Elementary Schools Not Safe


Well-Known Member
I don't know another way to deal with it. People are killing children.

I see two possibilities - you make sure there aren't any crazy people that are armed - or you STOP crazy people when they show up.
The first one is, in my opinion, impossible. The second one is easily doable.

If there's another way, I don't know about it.

I don't know how it is we got to this point. We can try to assign blame, but it won't stop the next person.
But why is it a foregone conclusion that we MUST do something? This is not an issue that government can solve without a significant infringement of rights, agreed?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dads on Duty. Could be the answer to the money question.


Money question? Didn't Congress just approve another $40 billion for Ukraine (what are we up to, $50-60 billion). If we can give it to others we could certainly give less and use some for ourselves to harden these gun free zone target rich environments.


PREMO Member
Extremely violent / realistic video games. Kids have seen thousands of simulated murders by the time they make it to high school.

I've been playing video games since PONG was a new thing

Just One Games Stats ... I'm not going around in a rage murdering people



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I just made a thread about people who sit around fuddling with a problem instead of taking advice to solve the ****ing thing. This is our government. "We must DO something!" "Well, why not try this.....?" "Arrrgh, mind your own business, you smarty pants buttinski!"

They don't want to solve the problem; they just want to sit around bitching about it. So to them I say:

"Sorry that's happening, hope you can work it out."



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One more observation:

When I called Chelsea Handler a skank, Twitter was on me within seconds saying I was restricted and had to delete the post to get reinstated. So if they can patrol name calling of their little girlfriend, why can't they find these people who are making violent statements and threats?

black dog

Free America
My kids always played Call of Duty. None of them own a gun.
Same here, Call to Duty, Grand Theft Auto and other violent games, he had daily time limits.
He has owned firearms and shot competitively since elementary school.
Easy child to raise.... And now a very responsible adult. Flying Friday morning to Kuwait for a year with new employment.

black dog

Free America
I just made a thread about people who sit around fuddling with a problem instead of taking advice to solve the ****ing thing. This is our government. "We must DO something!" "Well, why not try this.....?" "Arrrgh, mind your own business, you smarty pants buttinski!"

They don't want to solve the problem; they just want to sit around bitching about it. So to them I say:

"Sorry that's happening, hope you can work it out."

Has The Federal Government ever solved anything?
Its just more laws and the endless river of taxpayers money...


If I may ...
If I may ...

Instead of having so called resource officers making friends with every kid in school, they should be pulling actual guard duty stationed at the front entrance during school hours with a relief shift scheduled. It's not rocket science. No need for the resource officers to be roaming around the school.

black dog

Free America
If I may ...

Instead of having so called resource officers making friends with every kid in school, they should be pulling actual guard duty stationed at the front entrance during school hours with a relief shift scheduled. It's not rocket science. No need for the resource officers to be roaming around the school.
So the front door is the only entrance to get in a school?

How about this, one pulls into Dent Elementary and parks next to the cafeteria kitchen and walks into the normally propped open door?
Or waits until one of the kitchen staff or custodians walks out to smoke?
Walk in the door when some kids are walking out back for recess... Bang. Bang.Bang...
Your now in any school.
Its not that tough to get in.
How about we put wackadoodles back in the State Mental Institutions like when most of us were kids.