Esperanza Middle school Stabbing?


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Surely you jest - with THIS crowd??? They'll pick at you for an obvious typo, when it's clear you simply hit the wrong key and didn't truly misspell something. And then the forum tards who nobody can stand want to pile on because they're just thrilled to not be the target for a change.

Get with the program.
Thats not entirely true. I never jumped on nitwhit. I'm only jumping on this bia cuz shes an ass hole and wanted to be all up in my business the other day, like shes somebody important. I just think its funny :lmao:


I think that since forgotten lunch money is such an excellent opportunity to teach a life lesson on responsibility they should give the kid an empty tray and a fork, let him cruise the tables for hand outs; "you gonna eat those lima beans?". Then he can learn all about charity too. Maybe just to drive the point hom a sign around his neck "I am a dirtbag, I can't remember my lunch money" and make the parent wear a scarlet "L" on their forehead for a week.

School lunch is serious business.


My Sweetest Boy
mehlert74 said:
why do people feel the need to fight on here...this is not what it's supposed to be about..we are all supposed to be adults here and it sure seems far from that

Got me...seems that's all the forums are about anymore.


New Member
mehlert74 said:
why do people feel the need to fight on here...this is not what it's supposed to be about..we are all supposed to be adults here and it sure seems far from that
OMG STFU. You came on here acting like an ass your first day. I guess you figure if you come in here all high and mighty and pick on Azzy, everyone will be nice to you and think you're the chit. You were the one acting like a 2 year old (typing like one too) just a few days ago. Swallow it and move the hell on :yay:
Azzy said:
OMG STFU. You came on here acting like an ass your first day. I guess you figure if you come in here all high and mighty and pick on Azzy, everyone will be nice to you and think you're the chit. You were the one acting like a 2 year old (typing like one too) just a few days ago. Swallow it and move the hell on :yay:

Pete said:
I think that since forgotten lunch money is such an excellent opportunity to teach a life lesson on responsibility they should give the kid an empty tray and a fork, let him cruise the tables for hand outs; "you gonna eat those lima beans?". Then he can learn all about charity too. Maybe just to drive the point hom a sign around his neck "I am a dirtbag, I can't remember my lunch money" and make the parent wear a scarlet "L" on their forehead for a week.

School lunch is serious business.
Now you are being silly.
Pete said:
This thread jumped the shark long before that post. When in Rome :shrug:
Do you really have a problem with the suggestion that the kid monitor his/her account as well as the parent monitoring the balance in the account thus making it a team effort to never be in a position to have to go without lunch? The other nonsense aside, I was trying to stay on topic and offer up what has worked for me and my kids.
kwillia said:
Do you really have a problem with the suggestion that the kid monitor his/her account as well as the parent monitoring the balance in the account thus making it a team effort to never be in a position to have to go without lunch? The other nonsense aside, I was trying to stay on topic and offer up what has worked for me and my kids.

and i appreciated your offers and i have done that.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
mehlert74 said:
and i appreciated your offers and i have done that.
If you remember before he has lunch, you can also bring him lunch or $. I remember having to leave work once or twice to run $ or lunch over, but it seems like you have the lunch issue resolved.
BS Gal said:
If you remember before he has lunch, you can also bring him lunch or $. I remember having to leave work once or twice to run $ or lunch over, but it seems like you have the lunch issue resolved.

Yes, i do have it resolved...which seems to be the part a lot are forgetting to read. didn't know people could be that cruel over something...what was i thinking?


mehlert74 said:
Yes, i do have it resolved...which seems to be the part a lot are forgetting to read. didn't know people could be that cruel over something...what was i thinking?

i think it wasn't that you forgot I think it was that you were so quick to jump onto the school board for something that was your mistake. It's not as big of a deal as others seem to be making it but on the other hand you coulda let this go 3 pages ago with a simple...It's taken care of now ; so no biggy. :shrug:


New Member
Pete said:
I think that since forgotten lunch money is such an excellent opportunity to teach a life lesson on responsibility they should give the kid an empty tray and a fork, let him cruise the tables for hand outs; "you gonna eat those lima beans?". Then he can learn all about charity too. Maybe just to drive the point hom a sign around his neck "I am a dirtbag, I can't remember my lunch money" and make the parent wear a scarlet "L" on their forehead for a week.

School lunch is serious business.

You know what is serious business, if a school policy is offensive to you, you need to address it. If you want the school to feed your child, money or not, then you need to seek to change that policy. If the OP thinks that the school needs to change, then she needs to stand up and fight for it. "Let no Middle schooler be without lunch". Assuming that she might forget in the future, she needs to insure that her child will be feed. She should not leave the school office until she has an answer that is satisfactory.


kwillia said:
Yeah, but it seems my offers have angered the Pete.
Not yours in particular but the raging biatch gangbang pile and condescension festival that seems epidemic here the nanosecond someone makes a admission of a perceived failing no matter how minuscule it may be.

A person, totally unknown says in passing they were mad their kid went hungry because they forgot lunch money and within an hour they are lectured endlessly (even by people with no kids/school age kids) about "parental responsibility", said to be uneducated, on welfare, an a-hole, and a deadbeat.

The cherry on top is how people who's ability to pour pizz out of a boot if the instructions are printed on the heel is highly suspect, want to point to a typo, dangling participle or a misplaced modifier as vindication.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I just finished page 3. Does the thread continue its course as it has started? Or is there a page I can jump to that livens it up a bit?