Entering the Areana.........


Well-Known Member
harleygirl said:
And I do agree that self-educationing one's self is importantQUOTE]
I know that he said this first, so its directed at him , not you harley, but that has got to be one of the stupidest statements i have ever heard.
Is that about the same as commiting suicide on ones self, or masterbaiting on ones self?

you would think someone who has self educated ones self like that would have better grammer :lmao:


JPC said:
I am not college educated but I can figure out that we must stop bringing in more people / more students and we must make the schools safe again, BUT - BUT - BUT, all those college educated ones like Hoyer and McKay and Bohanan and more are still bringing in more big business and more people and expanding the Base and yet their college degrees do not tell them that one school house has already burned and we got lucky so stop bringing in more of the problem. Plus we recently had a disease outbreak at the County Detention Center and the overcrowding there made so it could have been worse then it was. We got lucky again. The same is true all over the area. It is those educated with greed that make so their educations are putting us all in real dangers.

JPC, let me help you....

"I am for RESPONSIBLE growth"

Repeat, rinse, repeat 3x

Now doesn't that sound better than the Base is destroying us all.

BTW, I am colage edumacated. :biggrin:


Working for the weekend
JPC said:
:whistle: I am a registered Democrat and I am running for Legislature District 29B.
Democrats Of St. Mary's County link here. Click "Voting" then "Election Watch 2006".

:yay: I will point out that one of our school houses ( at Carver E.) has already caught fire and burned down and yet we still send students to classes in these out side "relocatables" and tell the teachers if they smell smoke then get the students out. Now I am not college educated but I can figure out that we must stop bringing in more people / more students and we must make the schools safe again, BUT - BUT - BUT, all those college educated ones like Hoyer and McKay and Bohanan and more are still bringing in more big business and more people and expanding the Base and yet their college degrees do not tell them that one school house has already burned and we got lucky so stop bringing in more of the problem. Plus we recently had a disease outbreak at the County Detention Center and the overcrowding there made so it could have been worse then it was. We got lucky again. The same is true all over the area. It is those educated with greed that make so their educations are putting us all in real dangers.
:flowers: It is not being wise to value work experience over the candidate's platform. Plus I did give answers to the questions you posted - self education does count big time, and a construction worker can be wiser then a college educated person. Those are my beliefs. :howdy:

You have answered, in part, some of the questions asked. As far as the detention center inmates spreading germs, who really cares?! If they paid court ordered child support most would not be in there. And your quote "it is not being wise to value work experience over the candidate's platform" :bs:
A platform is your opinion on issues. Why should I believe in your opinions when you have no experience/education to back your beliefs? I can hang a shingle up and open a tax service. Would you want me doing your taxes without a certification stating I was qualified? But, if I had twenty years preparing taxes that might override certification, right?? Sorry, no education, no experience, no vote. You will find this to be the majority of most opinions.


Well-Known Member
harleygirl said:
You have answered, in part, some of the questions asked. As far as the detention center inmates spreading germs, who really cares?! If they paid court ordered child support most would not be in there. And your quote "it is not being wise to value work experience over the candidate's platform" :bs:
A platform is your opinion on issues. Why should I believe in your opinions when you have no experience/education to back your beliefs? I can hang a shingle up and open a tax service. Would you want me doing your taxes without a certification stating I was qualified? But, if I had twenty years preparing taxes that might override certification, right?? Sorry, no education, no experience, no vote. You will find this to be the majority of most opinions.
yeah, no kidding, he seems to have the platform, i didn't pay child support and had to go to jail, lets all change the laws and not support our children!!!!


New Member
From an accident 15 years ago, I lost the use of my right hand (previously I was right-handed). The injury occurred Thursday, they reattached that afternoon and I was back to work Tuesday (OK - so I took an extra day off - I know - I'm a slacker). After months of physical rehab and 6 months training at night (supplemented by the government) - I've been gainfully employed since. I've managed to stay employed even when I was diagnosed with bi-lateral nerve damage to both ears and degenerative disc disease. Yes - it is painful and somedays I'm lucky to get out of bed - but I do, BECAUSE I have to support my children and family.
To think of it - for all of those years with all of the pain - I could have been collecting disability and "self educating" myself, preparing to run as a politician.
What a fool I am.

In your other post you mentioned "us in the business" - are you currently in a political office ?


New Member
harleygirl said:
Would you want me doing your taxes without a certification stating I was qualified? But, if I had twenty years preparing taxes that might override certification, right?? Sorry, no education, no experience, no vote. You will find this to be the majority of most opinions.

You can do my taxes Harleygirl :biggrin:


Working for the weekend
slik said:
To think of it - for all of those years with all of the pain - I could have been collecting disability and "self educating" myself, preparing to run as a politician.
What a fool I am.
But you did not choose this route........because your mother raised you right and you are a real man!! :huggy:


mv = margaritaville
i would guess he wants the base shut down.............so someone will vote for him and he can win..............

because other than that.........he knows he wont win............


New Member
harleygirl said:
But you did not choose this route........because your mother raised you right and you are a real man!! :huggy:

Thrown out at 13 - momma was a whore, daddy was a drunk - but that's a whole 'nother story. Student of the School of Hard Knocks - HEY - can I put that on my resume as education ?

Education: 1987 Fairleigh Dickinson University Business Management BS
1961 - current School of Hard Knocks - life studies

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Working for the weekend
slik said:
Thrown out at 13 - momma was a whore, daddy was a drunk - but that's a whole 'nother story. Student of the School of Hard Knocks - HEY - can I put that on my resume as education ?

Education: 1987 Fairleigh Dickinson University Business Management BS
1961 - current School of Hard Knocks - life studies

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You are a prime example of life being very difficult, but you took a negative situation and turned it into a positive one. Instead of blaming the laws that govern this nation for your hard luck, you chose the path of rising about that and becoming a productive member of society. You would make a good motivational speaker for any high school. Kudos to you!! :yay:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
I will point out that one of our school houses ( at Carver E.) has already caught fire and burned down and yet we still send students to classes in these out side "relocatables" and tell the teachers if they smell smoke then get the students out. Now I am not college educated but I can figure out that we must stop bringing in more people / more students and we must make the schools safe again, BUT - BUT - BUT, all those college educated ones like Hoyer and McKay and Bohanan and more are still bringing in more big business and more people and expanding the Base and yet their college degrees do not tell them that one school house has already burned and we got lucky so stop bringing in more of the problem.

Two trailers burned. That is far different than "one of our school houses has already caught fire and burned down." I'm not an educated man (well, actually I am) but I do believe there is a difference.

How do you propose to stop accidental fires if you are elected? "As your delegate, I promise to make it illegal for wires to short out."

The trailers were being used due to construction, not because of overcrowding. If you are elected, will you stop all school renovation? The school you dropped out of was good enough, why do these kids deserve better?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

vraiblonde said:
Mr. Cusick, do you think you are a good representative of the Democratic party as a whole?

:elaine: I think I am far better of a representatives of the traditional values of the Democratic Party then all the Democrats in St. Mary's County that give support to the big business that is taking over our hometown.

It has been traditional for the Republican Party to represent big business while the Democratic Party stood up for the working classes and for the poor. So compared to the sell-out-to-big-business Democrats of St. Mary's County then I think I am a superior representative compared to them.

So in fact the answer to your question is that I think I do better represent the Party as a whole but deffinately do not better represent the Democrats here that have sold out to big business.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Pete said:
Why didn't he answer my questions?

Because your questions were childish and meaningless.

I figured you could have figured that much out for yourself.


Working for the weekend
JPC said:
:elaine: I think I am far better of a representatives of the traditional values of the Democratic Party then all the Democrats in St. Mary's County that give support to the big business that is taking over our hometown.

It has been traditional for the Republican Party to represent big business while the Democratic Party stood up for the working classes and for the poor. So compared to the sell-out-to-big-business Democrats of St. Mary's County then I think I am a superior representative compared to them.

So in fact the answer to your question is that I think I do better represent the Party as a whole but deffinately do not better represent the Democrats here that have sold out to big business.
Your thoughts are way too general. How do you plan to stop big business in the county? Give examples of how the Dems have sold out to big business? You talk of needing better schools, how do you intend to do this? What is your main concern with the economic growth of our county?


24/7 Single Dad
I'm curious about your child support proposals. Since child support is based on income, why do you think people are going to jail for not paying and why do you think it's only "poor" people that don't pay?


Iron City
JPC said:
:elaine: I think I am far better of a representatives of the traditional values of the Democratic Party then all the Democrats in St. Mary's County that give support to the big business that is taking over our hometown.

It has been traditional for the Republican Party to represent big business while the Democratic Party stood up for the working classes and for the poor. So compared to the sell-out-to-big-business Democrats of St. Mary's County then I think I am a superior representative compared to them.

So in fact the answer to your question is that I think I do better represent the Party as a whole but deffinately do not better represent the Democrats here that have sold out to big business.
Just for the record, he does not represent my Decomratic party. Oh, BTW, if he were self-educated, wouldn't he have taught himself the first time that defacing public property is illegal and can result in being sent to jail. Maybe he is a slow learner. :loser:


JPC said:
Because your questions were childish and meaningless.

I figured you could have figured that much out for yourself.
Since you are gifted enough to recognize MEANINGLESS I suppose that you have an idea how your candidacy is viewed. :yay:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
Two trailers burned. That is far different than "one of our school houses has already caught fire and burned down." ... I do believe there is a difference.

The two trailers that burned are the same kind that are still in use and students go to classes still in the fire boxes - if you do not want to call class rooms school houses then how about calling them fire boxes?

MMDad said:
How do you propose to stop accidental fires if you are elected? "As your delegate, I promise to make it illegal for wires to short out."

No, I propose to have students go to classes inside the schools where there are brick / block walls that do not burn and there are sprinkler systems and fire alarms. Not in "relocatables" that now have a proven history of fire.

MMDad said:
The trailers were being used due to construction, not because of overcrowding. If you are elected, will you stop all school renovation?

Do not kid the people here. The trailers are for overcrowding. Look at the "relocatables" at Great Mills High school and elsewhere. They are for the overcrowding. Even the construction and the renovations are based on the overcrowding. And more people with kids / students are coming fast as the greedy powers can move them in. When the next fire happens then are you going to say that too was an ancident or are we going to do some thing about the problem?? I am - I am going to put a stop to it.

MMDad said:
The school you dropped out of was good enough, why do these kids deserve better?

These kids now really do deserve better and I will make certain of it. :war: