Election 2024 Issues

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
ahhhhh... phones can be on (airplane mode) once the aircraft is in flight and off again on landing, under 10000 feet is when you here that chime, but still no calls allowed while aircraft is in flight.

Once the front cabin door is shut it was all cell phones off.

I looked for the change to that but may have missed it. I may be wrong but that was the FAA policy when I retired from a major airline in 2001

"Mar 5, 2024 ... When any aircraft leaves the ground, all cellular telephones on board that aircraft must be turned off.”
Do FAA/FCC portable electronic devices rules apply to Presidential/Vice Presidential aircraft? Pretty sure that they get to write their own rules in this regard.

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
yeah it's all bs, iPads are being used in the Cockpits now a days for checklists
Yes they are... but cellular is off once in flight....

I agree with ya.... but the FAA thinks if 100+, 200+ or more folks turn on their cell phones it - could-possibly-maybe interfere with another crucial electrical-communication systems - air to air - air to ground - ground to air. So they seem to be playing on the side of caution.

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
Do FAA/FCC portable electronic devices rules apply to Presidential/Vice Presidential aircraft? Pretty sure that they get to write their own rules in this regard.
I'm sure they do. I bet the president and many other "Higher ups" can receive calls on their cell phone. There is a recent photo of Kamala pretending to be writing on a blank piece of paper with her cell phone next to her.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I'm sure they do. I bet the president and many other "Higher ups" can receive calls on their cell phone. There is a recent photo of Kamala pretending to be writing on a blank piece of paper with her cell phone next to her.
Sure they do what? (A) the rules apply to AF1 and AF2 or (B) the have their own rules.


PREMO Member
I agree with ya.... but the FAA thinks if 100+, 200+ or more folks turn on their cell phones it - could-possibly-maybe interfere with another crucial electrical-communication systems - air to air - air to ground - ground to air. So they seem to be playing on the side of caution.

Call me naive ... but I firmly thing the Airplane electronics are or would be sufficiently insulated / grounded / shielded against interference

If they aren't then WTF is the FAA / Builders doing

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
Call me naive ... but I firmly thing the Airplane electronics are or would be sufficiently insulated / grounded / shielded against interference

If they aren't then WTF is the FAA / Builders doing
Feel you are correct on the grounding etc...

I get a feeling the concern is the actual signals going back and forth between - ground to air - air to air -air to ground could be "messed up" but who knows for real.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
You ---->"Pretty sure that they get to write their own rules in this regard."

Me -----> I'm sure they do.

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, my error.
No problem, just wasn't sure what you were getting at since my initial post only contained the question as to if AF1 and AF2 had to comply with the PED rules.


PREMO Member

Republican GOES OFF On UNHINGED Democrat Declaring Trump Is Hitler & He Wants To EXTERMINATE People!​



PREMO Member

BREAKING: Afghan man arrested by the FBI after he planned an Election Day mass*cre targeting large crowds.

27-year-old Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma stockpiled weapons & started liquidating his family's assets.

Tawhedi entered the United States on 9/9/21 thanks to a special immigrant visa days after the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal according to @BillMelugin_.

Tawhedi was a follower of ISIS and relocated his family abroad before the planned attack.

"After that we will begin our duty, God willing, with the help of God, we will get ready for the election day," Tawhedi wrote in a Telegram message.


PREMO Member

It's not just Springfield. It's not just Charleroi. It's not just Aurora.

In June, The Washington Post published a story about Lockland, Ohio. Lockland is home to about 3,500 Americans—and now some 3,000 African migrants, most from Mauritania. They fly, drive, then walk across our Southern Border, because they "can’t afford to wait for U.S. visas."

So they make this journey from Africa to Turkey then to South America, up through Central America, across our Southern Border, and then deep into the heart of America—to a town most Americans will die having never seen or heard of.

The head of a local community center says he was greeted one Friday in Lockland by "100 Mauritanians at the door who couldn’t speak any English...and then on Monday, we had a new 100 at the door...we weren’t really sure where they came from."

The wave of migrants has sapped the village's resources. The town's fire chief says they're frequently called to homes so crowded that firefighters are forced to "trample over" the migrants. Petty crime increases; government services are strained.

The Washington Post says Lockland is "a home in Ohio for African immigrants with nowhere to go." But of course, it was a home for others before it became a home for thousands of Mauritanians. What of them?

This is happening in small towns—towns you've never heard of—all over the Nation. Occasionally, a media outlet will write about it; most often they won't. For every town that makes National news, how many others are destroyed in anonymity?
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PREMO Member
🔥🔥 And, surprise! The far-left Washington Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “Analysis - The hurricane X-factor in the 2024 election.” By “x-factor,” WaPo meant “it helps Democrats.” The sub-headline blithely explained, “Previous hurricanes have reduced voter turnout in hard-hit areas and both helped and hurt incumbents. This fall’s storms affect particularly crucial electoral regions.”

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In other words, we aren’t the only ones who noticed these pre-election turbo hurricanes are crashing into critical tossup states like Georgia and North Carolina.

And what about Florida? WaPo hopes Hurricane Milton could possibly be a game-changer:

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It’s not even a poorly kept secret anymore. They’re talking about it out in the open:

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How did they learn about hurricane politics? WaPo mentioned the storm that taught the nation how hurricanes can radically change political outcomes. After 2005’s Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans, WaPo parenthetically observed that “The city in the years that followed the storm saw non-Black politicians assume levels of power not seen in decades.”

It’s so weird how these historic hurricanes are hitting red counties right before early voting starts.



PREMO Member
📈 The Wall Street Journal ran another encouraging election story yesterday headlined, “More Americans Identify as Republican Than Democrat. Here’s What That Means for the Election.” Of course, it also strongly suggested a reason for why Democrats have blasted opened the country’s borders.

image 2.png

It has been over thirty years since the GOP led in national party identification. But in recent NBC surveys, Republicans led by +2% (42% to 40%) when voters were asked which party they identify with. Similarly, Gallup also found voters identifying as Republican beat Democrats by +3% in its latest surveys. And Pew gave the GOP a +1% lead in nationwide polling this spring.

How could this happen? How could this happen despite a ceaseless corporate media assault on “far-right” conservatism that has relentlessly painted garden-variety conservatives as literal nazis? Are people picking nazism?

They will probably blame Twitter.

But this news was, perhaps, not any shock to seasoned political analysts. It is the culmination of a noticeable ten-year trend toward the GOP: Democrats led by +9% in 2012, +7% in 2016, and +6% in 2020. In other words, they’ve seen this coming.

A GOP pollster involved in the surveys quoted for the story called the results “the underrecognized game-changer for 2024.’’ Another X-factor! The change raises the horrifying possibility that Republicans could win the popular vote, which Democrats have long wailed should be the gold standard. But don’t worry. Soon, virtue-signaling lefties will turn on a dime and start whining about the tyranny of the majority.

That they could see this flip coming explains a lot of the post-Trump insanity, like the wide-open borders, the midnight migrant relocation flights into the heartland, and the kitty gobblers. Don’t get complacent. More than a small lead in the popular vote will be needed to clinch the election.

But in broader terms of the surging conservative counter-revolution, this is wildly encouraging news. I suspect that, if anything, absent some catastrophic blunder, the trend toward the GOP will continue to pick up speed, like Hurricane Miltion.

Here comes Hurricane Trump.



PREMO Member

University of Kansas prof placed on leave after telling students men who won't vote for a woman pres should be 'lined up' and 'shot'

A video of the incident posted to social media has since gone viral. In the clip, Lowcock can be heard telling his students, "There are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president because they don't think females are smart enough to be president."

"We can line all those guys up and shoot them," he continued. "They clearly don't understand the way the world works."

He then said in a sarcastic tone, "Did I say that? Scratch that from the recording. I don't want the deans hearing that I said that."

