same thing, thereby neutralizing the effect of the Nebraska change.

But chess-playing Nebraska Republicans waited till the last minute, making a comparable Maine change now impossible, since Maine’s rules require 90 days before a bill can become effective.

According to the Times’ version, Senator McDonnell’s phone is now blowing up with calls and text messages from all over the country, if not the world. McDonnell is in the spotlight, under immense pressure to keep his original promise and not help Republicans change Nebraska’s electoral allocation system.

So … C&Cers from Nebraska, contact Senator McDonnell and express your support for winner-takes-all: (402) 471-2710; mmcdonnell@leg.ne.gov. Do it right now!

🔥🔥 Yesterday, NPR ran another intensely encouraging story headlined, “Georgia's Republican-led election board OKs controversial rule to hand-count ballots.” Finally!

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Yesterday —pushing through opposition from the state’s own Republican Secretary of State and Attorney General— the state’s conservative election board approved a rule requiring hand counts of voter ballots in November’s election.

They’re to count the numbers of ballots, not the individual races.

In other words, they’ll be double-checking the electronic machines. Technically, each voting precinct’s local supervisor is required to hand-count the cast ballots, and cross-check those results against how many ballots the electronic machines claim to have tabulated.

NPR whined that, according to experts, hand-counting is slower and less reliable than electronic tabulation. Thanks, Captain Obvious, for pointing out hand counting is slower. But whether it is less reliable — well, that one seems debatable.

Why not count them? Counting cast ballots at the precinct level hardly seems impossible. One suspects all the hysteria must be for a different reason.

On top of that great news, the board passed six other rule changes yesterday. The new rules included: allowing poll watchers to access more places during vote tabulation, daily posting of the numbers of people in each county who cast ballots, and publicly posting reconciliation reports to the county website.

All these rules, including the counting of bare ballots, are designed to make cheating harder and easier to catch. Keep them guessing. Good things are happening, so keep your spirits up.



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WOKE Teenager TRIGGERED After Pro Trump Woman DECLARES Kamala Harris Slept Her Way To The Top!​



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Mark Cuban EXPOSED As Former Trump Supporter & Trashing Democrats Until Trump Told Him To KICK ROCKS​



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What Donald Trump promised a Pennsylvania mother-of-three in a grocery store as he handed her a $100 bill

Donald Trump paid $100 towards the groceries of a mother shopping in Pennsylvania on Monday.

During a living room politics stop at a local grocery store chain in western Pennsylvania, the former president took money from his wallet to help a woman checking out with her three sons.

'Here,' Trump said while taking out a Benjamin and handing it to a store patron checking out.

'It's going to go down a little bit,' he said of her grocery bill that day. 'It just went down $100.'

'We'll do that for you for the White House, alright?' he said, asking for the mother-of-three's vote.

One of Trump's biggest 2024 campaign promises is that he will bring down everyday costs for Americans – to include gas and grocery prices – amid soaring inflation and a flailing economy where most Americans say they are not better off now than they were when President Joe Biden first took over.

How long until the Media / Democrats accuse Trump of ' buying votes '


PREMO Member

Trump-Hating Colorado Secretary Of State Loses Another Election Integrity Battle

Jena Griswold, Colorado’s rabidly leftist Secretary of State who will forever be known for her anti-democratic drive to knock former President Donald Trump off the ballot, has suffered another election law loss in federal court.

The U.S. District Court for the Colorado District last week issued an order demanding the Democrat secretary of state release Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) reports suspected of containing dead registrants on the state’s voter rolls. The reports, according to a settlement, include individuals who may have died within the past three years.

It’s another significant election integrity victory for the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), and another stunning loss for election transparency-stifling Griswold and ERIC.

“PILF has knocked down ERIC’s wall of secrecy in the voter list maintenance process,” J. Christian Adams, president of the election integrity watchdog organization, said in a press release. “States cannot use third parties to hide election records that the public has a right to see.”

Griswold ultimately signed the stipulation after the court denied her original request to dismiss the case. Judge Philip Brimmer ordered the secretary of state’s office to disclose the requested 2021 ERIC Reports by Nov. 1. Brimmer did allow minimal redactions to the ERIC Report Key. With the agreement reached, the judge dismissed PILF’s claim that Griswold violated the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993.


PREMO Member

What Donald Trump promised a Pennsylvania mother-of-three in a grocery store as he handed her a $100 bill

  • Trump took cash out of his own wallet during a campaign stop on Monday

How long until the Media / Democrats accuse Trump of ' buying votes '

Trump pulled out some of his own cash to pay for a bag of popcorn, handing over a few bills and telling the cashier to "keep the rest." He then handed the remaining bills in his hand, apparently around $100, to a woman checking out in the next lane over, saying the money should help her bill "go down a little bit" and adding, "We'll do [more of] that for you from the White House."

The woman was very thankful, telling the former president that she was a mom to three boys.

It's the kind of thing that resonates with voters, especially those who are struggling to pay their grocery bills. And, judging by the smile on this shopper's face, President Trump has a lot of fans in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania is likely the make-or-break state in the 2024 presidential election, so both Trump and Kamala Harris are spending quite a bit of time and money there. RedState's Mike Miller previously reported on Trump's popularity within the Keystone State, with even Democrat senator John Fetterman admitting the former president has an advantage:

Fetterman not only said Trump has a special hold on his state; he also suggested the hold has grown stronger as a result of the first assassination attempt, which happened in Butler, Pa.
"Trump has created a special kind of a hold … and he’s remade the party and he has a special kind of place in Pennsylvania, and I think that only deepened after that first assassination attempt."
And as is often the case in elections, Fetterman said voter "anger on the ground," which is likely primarily among blue-collar workers, will also be a factor in the state's election.

Anger amongst blue-collar workers is precisely why the Trump campaign made a stop at a Mom & Pop grocery store like Sprankle's. Leechburg, PA, is about 40 miles southeast of Butler, the site of the first assassination attempt against Trump, and is a former steel town where, according to the US Census Bureau, the median income is around $56,000 a year. The unemployment rate is nearly 40%.

This is a town that is no stranger to the struggles of the average family under the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris economy. The image of Trump helping a mom pay for her groceries is striking and likely something you'll never see Kamala -- or any Democrat -- do. Why is that? Because that would be admitting that the Biden/Harris administration has sent inflation soaring, resulting in families having to do everything they can to stretch their dollars. Best to just ignore that inconvenient truth.

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