Electric Car News


Power with Control
Certainly got your attention.! Lol plenty of ******s hide behind a heterosexual pairing at 1st. Sounds like yours has gone beyond that. Now give him a pat on the ass and get back to work.
My attention? Didn't even make my eyebrows move, bitch. :) You find me the sailor bothered by that accusation and I'll show you he's really a Marine.... :)

Don't suppose you ever served have you? That might explain why you think calling someone gay is something that would make one upset. In our world, that was the starting position for insults and showed you had no imagination.

Anyway, back on topic. Crap like this helps explain why Hertz EV rentals were a bag of crap. My experience was good, but many many more were not. Execution matters and Hertz appears to made a special effort to screw this up...



Well-Known Member
My attention? Didn't even make my eyebrows move, bitch. :) You find me the sailor bothered by that accusation and I'll show you he's really a Marine.... :)

Don't suppose you ever served have you? That might explain why you think calling someone gay is something that would make one upset. In our world, that was the starting position for insults and showed you had no imagination.

Anyway, back on topic. Crap like this helps explain why Hertz EV rentals were a bag of crap. My experience was good, but many many more were not. Execution matters and Hertz appears to made a special effort to screw this up...

Well that certainly explains quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
My attention? Didn't even make my eyebrows move, bitch. :) You find me the sailor bothered by that accusation and I'll show you he's really a Marine.... :)

Don't suppose you ever served have you? That might explain why you think calling someone gay is something that would make one upset. In our world, that was the starting position for insults and showed you had no imagination.

Anyway, back on topic. Crap like this helps explain why Hertz EV rentals were a bag of crap. My experience was good, but many many more were not. Execution matters and Hertz appears to made a special effort to screw this up...

I couldn't find a thing Hertz did that I would consider a smart decision. The entire concept of the Uber deal just blew my mind.


Power with Control
I couldn't find a thing Hertz did that I would consider a smart decision. The entire concept of the Uber deal just blew my mind.
Like most things these days, a dose of added accountability would have helped. Adding an EV smart logistician and spending to place infrastructure for charging on site would have helped. Training the employees on the vehicles and not forcing them on people who didn't opt in would have helped. Making damn sure renters were not charged gas refill fees would have helped.

Part of my job these last ten years has been ensuring that the back end sustainment tail is in place for new capabilities we are fielding. Looks like Hertz didn't do any of that....


Well-Known Member
Like most things these days, a dose of added accountability would have helped. Adding an EV smart logistician and spending to place infrastructure for charging on site would have helped. Training the employees on the vehicles and not forcing them on people who didn't opt in would have helped. Making damn sure renters were not charged gas refill fees would have helped.

Part of my job these last ten years has been ensuring that the back end sustainment tail is in place for new capabilities we are fielding. Looks like Hertz didn't do any of that....
I think it was doomed from inception, but they could have gotten the details better, at least to the point where an executive didn't leave because of it. The entire idea of renting to Uber drivers for significantly less just sounded ludicrous to me.

It was almost like they said EVe we got to do something, doesn't matter what...


Well-Known Member
Like most things these days, a dose of added accountability would have helped. Adding an EV smart logistician and spending to place infrastructure for charging on site would have helped. Training the employees on the vehicles and not forcing them on people who didn't opt in would have helped. Making damn sure renters were not charged gas refill fees would have helped.

Part of my job these last ten years has been ensuring that the back end sustainment tail is in place for new capabilities we are fielding. Looks like Hertz didn't do any of that....
Why don't you just admit it? It was a stupid decision to make, you cannot say that it wasn't a well thought out decision because all the proof you needed was out there all of the time. They just ignored it.


Power with Control
Why don't you just admit it? It was a stupid decision to make, you cannot say that it wasn't a well thought out decision because all the proof you needed was out there all of the time. They just ignored it.
But it could have been done well, they chose not to. They bought too many, and didn't properly support the ones they did.


Power with Control
Just like I said it was a stupid decision. Shoulda, woulda, coulda lol

Its semantics. At the end of it, you think there was no way they could have been successful with EVs, I think there was a way.

We bought a thing where I work. Its a good thing, it does exactly what it is supposed to do. What we didn't do was set aside the money and write a contract to pay for needed inspections to keep them in service. The choice to buy them wasnt bad. The choice not to sustain them was bad.


Well-Known Member
Its semantics. At the end of it, you think there was no way they could have been successful with EVs, I think there was a way.

We bought a thing where I work. Its a good thing, it does exactly what it is supposed to do. What we didn't do was set aside the money and write a contract to pay for needed inspections to keep them in service. The choice to buy them wasnt bad. The choice not to sustain them was bad.
CEO is forced out. Their leader was stupid no other way to look at it. Of course the EV sheeple think otherwise. 🤔 LOL


Power with Control
CEO is forced out. Their leader was stupid no other way to look at it. Of course the EV sheeple think otherwise. 🤔 LOL
Well I assume he made the choices that were bad as well as the choice that was good. That was my point. If you make one good choice and then follow it up with five bad choices about that same thing then you're probably going to have a bad outcome. Choosing to go to college and get a degree can be a great thing. Choosing to major in a women's study and finance. 300K worth of debt to do so would be a bad choice. Choosing to get a degree in a relevant field and pay as you go is a much better choice.


Well-Known Member
Well I assume he made the choices that were bad as well as the choice that was good. That was my point. If you make one good choice and then follow it up with five bad choices about that same thing then you're probably going to have a bad outcome. Choosing to go to college and get a degree can be a great thing. Choosing to major in a women's study and finance. 300K worth of debt to do so would be a bad choice. Choosing to get a degree in a relevant field and pay as you go is a much better choice.
Good and smart are two different things, no wonder comprehension is a weak point in you.


Well-Known Member
But it could have been done well, they chose not to. They bought too many, and didn't properly support the ones they did.
Why they didn't have charging stations eludes me. I can understand not being able to add them to some leased property, but they needed to make sure one was near or else flag them as not supported at that location.

Are Hertz locations a franchise?


PREMO Member

Electric car disaster as EU ports fill up with 100,000s of Chinese models no one wants

Chinese EV companies have aggressively targeted European markets as they look to take advantage of the EU's green agenda.

The European Council passed a law last March requiring all new cars and vans sold in the bloc to be zero-emission by 2035.

Under the regulation, new cars sold in the EU must achieve 55 percent emission reductions from 2030-34 compared with 2021, while vans must attain a 50 percent cut.

But as of 2035, all cars and vans sold in the EU must have 100 percent emission reductions.

In an effort to encourage drivers to go green, many EU states have offered generous incentives using millions of euros of taxpayers' money.

Yet EV sales in March slumped by 11.3 percent overall across the EU, with purchases in Germany down by as much as 28.9 percent.


PREMO Member

Spontaneous (re)combustion: Fire breaks out at a lithium battery storage facility, firefighters contain the blaze, then it sparks itself again

By Olivia Murray

As long as lithium ion battery plants spontaneously combust and spew clouds of poisonous chemicals into the air, I don’t ever want to hear a progressive Democrat—voter, pundit, or politician—lecture me on the wildfires and “climate change” crises they swear are caused by my use of modest personal amenities.

On a tip from Monica Showalter comes this story, from the former paradise of southern California and The San Diego Union-Tribune (SDUT):

Fire flares up again at battery storage facility in Otay Mesa

An unpredictable blaze that sparked at a battery storage facility on Wednesday in Otay Mesa picked up again Thursday night, and firefighters worked to bring the flames back under control, a Cal Fire captain said Friday.

“Unpredictable blaze” my rear end. What a joke. In fact, the blaze was entirely predictable, because this was a warehouse of lithium-ion batteries, and lithium is highly flammable. That’s like saying no one could ever predict that a neighborhood meth lab might explode, or improperly stored ammonium nitrate at a fertilizer plant would also be a combustion hazard—when you’re dealing with extremely volatile compounds, there’s great risk involved, notwithstanding any propaganda that aims to diminish a particular fire hazard because there’s a “clean” energy communistic political agenda at play.

Now, the fire at the Gateway Energy Storage Facility first broke out around four o’clock in the afternoon this past Wednesday, and as is the case with lithium ion battery fires, they don’t really extinguish—lithium ion batteries are subject to what is called “thermal runaway,” or a chain reaction type of blaze. Fighting a fire like this means cooling down the battery as much as possible until the fire appears to extinguish or is at least under control; then you simply hope it doesn’t reignite, but you can’t actually know because you don’t know how many of the cells inside the battery pack have actually burned. If all the battery cells are burned, then it doesn’t reignite; if cooling the battery during the fire-fighting process halted the chain reaction, then the battery is at a serious risk of reigniting.

Now, Captain Mike Cornette’s crew cooled the battery storage blaze enough to get the fire to a manageable state, at which point they handed the work off to Gateway’s “mitigation team” to take over the job. However, as is obvious, the battery didn’t burn all the way, and reignited just a short time later. Here’s more, from SDUT:

Firefighters were still working from a distance due to the toxic fumes the fire created, Cornette said. The agency’s goal is to put out enough of the blaze so they can get close enough to extinguish it more fully — a process that will likely continue overnight and into Saturday . Firefighters set up additional monitoring equipment to keep an eye on the air quality surrounding the location.
Once the area is safe, the clean-up effort will again be handed over to the site’s property manager, which has its own hazardous materials team.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
