You're thinking of the actors. I am thinking about the grip, the electrician, the caterer...
Psh, they'll get jobs in 2 seconds flat. Those guys are always in demand. It's the actors who come and go like flavor of the month.
You're thinking of the actors. I am thinking about the grip, the electrician, the caterer...
Plus, the repercussion has to be big enough. Otherwise, it will happen again.Psh, they'll get jobs in 2 seconds flat. Those guys are always in demand. It's the actors who come and go like flavor of the month.
When he gave his "I would not be my mother's son..." speech I wanted to punch his face for him. For free!
These people are such pathological liars. Tucker keeps playing clips of his interview with whatshername and it's infuriating. He needs to die and go to Hell.
Red hats gonna Red hat
Another disgusting attack fueled by Trumps rhetoric
The title to this thread cracks me up. The OP was ready to pounce on this like a tiger to a piece of raw meat. Instead it turns out to be more of the same from the left. High school kids disrespect tribal elder. White, Christian couple leave a nasty note for LGBTQ server. POC dorm rooms spray pointed with hateful graffiti. 100 year old statues suddenly start hurting a lot of people's feelings.