Electric Car News


Well-Known Member
Man, you really can't get that I'm a pretty happy guy and these conversations are entertainment, can you? You keep ascribing emotions to me that I'm simply not having. The feeling a cat has swatting a mouse from paw to paw? Maybe that one :) If we can ever meet at a Cars and Coffee we should, I think we could have a good discussion while talking about other cars.

See, I think with over four million sold, we exhausted cult members a while ago. Out of the now four owners I know personally, none are "cult members". They are not members of any clubs, they don't follow Elon, in two cases they actively dislike him. They just like the cars and drive them like normal humans. They like not having to fill up with gas, they like not having much routine maint. They like the SC network. Two are NAVAIR engineers, one is a program management type, the other owns a local popular restaurant.
The one thing you notice is Tesla ownership is high in the geek and dirty hippie demographic. Where they need to make strides is the average Joe. The negatives I post are more related to widespread adoption, things that need to be better or done differently for that.

I will admit Subaru based the 90s off of the lesbian demographic and that worked out for them.

You will never win with him.


Power with Control
The one thing you notice is Tesla ownership is high in the geek and dirty hippie demographic. Where they need to make strides is the average Joe. The negatives I post are more related to widespread adoption, things that need to be better or done differently for that.

I will admit Subaru based the 90s off of the lesbian demographic and that worked out for them.

You will never win with him.
Win? Does the cat win? Sure, simply by being entertained.... :) My older brother taught me early that when the other guy calls you names of curses at you, you can be sure you've won the debate :)

But since the Model 3s and Ys are getting popular enough and plentiful enough to hit the used market in quantity, you can expect to see shifts to that demo thing in the next few years.



Well-Known Member
Win? Does the cat win? Sure, simply by being entertained.... :) My older brother taught me early that when the other guy calls you names of curses at you, you can be sure you've won the debate :)

But since the Model 3s and Ys are getting popular enough and plentiful enough to hit the used market in quantity, you can expect to see shifts to that demo thing in the next few years.

I do believe the less educated and less dirty hippy will be less understanding and harsher on their criticisms.


Well-Known Member
Man, you really can't get that I'm a pretty happy guy and these conversations are entertainment, can you? You keep ascribing emotions to me that I'm simply not having. The feeling a cat has swatting a mouse from paw to paw? Maybe that one :) If we can ever meet at a Cars and Coffee we should, I think we could have a good discussion while talking about other cars.
That is what every debater says when they are being backed into a corner and you are no exception.

That would never happen, because I am not a car guy, to me a vehicle is nothing more than an expensive TOOL nothing more and nothing less.
You can buy a $100 hammer or a $20 hammer they both do the same thing.
You have bought into the not ready for prime-time EV hype hook line and sinker.
See, I think with over four million sold, we exhausted cult members a while ago. Out of the now four owners I know personally, none are "cult members". They are not members of any clubs, they don't follow Elon, in two cases they actively dislike him. They just like the cars and drive them like normal humans. They like not having to fill up with gas, they like not having much routine maint. They like the SC network. Two are NAVAIR engineers, one is a program management type, the other owns a local popular restaurant.
Almost 5 million total sold WORDWIDE but not a CULT, LOL, out of what 6 billion population. More folks died of Covid, maybe we should lockdown the world again until the non-EV population complies and buys one.

The low hanging fruit has been picked.

Elon is laying off folks right and left, he is seeing the writing on the wall, consumers not purchasing, material inflation, inventories building lowering prices to keep sales, Chinese products getting ready to hit the market is another problem at a much lower price point , it sounds like an industry having a spot of trouble to me.

Elon is trying to beef up the numbers before earnings come out by cutting head count because that is pretty much the only quickly implemented option on the table that he has.

If the next administration is not EV friendly and cuts or eliminates tax incentives and subsidies or fuel prices go down or both that will be yet another major headwind for the EV industry

Engineers are never wrong about ANYTHING, however the folks on the Kansas City Skyway who died and those watching the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse beg to differ.

So you just keep denying the obvious.


Power with Control
Two points.

1. Cornered. Sorry, calling me names and saying I'm stupid doesn't equate to cornering me.

2. Yep, vehicles are tools. And just like tools, some have features and functions that others don't. Some make a tool better or easier to use, others just make the job more enjoyable to use. Any vehicle will take me down Route 218 in VA, but some make that drive a much more enjoyable thing

3. You present your opinion as fact and paint anyone who disagrees as a cult member. Funny how you know that's wrong when the left does it to Trump supporters but do it yourself.


Well-Known Member
Two points.

1. Cornered. Sorry, calling me names and saying I'm stupid doesn't equate to cornering me.

2. Yep, vehicles are tools. And just like tools, some have features and functions that others don't. Some make a tool better or easier to use, others just make the job more enjoyable to use. Any vehicle will take me down Route 218 in VA, but some make that drive a much more enjoyable thing

3. You present your opinion as fact and paint anyone who disagrees as a cult member. Funny how you know that's wrong when the left does it to Trump supporters but do it yourself.
If the shoe fits wear it.
It's nice that you bared your soul about vehicles, but still to me it's just another tool. Bells and whistles are just more things to maintain, no thanks.
You come off as a whiney lil bitch that thinks that anyone one who thinks differently on EVs than you is wrong. But they are not.
Yes you are a wanna be cult member, but you are a biker without a bike. But I do guess you can ride bitch.
Enjoy your day!
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Well-Known Member
You all know my opinion, that this is the way to go. No new infrastructure required.

No question about that, if they had spent the billions that were wasted on the totally electric crap on improving these it would have been a win win for everyone. Including some positive effect on the environment ! But the cult members THINK otherwise if you can call it that.


Power with Control
If the shoe fits wear it.
It's nice that you bear your soul about vehicles, but still to me it's just another tool. Bells and whistles are just more things to maintain, no thanks.
You come off as a whiney lil bitch that thinks that anyone one who thinks differently on EVs than you is wrong. But they are not.
Yes you are a wanna be cult member, but you are a biker without a bike. But I do guess you can ride bitch.
Enjoy your day!
More insults and opinion. And I do enjoy my day, every day. We all have to drive, enjoying the drive makes your day that much more fun. One reason I ride my motorcycle every place I can, it just adds fun.


Well-Known Member
More insults and opinion. And I do enjoy my day, every day. We all have to drive, enjoying the drive makes your day that much more fun. One reason I ride my motorcycle every place I can, it just adds fun.
You mean moped, cult member wannabe.


Just sneakin' around....
I've been thinking Hybrid.
Nearly all the car commercials I see now are for hybrids.

You all know my opinion, that this is the way to go. No new infrastructure required.

You might not have to pay for gas again, either
Um..... Isn't this what an EV does? :lol: The 'gas' part of an PHEV is just to mitigate the range fear.


Just sneakin' around....
Gave it some thought. I don't think I'd want a PHEV. It does have some advantages, but... you're now taking a complete ICE system, plus a complete EV system, cramming both into the space originally designed for one or the other, more complex electronics, more complex hardware, pretty much doubling the potential for a failure of two systems. Competent techs with the ability to work on PHEVs will be far and few between, and you can bet those repairs will be more expensive that just an EV or ICE vehicle.

I'm all for simplifying cars. They're already way too complex and involved thanx to government intervention for our own good.


Well-Known Member
Gave it some thought. I don't think I'd want a PHEV. It does have some advantages, but... you're now taking a complete ICE system, plus a complete EV system, cramming both into the space originally designed for one or the other, more complex electronics, more complex hardware, pretty much doubling the potential for a failure of two systems. Competent techs with the ability to work on PHEVs will be far and few between, and you can bet those repairs will be more expensive that just an EV or ICE vehicle.

I'm all for simplifying cars. They're already way too complex and involved thanx to government intervention for our own good.
Do some more RESEARCH.


Well-Known Member
Nearly all the car commercials I see now are for hybrids.

Um..... Isn't this what an EV does? :lol: The 'gas' part of an PHEV is just to mitigate the range fear.
It's a standard hybrid that has a big enough battery that it has a modest EV range, usually around 40 miles. So if you had a small commute you could operate electric only, but if you was driving 500 miles you never have to stop to charge and can just drive it like a regular hybrid.


Well-Known Member
Gave it some thought. I don't think I'd want a PHEV. It does have some advantages, but... you're now taking a complete ICE system, plus a complete EV system, cramming both into the space originally designed for one or the other, more complex electronics, more complex hardware, pretty much doubling the potential for a failure of two systems. Competent techs with the ability to work on PHEVs will be far and few between, and you can bet those repairs will be more expensive that just an EV or ICE vehicle.

I'm all for simplifying cars. They're already way too complex and involved thanx to government intervention for our own good.
It's a hybrid with a larger battery, usually a larger electric motor and charging circuitry. Other than the plug it's the same as a hybrid.


PREMO Member
Not so fast there, chief. You have to read quite a ways down into the announcement to learn the uncomfortable truth about this purchase. The supposedly "all-electric" fire engine has a diesel engine in it. The pumps that actually deliver the water to put out fires run off of the diesel engine and the truck itself can run off of diesel when the battery inevitably runs out. So the entire description of "all-electric" is a farce. (MSN)

Viewers could be forgiven for thinking that the new fire trucks were all electric and zero emissions. They'd be wrong. All the fire trucks also have a diesel engine and a tailpipe releases those "cancer-causing particulates."
When the first Pierce Volterra Electric Fire Truck rolled out in Madison, Wisconsin, the vehicle was repeatedly called "all electric" or "zero emissions." You had to listen 8 minutes into the presentation to get to the part where a fire chief admits there's an internal combustion engine for pumping water on a fire.
Perhaps journalists and fire department spokespeople were misled by Pierce Manufacturing's web site ,which reads in bold headline type: "Zero Emissions. Zero compromises."

So why would these fire trucks still have diesel engines? They're supposed to be eliminating fossil fuels to save us all from climate change, aren't they? The answer should be fairly obvious. These are emergency response vehicles. If your neighbor's EV can't make it out of the driveway one morning because they couldn't find a charging station or there was a blackout, they might miss a day of work. If the fire truck can't do its job, buildings will burn down and people may die. It's simply not worth the risk.

The water pumps on the fire trucks are massive. They have to be to move that much water so quickly over a sustained period of time. Also, the engine that powers the vehicle is far larger than the ones in most consumer vehicles, on par with the ones in big rigs. If there is a significantly large fire taking place, the pumps may be running for hours on end. EV batteries simply are not up to the job. If a conventional fire truck begins running low on diesel, a refueling truck can be brought over to fill up the tank in a few minutes. You can't accelerate the battery recharging process.

Here is another fun fact about these trucks, as pointed out by Larry Behrens, Communications Director for Power The Future. Those "all-electric" fire trucks cost 40 to 50 percent more than conventional, diesel models. The one that Bernalillo County purchased cost $1.8 million. That's roughly $600,000 more than standard diesel truck costs and that bill was saddled on the taxpayers of the county as well as the entire state thanks to the Governor's "generous" grant. (It's funny how these politicians are always able to be so generous with your money, isn't it?)



Well-Known Member
Not so fast there, chief. You have to read quite a ways down into the announcement to learn the uncomfortable truth about this purchase. The supposedly "all-electric" fire engine has a diesel engine in it. The pumps that actually deliver the water to put out fires run off of the diesel engine and the truck itself can run off of diesel when the battery inevitably runs out. So the entire description of "all-electric" is a farce. (MSN)

So why would these fire trucks still have diesel engines? They're supposed to be eliminating fossil fuels to save us all from climate change, aren't they? The answer should be fairly obvious. These are emergency response vehicles. If your neighbor's EV can't make it out of the driveway one morning because they couldn't find a charging station or there was a blackout, they might miss a day of work. If the fire truck can't do its job, buildings will burn down and people may die. It's simply not worth the risk.

The water pumps on the fire trucks are massive. They have to be to move that much water so quickly over a sustained period of time. Also, the engine that powers the vehicle is far larger than the ones in most consumer vehicles, on par with the ones in big rigs. If there is a significantly large fire taking place, the pumps may be running for hours on end. EV batteries simply are not up to the job. If a conventional fire truck begins running low on diesel, a refueling truck can be brought over to fill up the tank in a few minutes. You can't accelerate the battery recharging process.

Here is another fun fact about these trucks, as pointed out by Larry Behrens, Communications Director for Power The Future. Those "all-electric" fire trucks cost 40 to 50 percent more than conventional, diesel models. The one that Bernalillo County purchased cost $1.8 million. That's roughly $600,000 more than standard diesel truck costs and that bill was saddled on the taxpayers of the county as well as the entire state thanks to the Governor's "generous" grant. (It's funny how these politicians are always able to be so generous with your money, isn't it?)



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
We need ALL ELECTRIC Chairs for Democrats to sit in as part of the Green New Deal.
