Emergency Vet???


New Member
cattitude said:
But you spoke with them and they told you NOT to take the dog to the emergency vet, correct? So what's the issue?

The incident got you to thinking about what you perceive as a lack of emergency vet care in the area. That's great, do something positive. People have given you good advice, good information and you choose not to accept it.

Catt out.

What are you talking about?

People have told me what I already knew that there is no emergency help here. They have told me essentially that I'm not going to get anywhere in trying to change things so I should give up. That business is business and that the vets in the community aren't going to do that so again, I should give up.

I'm trying to find some good advice in all this but not finding anything helpful..

Do you have some helpful advice for me in relation to this topic?


New Member
Ponytail said:
And they left you in charge with no emergency numbers knowing that the dog is epileptic?

I did read it. Seems that if they left YOU in charge, this is something that you would have asked for ahead of time. And now that they are back, I'm assuming, that they have since given you that emergency info?

It takes a responsible person to be a good pet owner or pet sitter. It's no one elses fault if that is not the case.

no, it wasn't me. like I SAID i was at a friends house. And yes, it's the owners fault if there was no emergency number.

And even if the situation was not an emergency that stil does not change the fact that there is no reasonable emergency vet service in St. Mary's County and I feel that that should change.


Right Where I Belong
FireLadie said:
What are you talking about?

People have told me what I already knew that there is no emergency help here. They have told me essentially that I'm not going to get anywhere in trying to change things so I should give up. That business is business and that the vets in the community aren't going to do that so again, I should give up.

I'm trying to find some good advice in all this but not finding anything helpful..

Do you have some helpful advice for me in relation to this topic?
What else do you want us to tell you.:shrug: You or I or anyone on this board cannot make the local vets have emergency help available. I think this has been stated over and over again. As Elaine has stated twice, this was already available and stopped for some unknown reason.
elaine said:
Fireladie, did you read my post stating that emergency services used to be available, and that there must be a reason why they stopped providing said service?

See? You're not comprehending our posts, either.
:yeahthat: The vets, however compassionate they may be, must draw the line somewhere. They are in business to profit... they can't take in every "I have no money, but my poor pet..." case, they can't save every "put this litter to sleep because they are unwanted..." case and they can't put their business in jeopardy because of the "what if's" that might take place on off hours. :ohwell:


My Sweetest Boy
FireLadie said:
What are you talking about?

People have told me what I already knew that there is no emergency help here. They have told me essentially that I'm not going to get anywhere in trying to change things so I should give up. That business is business and that the vets in the community aren't going to do that so again, I should give up.

I'm trying to find some good advice in all this but not finding anything helpful..

Do you have some helpful advice for me in relation to this topic?

Oh for crap sake. No. Okay, I didn't offer any advice. Have a nice day.


professional daydreamer
cattitude said:
Oh for crap sake. No. Okay, I didn't offer any advice. Have a nice day.

Actually, advice was offered. Someone told her to "bark up the government flag pole". :ohwell:
FireLadie said:
I'm trying to find some good advice in all this but not finding anything helpful..

Do you have some helpful advice for me in relation to this topic?
Here is my advice... don't stop at offering up the problem and not have options for solutions. Do some research. Go to various emergency vet clinics in various areas and interview them as to how they made/make it possible. Do the research on liability and insurance risks so that you know what options are available in that area as well. Perhaps the best way to start would be to interview the local vets and find out if they have looked into this already themselves before you go on the attack.


New Member
kwillia said:
:yeahthat: The vets, however compassionate they may be, must draw the line somewhere. They are in business to profit... they can't take in every "I have no money, but my poor pet..." case, they can't save every "put this litter to sleep because they are unwanted..." case and they can't put their business in jeopardy because of the "what if's" that might take place on off hours. :ohwell:

I understand that. I know they need to profit to pay their own salary.

I know that I personally would spare no money to take care of my cat. I want to be able to take her somewhere close if there's ever an emergency.

I guess that best I can do for myself is to talk to my own vet about it and see if they can do something for me...


New Member
kwillia said:
Here is my advice... don't stop at offering up the problem and not have options for solutions. Do some research. Go to various emergency vet clinics in various areas and interview them as to how they made/make it possible. Do the research on liability and insurance risks so that you know what options are available in that area as well. Perhaps the best way to start would be to interview the local vets and find out if they have looked into this already themselves before you go on the attack.

That's the first good advice I've heard.

If the used to have emergency care and then simple defferred because others opened and that's there only reason then maybe we can get a change.

And maybe if the community wants it bad enough we could even do some fund raising to pay any extra cost that might come up.

Thank you.


New Member
FireLadie said:
Well, I figured you could derive my answers to your other commens by reading my other posts... sorry for that assumption.

My focus on this topic is not the injury of these two dogs but the what if's. I'm not medically stupid, in fact, I was the one doing the most to get the bleeding stopped. And actually when we called the vets in waldorf they said that it was considered a bite wound and there was a possibility of infection and it should be looked at.

You do not need to tell me to read a book...

Yes, I asked for help... Do you know what my first responses were?

"Chinese food for two? Or if it’s a small cat then it would be food for one." & "Did you know they spent lots of money to crash something into a comet or something? We should try to change that."

Not very helpful. A few were kind in their responses, but those initial insensitive remarks got me a little riled as I'm sure you get once in awhile.

And you tell me you are trying to help with the following snide remark to me?

"I'm assuming you resorted to this forum because you couldn't find any of your other friends to join your little coalition? Is that our fault too, or just a general flaw in society?"

I don't think so...

From your original post...
FireLadie said:
OK.. so I posted this in the Pets & animals section but thought that maybe I might get more of a response here


On Sunday while at friends house we had a pet accident when the two dogs (labs) collided while going after the same ball. It was quite bad.

One dog was ok... she had a puncture wound on her forehead. Other however and bit a hole - a large hole through his tongue - and blood was going everywhere.

When we tried calling around for emergency vet services we were continually directed to Waldorf or annapolis... both of which are an hour or more away from parts of St. Mary's County.

Does anyone else find this disturbing. Freak accidents happen all the time... my cat is always under my feet when I'm in the kitchen, what if I accidentally drop a knife and it impales her... do I really have to drive her an hour (in a distraught condition mind you) while she bleeds out next to me in the car???

Does anyone else find this disturbing???

Does anyone know why St. Mary's County does not have an emergency vet place/plan.

It would seem to me that maybe the vets of the community could work out some type of rotation in order to provide care...

we found only one vet that was on call on non-duty hours and she was entirely overworked trying to take care of her patients and others who called her...

wouldn't it make sense to have one emergency line and then it could be directed to the vet on call????

you do need to read a book. The emergency vet told you that she was too busy to handle "your pets emergency". If you know about animals, then you would know, that even if it WAS a bite, it is not an emergency. Yes, you should probably take it too the vet. That STILL does NOT constitute an emergency. Monday would have been fine. Wednesday would have been fine. There are topical antiseptics as well as tape and guaze available at the grocery store to help keep it clean until you can get to the vets office.

My dog had a 1 inch diameter hole in her skin for 4 days. The vet was still not overly concerned with it and the ONLY reason that they stitched it was to prevent scarring. It was on her chest, and would have been quite prominant on a black dog. She's freaky enough with her one blue eye.

Look, you're not going to find many folks here to match your hysterics over your situation, nor your hypotheticals. Most folks here, are seasoned pet owners, educated, a rational. Your posts here have not shown that you are any of these.

Animals will be animals. Humans will be Humans. Both do dumb things every day, and get killed every day because of it. Even living at a hospital will not prevent death from your hypotheticals.


New Member
Ponytail said:
Most folks here, are seasoned pet owners, educated, a rational. Your posts here have not shown that you are any of these.

Are you quite finished with berrating me rather than helping me?


New Member
elaine said:
I think at that point you had asked for it.

Yeah, you're probably right.

I don't take non-constructive criticism well and need to learn to ignore people who give it in forum formats.