Entering the Areana.........


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
I can't be the only one that would love to see this guy presenting that child support bill to the GenAss. :roflmao:

Vote Cusick :patriot:
Maybe you could help us move him to Frederick.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
willie said:
Maybe you could help us move him to Frederick.
House of Delegates doesn't do anything anyway. He can come on up here - but he'd have to change his party affiliation because we don't vote for Democrats.

I would give cash money to see the look on Woods, O'Donnell and Dyson's faces when Cusick presents his child support bill. :roflmao:
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Lem Putt
itsbob said:
You ain't too bright posting something like this on this board.. so you should fit right in with the rest of the elected in this state.. Are you seeking Mikulskis endorsement??

Stopping growth is the same as asking the President to PLEEEASE add our base to the BRAC list. So is that what you are telling us, you want to close down PAX and ruin the economy of Southern Maryland?

How do you stand on the right of law abiding citizens given back their right to carry guns and protect themselves? Do you side with the criminals and feel they are the only ones that should be armed?

Actually, even Babs, Old man Sarbanes, and Steny love to brag about how much they help the base grow. Remember "Keep NESEA Here" bumper stickers? Then they bragged about how they did that? (Oh, that's right, NESEA closed.)

Let's just encourage him. It'll be much more fun to see him lose the election with only one vote (his own). Since he didn't pay child support, I bet even his own son will vote against him!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Roy and Johnny are trying to crawl under the table and O'Donnell's going, "SEE?? Democrats!!!" :lol:


Active Member
MMDad said:
FYI, He's going for Bohanon's seat.
I like Bohanon :( I cary his business card in my wallet :(

He helped arrange some community service stuff i did with a cancer patient a few years back


American Beauty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
Well I first posted in the Support Thread and maybe that was an error so now I have arrived at this one. :howdy:

I am the candidate for change in Maryland and wanted to see what some people think about the changes that may come.

SOMD. News - Candidate for Maryland Legislature.

When I get elected then the growth at the Pax River Naval Base is going to be stopped. It is true that it will not happen instantly but it will be stopped or at least curtailed.

I would like to tell people not to believe the fear mongers that claim St. Mary's County has got to have this Base and got to have the Base growth or else the County will suffer. It is not true at all.

The Base contracts can go to other Naval facilities and they too will be fine.

Right now we in St. Mary's County have overcrowded schools and overloaded roads and crammed full jail and over used water supply and the whole area infrastructure is over exerted and it is all because of the greed of the Base expantion. Stopping this will bring relief.

Most people on this Board are probably not even in District 29B but Charles County and Calvert County will feel some of the effects when this Base growth is finnally stopped. So my Election will not be from most people on this Board. :nono:

So what do y'all think about the expantion relief coming soon??????

You should really send your agenda to http://www.stmarystoday.com/ and see what Rossignol has to say.


JPC said:
When I get elected then the growth at the Pax River Naval Base is going to be stopped.

You just lost my vote.

Maybe next, you can promise to get me fired, or drown some kittens.


I is votin' fo him.

Tho I do nt liv in St. Mary now, I shoulda be alloed to vote an I am gonna!

Danmn base keep growin' an neads 2 be stoped. :patriot:
N why cnt the govenmnt rise my kids. hmmp. thay make anogh moni on the preses ath Tresury. Down wit child suppt.

Be a patrot an vote JPC, Sr. :patriot:

God, it's really hard to type with mistakes! Thought it would come naturally. :killingme
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JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

harleygirl said:
Alright, I have some questions..........I see you have your GED, do you have any other education besides that? (And no, your self-educating does not count).

Yes, of course self education counts. It is really time for you too and others to start self educating one self and get rid of the codependent mind set that others must teach and tell us how to think and feel.

HarleyGirl said:
What jobs have you held down that you feel qualifies you to be the best candidate?

I believe that my qualifications come from my platform and my principles. It seems to me that far to many people let their job do the thinking for them and not the other way around. A construction worker might not look like his job gives them experience to be a leader but if the construction worker is wise enough to SEE that the Base expantion is detrimental to our home then that is far smarter and far more qualified then a brass diploma from the big University. The platform talks louder then any experience.

HarleyGirl said:
I see you are disabled due to Dupuytren's contracture. The major reason for this disorder is due to excessive drinking.

Many Doctor's disagree that the contractures come from drinking. I did use to drink but I stopped virtually dry about 18 years ago when I was about 31 years old. I did not mark the exact date and on New Years I had one glass of champaign. My Dupuytren's Contractures came from a job injury when my small finger on my left hand got caught in a truck railing and crushed the part of the finger. Then the contractures siezed the left and the right hand with contractures in both. One of my Doctors said that the body will be hurt on any one side and it will affect the opposite side in the same fashion and that appears to be why the contractures went to my right hand. I do have a link that explains all about Duyputren's Contractures at the bottom of my Biography page but I do not remember the link now as I write this.

HarleyGirl said:
Have you ever served in the military? Why do you consider the child support laws unjust?

No, never in the military. See the website for reason why child support is unjust.


Super Genius
JPC said:
One of my Doctors said that the body will be hurt on any one side and it will affect the opposite side in the same fashion and that appears to be why the contractures went to my right hand.
Was that a witch doctor?

Sounds like a psycological problem to me (if it was caused by smashing your finger).

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

RoseRed said:
You should really send your agenda to http://www.stmarystoday.com/ and see what Rossignol has to say.

:popcorn: I have had some dealings before with Rossignol and the St. Mary's Today.

St. Mary's Today was sent the same press release that went out to all major sources in this area so they know about me. :coffee:

I have a hunch that the old goat might actually like my candidacy so he is keeping the heat down low. Most campaigns only win in the last few weeks or days before an election and us in the business know that. :howdy:

If you want to go ahead and press the issue with St. Mary's Today yourself then do feel free to do so. I can handle whatever comes along. :hot:


JPC said:
Yes, of course self education counts. It is really time for you too and others to start self educating one self and get rid of the codependent mind set that others must teach and tell us how to think and feel.

While I fully endorse self-education (I myself am a self-taught computer programmer), I find it disturbing that you would dismiss an academic education as a co-dependent mindset.

JPC said:
I believe that my qualifications come from my platform and my principles.

You're conflating morality with competence.

I find this disturbing.

JPC said:
It seems to me that far to many people let their job do the thinking for them and not the other way around. A construction worker might not look like his job gives them experience to be a leader but if the construction worker is wise enough to SEE that the Base expantion is detrimental to our home then that is far smarter and far more qualified then a brass diploma from the big University. The platform talks louder then any experience.

How about a construction worker that thinks dead-beat dads are far more detrimental to society and the future, than a thriving industrial military complex that breathes more life into the local economy than any other single factor in the history of its inception?

JPC said:
See the website for reason why child support is unjust.

Please, oh please discuss it here.

Child support is always a good friendly topic in the forum. I think we would all benefit from a lively discussion on that subject.
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Working for the weekend
JPC said:
Yes, of course self education counts. It is really time for you too and others to start self educating one self and get rid of the codependent mind set that others must teach and tell us how to think and feel.
I believe that my qualifications come from my platform and my principles. It seems to me that far to many people let their job do the thinking for them and not the other way around. A construction worker might not look like his job gives them experience to be a leader but if the construction worker is wise enough to SEE that the Base expantion is detrimental to our home then that is far smarter and far more qualified then a brass diploma from the big University. The platform talks louder then any experience.

Many Doctor's disagree that the contractures come from drinking. I did use to drink but I stopped virtually dry about 18 years ago when I was about 31 years old. I did not mark the exact date and on New Years I had one glass of champaign. My Dupuytren's Contractures came from a job injury when my small finger on my left hand got caught in a truck railing and crushed the part of the finger. Then the contractures siezed the left and the right hand with contractures in both. One of my Doctors said that the body will be hurt on any one side and it will affect the opposite side in the same fashion and that appears to be why the contractures went to my right hand. I do have a link that explains all about Duyputren's Contractures at the bottom of my Biography page but I do not remember the link now as I write this.

No, never in the military. See the website for reason why child support is unjust.

If you are going to run for public office, these are valid questions. You seem to be very good at skirting around questions. So, you have no college education? And I do agree that self-educationing one's self is important, but it does not take the place of a certified degree, this way there is legitimate proof of an education. As far as your work experience, I feel that is a very important question. An informed voter is a intelligent one, I would never consider voting for any candidate without these basic questions answered.


I bowl overhand
JPC said:
Yes, of course self education counts. It is really time for you too and others to start self educating one self and get rid of the codependent mind set that others must teach and tell us how to think and feel.

Self education is a great idea, IF you began life as a genius, like an Einstein.. but alas, if an idiot self educates what do you get?

An idiot that thinks he's educated!


I bowl overhand
"Virtually Dry" Is that one of the steps in AA.. I'm not sober yet, I'm only at step 6.. Virtually Dry..

Or does it mean you don't drink online, only in reality??

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

harleygirl said:
If you are going to run for public office, ...

:whistle: I am a registered Democrat and I am running for Legislature District 29B.
Democrats Of St. Mary's County link here. Click "Voting" then "Election Watch 2006".

HarleyGirl said:
... So, you have no college education? And I do agree that self-educationing one's self is important, but it does not take the place of a certified degree, this way there is legitimate proof of an education.

:yay: I will point out that one of our school houses ( at Carver E.) has already caught fire and burned down and yet we still send students to classes in these out side "relocatables" and tell the teachers if they smell smoke then get the students out. Now I am not college educated but I can figure out that we must stop bringing in more people / more students and we must make the schools safe again, BUT - BUT - BUT, all those college educated ones like Hoyer and McKay and Bohanan and more are still bringing in more big business and more people and expanding the Base and yet their college degrees do not tell them that one school house has already burned and we got lucky so stop bringing in more of the problem. Plus we recently had a disease outbreak at the County Detention Center and the overcrowding there made so it could have been worse then it was. We got lucky again. The same is true all over the area. It is those educated with greed that make so their educations are putting us all in real dangers.

HarleyGirl said:
As far as your work experience, I feel that is a very important question. An informed voter is a intelligent one, I would never consider voting for any candidate without these basic questions answered.

:flowers: It is not being wise to value work experience over the candidate's platform. Plus I did give answers to the questions you posted - self education does count big time, and a construction worker can be wiser then a college educated person. Those are my beliefs. :howdy: