Entering the Areana.........


New Member
JPC said:
:elaine: Some taxes are fine and some are not. Prsedent Bush giving tax cuts for the rich surely is not a Democrat thing to do. I have to leave till maybe tomorrow or some time, so see y'all later.
This clown is drunk right now!! :killingme

He should be on "Americas Stupidest Criminals".


Working for the weekend
Pete said:
I have some questions too.

1. What type of drive system does your mother ship have? Warp? Plasma?

2. How do you prevent chapping caused by your tin foil helmet during hot weather?

3. In your bio it says you have traveled extensively. Were you jailed in those other states as well or only in Maryland?

4. What were you employed as while your child went without your financial support?

5. Since you are basically a petty criminal and a deadbeat father, and your son is now in his 20's has he changed his name so no one will link him back to you.

6. Why do you always leave the "l" out of e-x-p-l-a-i-n-a-t-i-o-n ?

7. If you have this disability, Dupuytren's contractures which has made your hands useless how do wipe your butt?

8. When you spray painted graffiti on the court house and the state house did you spell it correctly?

9. When you are alone and no one is around, do you hear voices? If so do you talk back or just listen.

10. How do you get gravy stains out of prison coveralls?
From his More Maxims on his website.........
A true Christian must always be a trouble maker for this wicked world....Single parent families are accused of all the social ills but if the child goes to church or not is a better predictor whether it be one or two parents...Excessive pleasures hide excessive pain...We can not speak for every individual so one must comment on the over-all picture and mindset... for winning...To love is to fear for...

And more bs :blahblah: He should do a long tour in Iraq, then maybe I will give him a second thought. Giving him welfare and hud housing is certainly a big waste of my tax dollars.


Active Member
im a democrat, but sir, there is no way you can win like that... the base and the expansion has brought too much to the people of the county, you are the vast minority of people in the county, most people's well-being depends on it and the expansion which has occured... And I am sure the majority of voters in this area have dealings with the base as well...


Working for the weekend

harleygirl said:
From his More Maxims on his website.........
A true Christian must always be a trouble maker for this wicked world....Single parent families are accused of all the social ills but if the child goes to church or not is a better predictor whether it be one or two parents...Excessive pleasures hide excessive pain...We can not speak for every individual so one must comment on the over-all picture and mindset... for winning...To love is to fear for...

And more bs :blahblah: He should do a long tour in Iraq, then maybe I will give him a second thought. Giving him welfare and hud housing is certainly a big waste of my tax dollars.

More BS:
In the 2006 Maryland General Assembly there is consideration of a bill that would mandate notification of the parents of a minor seeking an abortion.

I believe this is a wrong direction for this important issue. It would make more sense to have the notification go to the police for any minor even if the parents are there, and an investigation as to who inpregnated the minor. Then if an abortion is still perfomed then take a DNA test of the fetas. If after the police communicate with the minor and the abortion is not performed then still the DNA of the baby needs to be taken at the birth. Some minors are pressured to get an abortion just as some are pressured to get pregnant so this too merits notifying the police before the procedure is done.

To notify the parents without notifying the police could put the pregnant minor into a very compromised position because the parents might know who and or how the minor became pregnant and Maryland legislation needs to be concerned so the police must be the first ones notified.

Therefore, I believe that the parental notification bill as it now stands is a wrong way to proceed.

911: What is your emergency?
Caller: Someone broke in my house and is holding me at knifepoint!!
911: We will come out when we can, right now the police are tracking down pregnant teens!!


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:patriot: Well I am glad that at least one on here did actually write about the issue.

Aps45819, is very correct that his house is waaaaay overvalued as are all the properties here. That is part of the trap for many in the County. It means that you can sell out and then move out or else support the greed or vote for candidates that will do some thing about the problem.

I am born and raised here in St. Mary's and the Base is not here because of this senceless expantion. The Navy Base has a military purpose and it will never be moved so long as the Country's Defence needs it there, and if the military need for the Base ever ends then the Base will close no matter if the President's Helicopter is here or not. The Pax River Base will remain here long after Tommy McKay and Steny Hoyer and his employee are all gone. :notworthy

It is the inflation (everything way overvalued) that is the threat to your retirement. Stop the Base expantion and all the inflation will go down too. If nothing is done then the property values and all the inflation will keep increasing and increasing faster still. The inflation is the true danger and not me and others that are going to stop the inflation by stopping the expantion.

The Navy is not going to close the Base because of people demanding that it act right. It will just stop running over our infrastructure and start acting like a guest in our home and not our master.

I was going to join the chorus in berating your obvious lack of intelligence, but I think others have covered that quite nicely, so I'll focus on your issue with the base.

You say the base can stop growing and still exist. That proves that you have not paid attention to the political climate in DoD for the last 20 years. You are either growing or shrinking, there is no status quo. If you stop growth, you doom the base to die.

I understand that you feel that growth should have stopped as soon as your family got here. I'm sure that people have felt that way since sometime in the 1630's when this area was first settled. The world is growing. Get used to it.

What happens if you get your way? No more growth equals death for PAX. The first people to leave are the most highly paid. No more tax base. At least 50% of the people in the county go bankrupt and abandon the homes they cannot afford. These homes now become squatter shacks for the homeless who used to work at all of those empty businesses on 235. An accidental fire starts. Someone calls 911, but by the time the one employee the county can afford answers the phone the fire is raging. Quick, send Bay District out. Except for one problem - All of the volunteers had to leave since there are no longer any jobs. The fire spreads. Maybe Ridge. Nope, they can't afford gas since there is no longer a tax base in the county. Hollywood is down to one pumper, and it's waiting for parts. The fire spreads. Finally the feds have to move in because some uneducated convict got his way.

The economy in this area before the base was here depended on two industries that are no longer profitable. You can't expect all of those unemployed to suddenly take up being watermen in an industry that already is beyond capacity. Farming has passed beyond the need for massive amounts of manual labor. It would not be economical for the remaining farmers to suddenly start paying people minimum wage to farm when their modern equipment is cheaper.

But look an the bright side. The crack you are obviously smoking will be even more readily available. Good idea!


Well-Known Member
JPC said:
:elaine: Some taxes are fine and some are not.

Prsedent Bush giving tax cuts for the rich surely is not a Democrat thing to do.

I have to leave till maybe tomorrow or some time, so see y'all later.
I would seriously recommend a good spell-check program. ieSpell.com


Cusick opinion on sports/athletics

To wit (or half-wit),

"Comment from: James P. Cusick , Sr. [Visitor] · http://www.geocities.com/csr_ncpa/ChildSupportResistance.html

There is known to be a lot of truth to the statements that sports and athletics promote and support a violent mentality. Of course it does it in both male and females.

Like the gladiators of old Rome but we glamourize the activity and nice it up a little better but it is still the same old mentality of competition and fun violence and beat the other people.

There is actually the concept that any Country / Nation needs both warriors and workers and the sports plus athletics keep both the backs strong and the minds weak."


Active Member
vraiblonde said:
Well, there's one vote :yay:
dont count on it, i live in somd less than i do at school :p

(im not registered down here but keep that on the down low :p)

and i have no problems with the base, its why im here and why most of my friends are here


Cusick's maxims

Welcome to the Maxim Page.

Non cooperation with evil is a duty ... There is no peace without justice ... No greater service can a person do than to do one's own duty to the fullest ... Make the opponent think ... Victory is not the absence of problems, it is the presence of power ... People believe actions more-so than words ... Being present is a virtue ... Disputations come from hypocrites who argue and never do the action ... Faith does not make life easy but it makes people great ... The ignorant masses must be able to comprehend the message or it is a failure ... The temple is inside one self ... Mankind was created with intelligence because he is expected to act with intelligence ... It takes more bravery to stand up for a friend or relative that has done wrong than against an enemy ... Flattery is the last refuge of a scoundral ... Allah forgives the past but repetition is what He punishes, Surah 5:95 ... It is wiser to draw the enemy out ... People put others down in order to feel up about themselves ...One does not know what they can do until they try...The just shall live by faith, the unjust live by a false faith...Without justice there is violence.

More Maxims.

Evil wants victims more-so than victories ... To be perfect is to be useful ... Depression comes from feeling powerless ... Being silent is giving consent ... It does not matter so much where one goes but where the one makes a stand ... Take who one is and work with what one has got and that is empowerment ... Proud in defeat - humble in victory ... A true Christian must always be a trouble maker for this wicked world ... The sweater the lie sounds the meaner it really is ... Fatherless families are accused of all the social ills like poverty, crime, infidelity, and more, but if the child goes to Church or not is a better predictor whether it be one or two parents ... Excessive pleasures hide excessive pain ... We can not speak for every individual so we comment on the overall picture and mindset ... Tolerance of other people's weaknesses is what earns respect ... Regularly and often a person can hide their weaknesses from their superiors but no one can hide their weaknesses from their subordinates ... A shephard leads the sheep from behind the flock...Poverty is being wasted by the poor...Losing is preparation for winning...To love is to fear for...A person's choices show what they are.

More, more Maxims.

Being faithful in little things is what makes the great things ... The innocent always pay for the sins of the guilty, it is their privledge ... Every society is defined by its commoners ... Handle the scandle ... Sanity means having real relationships with other people ... Fear motivates vengeance ... Kindness is something the blind can see and the deaf can hear ... A boss says "Go" and a leader says "I go" ... Non cooperation is fundamentally different than civil disobediance ... No one can defend their own position as honorably as a friend can defend it for them ... Courage comes from wisdom ... Being daring looks like courage but it is far from it ... Only justice and injustice separates one from civilized to barbarian ... Mankind is perfectly imperfect ... A war is over only when the enemy thinks that the war is over too.


Super Genius
When I saw the title for this thread, I was just going to suggest the person re-read everything before they post if they want people to take them seriously. When I read the first post, I saw that the views are not what I support and the person has seriously bad spelling and grammar. After reading the other posts, I want to make sure someone else is running. If not, I'll enter the areana [sic] just to make sure this moron stays out of the government.


Lem Putt
FYI, He's going for Bohanon's seat. He is currently the only registered candidate. I haven't heard if Bohanon is staying, but if he is I'm sure the Dems will convince JPC to drop out.

On the other hand, maybe we should all push for this idiot, I mean great Patriot, to win the primary. If Slotted was the Republican candidate, I bet even FT would vote for Slotted!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I can't be the only one that would love to see this guy presenting that child support bill to the GenAss. :roflmao:

Vote Cusick :patriot:


I bowl overhand
JPC said:
When I get elected then the growth at the Pax River Naval Base is going to be stopped. It is true that it will not happen instantly but it will be stopped or at least curtailed.
You ain't too bright posting something like this on this board.. so you should fit right in with the rest of the elected in this state.. Are you seeking Mikulskis endorsement??

Stopping growth is the same as asking the President to PLEEEASE add our base to the BRAC list. So is that what you are telling us, you want to close down PAX and ruin the economy of Southern Maryland?

How do you stand on the right of law abiding citizens given back their right to carry guns and protect themselves? Do you side with the criminals and feel they are the only ones that should be armed?