Election predictions


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well it sounds like abortion was more important to them yesterday than the economy, inflation, crime, education, etc.

Good. Them killing and pimping out their kids has nothing to do with me. More power to 'em. If it were up to me no Democrat would ever spawn again.
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Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like abortion was more important to them yesterday than the economy, inflation, crime, education, etc.

The last minute save the democracy scare tactic worked better. I don't understand the abortion thing. Do women want to have one once a week or have some had them once a week.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, the Republicans are slimy retards as well. Politicians in general suck and it's not like the Repukes were going to do anything with their majority anyway. Last time they were in charge they spent the whole two years trying to derail Trump.
I hate to say it, but you are right. Nothing will change . Even if the Democrats lose the majority they will still have control because Republicans have no balls. A Republican politician does not need to have the gender surgery they are blessed. They have no balls but they still get to pee standing up.
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Do you have a link for the results for Calvert Co? I went on the official website and can't make sense of it. Thanks


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Well it sounds like abortion was more important to them yesterday than the economy, inflation, crime, education, etc.
Are there actually proposals that ban all abortion, the abortion pill, no exceptions, period?
Because easily half the time I read "he wants to ban abortion" it's more like, he wants to end abortion after say 15 weeks on request and other constraints based on conditions.

You know - exactly like they have in the oh so advanced societies of France, Germany, The Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries.

When it comes to abortion law and practice - WE ARE THE OUTLIER.

See, what I don't get is, in reality, in practice, an enormous number of abortions are done with the pill. Or within a month or two. Once you get to the second trimester - the proportion of all abortions drops drastically after that. And the people freaking out over these proposed laws, it is highly unlikely it will EVER impinge on them or anyone they know.
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I hope Lake is right.. Hobbs was posting on her twitter like the fix was in and refused to debate Kari.
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Well-Known Member
You don't seem unhinged or desperate with your constant sh**posting