Election 2024 Issues


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Tiktoker EXPOSES Democrats Paying $15,000 To Influencers For PROPAGANDA, Kamala IS FAKE​



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KU professor’s ‘shoot them’ rant was terrible. But spare me the MAGA pearl-clutching | Opinion




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Just happened to look at the MD BOE calendar. Next Tuesday, Oct 15th, is the first day the local boards can start processing mail-in ballots. Doesn't say anything about when they can start publishing early results. The MD BOE does not officially certify the election until Nov 15th.


PREMO Member
Sharing a clip of Harris giving a rambling answer to Colbert upon being asked what she'd change if she wins next month's election, White wrote: 'I don’t like to post a lot of political content, but this clip should scare EVERYONE.

'She is the sitting VP and running for President of the United States. She is incapable of putting a sentence together without a teleprompter and even she appears to know she is in way over her head.

'This election is very important and this along with the many other clips of her attempting to answer questions should SCARE THE S*** OUT OF YOU!!!'

Dana White launched an attack on Kamala Harris after her Stephen Colbert appearance



PREMO Member
“But a lot of people do find that, especially independent and swing voters, and right now Kamala Harris is terrifying a large number of Democrats and independents,” Hanson said. “Because they think, ‘Do I really want to be represented for four years by this empty pantsuit? Do I really want to?”

“‘She doesn’t know how to speak, she can’t answer a question. She bats her eyes, she winks, she’s a disaster. To the extent that she’s not a disaster, she’s a hard leftist,” Hanson said. “And I don’t want any more of this four years. She’s told us, it’s time to turn the page. It’s time to move on.’ It’s trying to have change and then she goes on there — ‘Can you think of anything that you disagreed with over the last four [years]? You know, I can’t, really, I can’t.’ She just blew up her whole campaign model.”

During her interview on Tuesday, “The View” co-host Sunny Hostin asked Harris if she could have done anything differently than President Joe Biden in the last four years, to which the vice president replied, “not a thing that comes to mind.” Hanson then advised Trump to avoid personal attacks against Harris and instead focus on her statements during interviews.

“That was a T-ball question. She did that — I’m sure she gave the question to her in advance, and she can’t even do that,” Hanson said. “So all Trump has to do is just say, ‘Kamala Harris speaks for herself. I urge everybody to listen. Don’t listen to what Donald Trump says about her. You make the decision, and after you listen to her, you will come and vote for Donald Trump.’ That would be so much more effective than, ‘She’s a bird brain. She’s stupid. She’s —’ you know what I mean?”



PREMO Member

Obama spent every waking moment of his presidency blaming George W. Bush, but the moment he left office, everything good to follow after was his doing. How very convenient. By that logic, the current economy, which Kamala Harris insists is amazing, belongs to Trump, right?

Regardless, Scott Jennings responded to Obama's tut-tutting on CNN, and in doing so, he hit on the biggest issue facing Democrats with male voters.



PREMO Member

Here's a recounting of the incident prior to me quitting CBS News where I caught certain Evening New managers in a shocking and unethical scheme to mislead the public in support of President Obama just before the 2012 election.

By way of brief background:

The 9/11/2012 Benghazi attacks that murdered 4 Americans were conducted by Islamic extremist terrorists who warned multiple times in advance that they would attack.

The murdered US Ambassador, Chris Stevens, had repeatedly begged Hillary Clinton's State Dept. for added security. Instead, the State Dept. drew down security.

Before the attacks, a campaigning Obama had claimed he'd sent terrorists on the run.

Document would later prove the Obama administration knew from the start, as the attacks were underway, that the attackers were Islamic extremist terrorists, but the administration hatched a plan to cover that up and pretend it was an unpredictable mob of protesters that had spontaneously grown out of control.

This was apparently to deflect criticism weeks before the election that the Obama administration had failed to respond to the terrorist threats and had denied appropriate security to our diplomats.

Hear how some inside CBS News conspired to help with the coverup.


PREMO Member

Hunters laugh off the Harris-Walz campaign effort to win their vote

Gabriella Hoffman, the director of the Center for Energy and Conservation at Independent Women’s Forum and host of the District of Conservation podcast, quipped that “No $40 camo hat will convince most sportsmen and women that Harris-Walz represents them.”

“Vice President Harris has been an active partner with President Biden in being the most hostile administration to shooting sports, hunting, and fishing access. Her name is co-signed on closing millions of acres of public hunting lands in Alaska, forbidding lead tackle on national wildlife refuges, and recently shutting down shooting sports opportunities in the entirety of Bears Ears National Monument — 1.3 million acres,” Hoffman said. “Hunters and anglers don’t trust Harris-Walz.”

Lawrence Keane, the senior vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, accused the Biden-Harris administration of enacting an “anti-gun” and “anti-hunting” agenda when they banned lead tackle in national wildlife refuges. “This is the latest example of the US Fish and Wildlife Service creating rules that punish hunters, threaten conservation funding and advance special interests without sound scientific evidence that traditional lead ammunition is causing detrimental wildlife population impacts,” he said. “This administration is ignoring its promise to ‘follow the science.’”

Democrats are hoping Governor Walz’s history as a hunter and fisherman will give credence to the coalition and on Saturday he attended his first event for the new group, an opening day pheasant hunt in Minnesota. However, critics mocked videos shared from the hunt, which showed Walz and allies from nonprofit group Pheasants Forever traipsing around a field with no shotguns in sight. “Tim Walz pretends to go pheasant hunting with no guns,” BlazeTV host Sara Gonzalez wrote on X. Another video showed that the governor did have his shotgun on site, but he struggled to load the Beretta and said he bought the A400 model to reduce kick so that the gun doesn’t hurt his shoulder.


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PREMO Member

Hunters laugh off the Harris-Walz campaign effort to win their vote

Gabriella Hoffman, the director of the Center for Energy and Conservation at Independent Women’s Forum and host of the District of Conservation podcast, quipped that “No $40 camo hat will convince most sportsmen and women that Harris-Walz represents them.”

“Vice President Harris has been an active partner with President Biden in being the most hostile administration to shooting sports, hunting, and fishing access. Her name is co-signed on closing millions of acres of public hunting lands in Alaska, forbidding lead tackle on national wildlife refuges, and recently shutting down shooting sports opportunities in the entirety of Bears Ears National Monument — 1.3 million acres,” Hoffman said. “Hunters and anglers don’t trust Harris-Walz.”

Lawrence Keane, the senior vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, accused the Biden-Harris administration of enacting an “anti-gun” and “anti-hunting” agenda when they banned lead tackle in national wildlife refuges. “This is the latest example of the US Fish and Wildlife Service creating rules that punish hunters, threaten conservation funding and advance special interests without sound scientific evidence that traditional lead ammunition is causing detrimental wildlife population impacts,” he said. “This administration is ignoring its promise to ‘follow the science.’”

Democrats are hoping Governor Walz’s history as a hunter and fisherman will give credence to the coalition and on Saturday he attended his first event for the new group, an opening day pheasant hunt in Minnesota. However, critics mocked videos shared from the hunt, which showed Walz and allies from nonprofit group Pheasants Forever traipsing around a field with no shotguns in sight. “Tim Walz pretends to go pheasant hunting with no guns,” BlazeTV host Sara Gonzalez wrote on X. Another video showed that the governor did have his shotgun on site, but he struggled to load the Beretta and said he bought the A400 model to reduce kick so that the gun doesn’t hurt his shoulder.
I think the surprising bit of info is the surprising number of hunters (and gun owners) that do not vote. I've heard the number is around 30%.