Emergency Vet???

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Ken, didn't you have to drive to Waldorf when Taz was having seizures?
Yep, that was the closest place open at zero-dark-thirty. But I guess this means I don't love him enough since I have settled with this inhumanity and haven't demanded to have someone open a 24 hour center right next door to me.


New Member
FireLadie said:
On Sunday while at friends house we had a pet accident when the two dogs (labs) collided while going after the same ball. It was quite bad.

One dog was ok... she had a puncture wound on her forehead. Other however and bit a hole - a large hole through his tongue - and blood was going everywhere.

When we tried calling around for emergency vet services we were continually directed to Waldorf or annapolis... both of which are an hour or more away from parts of St. Mary's County.

Does anyone else find this disturbing. Freak accidents happen all the time... my cat is always under my feet when I'm in the kitchen, what if I accidentally drop a knife and it impales her... do I really have to drive her an hour (in a distraught condition mind you) while she bleeds out next to me in the car???

Does anyone else find this disturbing???

Does anyone know why St. Mary's County does not have an emergency vet place/plan.

wouldn't it make sense to have one emergency line and then it could be directed to the vet on call????


Yes I find it quite disturbing that you are actually preparing for an emergency vet clinic visit just in case you "accidently" drop a knife and it impales your cat! I think the logical solution would be for you to put away all sharp instruments in your home. :whistle:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's look at this rationally...

...at the end of the day...they are pets. Animals. We're not going to, nor should we, have pet ambulances and flights for life and doggie ER's to save some dog who got it's forehead punctured chasing a ball with another dog.

I love my cats. One of them anyway. One day he's going to get himself or me or both of us killed because he insists, at 5 am, when I am half asleep and staggering for the coffee maker, to race ahead of me going down the stairs. Without fail he crosses diagonally as we descend. He crosses my path, nearly every day. He's black.

Now, I know damn well if and when the collision happens, I'm likely to snap his neck with my foot or crush him to death when I fall on him. My wife will not be happy about this but I am fairly certain that it will be me in the car, crying with her about the demise of Moosie, on the way to the hospital with my broken leg or concusion, not the other way around.

Besides. Were I to become incapacitated, alone in the house, sooner or later Moose is gonna get hungry. I'd feed him if he was hurt. He'd feed himself if I were.

Never love you pet too much. It is not as recipricol as you may think.
Larry Gude said:
Besides. Were I to become incapacitated, alone in the house, sooner or later Moose is gonna get hungry. I'd feed him if he was hurt. He'd feed himself if I were.

Never love you pet too much. It is not as recipricol as you may think.
:visionsofMoosechewingyourfaceoff: :twitch:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Dunkirk Animal Hospital offered me after hours service over the phone years ago - on a Friday night - for a very uncomfortable boy with a swollen face and AN EXTREMELY HYSTERICAL DOG MOMMA! Although the vet was still there, and speaking to me, ON THE PHONE, not the tech, he walked me through verifying a bee sting and correctly giving my boy Benadryl v. having to go in, pay the emergency fee, after hours fee, exam fee, injection fee and fee for the "doggy" antihistamine.... He also advised as to what to look for, told me he'd be there for another so many hours from a surgery and what to do if it didn't look better by the morning....

Any emergency, I call them... Any surgery, I call them... They actually have extended hours too...

They weren't as personable when I had my girls altered, but I was sincerely grateful I had a place to call back with the bee sting and the ongoing support on a Friday night in case my dog started having difficulty breathing at the time..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I do not contest that...

elaine said:
:razz: I really do[\i] have a headache.

...you have a headache. I merely, out of scientific analysis and data summary do hereby place doubt on thusly stated cause.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
elaine said:
:razz: I really do have a headache.
My friend Keith used to swear he could make my headache go away with one of his massages, but he always wanted me to take off my shirt. :ohwell: I always felt sorry for the girls who fell for it, got groped, and still had the headache.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...you have a headache. I merely, out of scientific analysis and data summary do hereby place doubt on thusly stated cause.

It sounded good at the time, since I wasn't chewing the whiners face off. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Of course...

Larry Gude said:
...you have a headache. I merely, out of scientific analysis and data summary do hereby place doubt on thusly stated cause.

...it's been noted that having a pet to love helps reduce stress and hence headaches.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...it's been noted that having a pet to love helps reduce stress and hence headaches.

I have a pet. He's out with the boyz smokin' stoagies right now.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...you should be with them. You'd feel better!

I just left him. I still have the headache. I'm hopin' the motrin will help. Guh, I have it all freakin' day.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

elaine said:
I just left him. I still have the headache. I'm hopin' the motrin will help. Guh, I have it all freakin' day.

...maybe you were nice to someone who didn't deserve it today?

Cut that #### out! It'll give you a headache.

And ruin your reputation.