Engagement Ring & Retirement


I'm not reading the whole thing. I say if he breaks it off she keeps the ring. As for retirement, I say if you have been married for 10+ years and put your career on hold to stay home and raise the children then you are entitled to half. Also, if he is a big jerk and just doesn't want wifey working and there are no kids you get half. JMO.
camily said:
As for retirement, I say if you have been married for 10+ years and put your career on hold to stay home and raise the children then you are entitled to half. Also, if he is a big jerk and just doesn't want wifey working and there are no kids you get half. JMO.
And basically speaking, Maryland law would agree with you. :yay:


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
That's one loooong slow painful death..

I usually counter remarks of "half the marriages in this country end in divorce" with "yeah? well half of them end in DEATH - what's your point?".


Lobster Land
Chasey_Lane said:
If a couple does not make it to the altar, should she give him the ring back? I do believe this issue has been discussed before. I'm going to throw retirement into the mix now. Should a wife get a portion of her husbands retirement if the marriage ends?

My answer is to give the ring back and give up all rights to retirement/pension. What do ya'll think?

Well I've made it to the altar twice and after both divorces I've never had a desire to get rings back.

Retirement, my 1st happened while in the military. No hard feelings about her leaving with one exception, I told her if she tried taking any of my forthcoming military retirement I'd kill her. She did not work during our 11 years together so all money spent was from me. I really don't believe she would have asked to get any of it to begin with, but I earned MY money. I also paid c/s above and beyond what we'd agreed to so it wasn't like I was a azz about it because I did want her to do the best she could. Wife #2, well she kicked me out and I just gave her everything so she didn't have any need to want more. Both are currently living better than I am and I do not regret it in the least.


professional daydreamer
Chasey_Lane said:
Why is that fair? If the marriage ends, all connections/ties should then follow (except in c/s). A marriage is a combination of two individuals and when those individuals choose to go their separate ways, each should take his/her own and nothing more.

My take on this....

I supported FB's career for a little over 20 years, sacrificing my own. I followed him overseas to areas that I was not able to get a work visa. The only employment I could find was what was available on base. I was domestic until our child started school, then semi-domestic after that. I did all the wifey/mommy things every day, had his dinner on the table when he came home, clean underwear when he got up, and took care of everything while he was away.

Am I entitled? You bet your sweet arse I am.


NOT Politically Correct!!
elaine said:
My take on this....

I supported FB's career for a little over 20 years, sacrificing my own. I followed him overseas to areas that I was not able to get a work visa. The only employment I could find was what was available on base. I was domestic until our child started school, then semi-domestic after that. I did all the wifey/mommy things every day, had his dinner on the table when he came home, clean underwear when he got up, and took care of everything while he was away.

Am I entitled? You bet your sweet arse I am.

****, I can't believe I'm agreeing with this. Regardless of how fcuked up my relationship may have been with my wife, if divorced, the superb job she did as a homemaker and mother deserves a piece of my big fat a$$. Sorry, no details, just the truth...