Well I am glad that at least one on here did actually write about the issue.
Aps45819, is very correct that his house is waaaaay overvalued as are all the properties here. That is part of the trap for many in the County. It means that you can sell out and then move out or else support the greed or vote for candidates that will do some thing about the problem.
I am born and raised here in St. Mary's and the Base is not here because of this senceless expantion. The Navy Base has a military purpose and it will never be moved so long as the Country's Defence needs it there, and if the military need for the Base ever ends then the Base will close no matter if the President's Helicopter is here or not. The Pax River Base will remain here long after Tommy McKay and Steny Hoyer and his employee are all gone.
It is the inflation (everything way overvalued) that is the threat to your retirement. Stop the Base expantion and all the inflation will go down too. If nothing is done then the property values and all the inflation will keep increasing and increasing faster still. The inflation is the true danger and not me and others that are going to stop the inflation by stopping the expantion.
The Navy is not going to close the Base because of people demanding that it act right. It will just stop running over our infrastructure and start acting like a guest in our home and not our master.